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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft to push GTAIV with multi-million commercial campaign

If I buy this, then its going to be my first GTA game that Ive ever bought lol.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

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""3) Have you ever seen millions of dollars used to market console DLC? Something called GTAIV will change that.""

==> from surfer girl website
they dont say anything about Xbox360 or PS3
And considering the lakc of advertissement we have so far in France concerning the PS3 (compared to Xbox360/Wii) I doubt Sony will wait in the corner ...

But this is the turning point of 2008 concerning the HD console for sure ...

Time to Work !

I said it before and I'll say it again. Since the 360 is the only console currently open to piracy, it will affect sales too much. 360 will most likely win in the US and the PS3 will get Japan, Europen and others.

Piracy and the upcoming possible recession in the US will be the key factors to sales figures on both consoles.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


oh, u can hack the Xbox360 ?
didn't know this before ...

Time to Work !

libellule said:

""3) Have you ever seen millions of dollars used to market console DLC? Something called GTAIV will change that.""

==> from surfer girl website
they dont say anything about Xbox360 or PS3
And considering the lakc of advertissement we have so far in France concerning the PS3 (compared to Xbox360/Wii) I doubt Sony will wait in the corner ...

But this is the turning point of 2008 concerning the HD console for sure ...

I just consider it another milestone, just like when MGS4 comes around, that will be the next milestone.

We're just driving down the road of video game history.

Each big game will be a turning point,  I wonder what Sony will do to counter this though...

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

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GTA4 >>>>>>>>>>> MGS4

When Sony lost the exclusivity of the games, when they lost the exclusive content too, THEN the Xbox60 starts to potentially finish 2nd in this generation.

before this, the Xbox360 had no chance to finish 2nd in the long run

Sony really need to match the future price drop of the Xbox360 : it will be very hard for them
If they succeed to not lose too many ground in this fight in NA, then ALL is possible

Maybe the BR victory will hep a little ...
I also hope that Ninty will boost the Wii's stock to counter the Xbox360 arcade better than previously in NA.

Time to Work !

I would just like to say that the VP of R* said that the DVD and the lack of a HDD are on the 360 are limiting what they had intended for the game. Plus the PS3 has a much better view distance in many games, so i doubt the 360 version will be better, oblivion, burnout and CoD4 are all examples of this. I have also noticed on many 360 games that it takes a couple of seconds for the textures to load, while the Ps3 has never suffered from this.


Yes and NO
yes Burnout Paradise looks better on Xbox360 on PS3
yes CoD4 too

but remember we have NEVER seen anything about the PS3 version of the game
also remember that 6 months ago, R* said that the PS3 vesion was delayed byy 2 weeks (!!!!)

NOW, we have to wait some weeks to see some in game from the PS3 version (promised by R*)
If I were you, I would be a bit worry about the potential problem on the PS3 version ... I'm hopping I m wrong

Time to Work !

I hope GTA IV will do well for both systems, with regard to which version will sell better I think the PS3 has a higher percentage of GTA fans, but the 360 has a larger installbase and this is IMO really by far the 360's most important game for this year. So IMO it could be about equal.

More so than driving 360 vs PS3 sales, I think it will be important with regard to driving high definition gaming (360+PS3) against Wii/PS2 sales, at least an important reason for many PS2 gamers to upgrade.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

halil23 said:
smbu2000 said:
halil23 said:
misteromar mk4 said:
I say M$ will also be getting the superoir GTA4 version in terms of graphics, frame rate etc.

Oh realy!!! Is that why GTA4 size been strung and slower loading due to xbox hardware limitations. And how would you know if graphics and frame rate is better. Please!!! either to show prove or shut the hell up!

And where is the proof for your claims due to xbox hardware limitations??? All the rumors about the delay were about the devs having problems with the PS3 version with the 360 ver. pretty much completed...

 So you didn't know anything about what I just mention, pretty much everyone knew about it except you. And you want prove. I don't know where you have been but you seem lost. So I'm not going to bother talking to a clueless guy like you.....sigh!

Well alot of games the ps3 gets the shit end of the stick. Also when the devs show the 360 version all the time, its not a good sign for the ps3.

I think that R* may wish they didnt have to bother getting the game running on ps3 hardware and just get the M$

exclusive cash. Would be hell of alot easier and cheaper for them.