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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA Calls Fox Out on Insulting Mass Effect Inaccuracies

This entire "debate" is so unbelievably asinine. An R-rated movie can feature rape, explicit sex, and full-frontal nudity. A game with the equivalent rating is forbidden content allowed on prime-time television. The only reason anyone has anything to say against this is because it's a video game, and they somehow lack the ability to imagine that games might be targeted at someone besides children.

The average age of gamers is closing in on 35, and over 80% of game buyers are over 18. I know it can be hard to change your opinion when you're an ignorant douchebag, but children haven't been the primary video game market since about 1980. Seriously, guys -- 30 years behind?

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Ah, thats awesome! yep, something EA said was actually awesome!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


EA isn't my favorite company but I'm happy that they straight things out and tell everything they think. You know about what he said about TV shows airing at prime time and such, very true. There are many, even movies that are aired that have much more details than the game, and of course isn't just a 2 min scene.

+1 respect point For EA.

Wow. I can finally give a big thumbs up to EA for once. Good on you guys.

Excuse my language but i wanted to punch that condescending bitch when she said "i have to look at statistics" and when the guy asked if she played it and her response was a "(god no chuckle) of course not"

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Also when she said it was demeaning towards women. I was grinding my teeth.

I don't care much for the game haven't plkayed it. I'm not mad that she was talking bad about the game. I was pissed that there are people out there that are that freaking moronic.

- just like the people who say RE5 is racist. I wish I could punch them all in the face.

twesterm said:
Those Amazon comments are golden.

OMG - 412 (and counting) 1 star reviews for her book!!  Love it!!  Maybe when her book tanks, she'll consider actually making an informed opinion before shooting off her mouth.


I reviewed it and gave it one star... Basically said she obviously doesnt do any research..

In some circles, it seems like people are assuming that this is an irregularity for Fox News. Fox News will tell you what they need to tell you so you draw the conclusion they want you to draw. They'll bring "experts" on who they know will give you "facts" that aren't accurate.

It's their standard MO, and telling them to correct it is just silliness. Take 'em to court.

The "see the most helpful reviews" link is pretty entertaining.

The most helpful favorable review (8 of 357 people found the following review helpful):

The most helpful critical review (1,229 of 1,241 people found the following review helpful):