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Forums - General Discussion - Scientology's going down, Anonymous will take care of it.

I only watched the first link and realized once more what a ridiculously awful TV station FOX really is. It's disgusting.

"... like an Internet Hate Machine" (Caption comes flying: "Internet Hate Machine")
Random woman: "I believe they're domestic terrorists."
(incoherent scene of a car bomb exploding: "demonstration")
"Anonymous hacked his site and plastered it with GAY SEX PICTURES!!! His girlfriend left him."

I'd have to be brain dead to watch this.

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All you need to know about Scientology is that they're a nasty little religion that requires you to pay money for "enlightnment", doesn't allow members to leave, and actually believes this shit. Luckily several European countries have decided to outlaw them.

I frequent the site that started this whole Anonymous thing (as well as lol cats, Rickroll, and all the other cool stuff on the internets), but their "wars" on this and that are generally pretty pathetic. I suppose it's nice of them to flail their stubby little arms at something actually worth flailing at, rather than just closing pools on Habbo. =/

@rukusa that sucks;..I hope for you that their are no politicians elected who are a member of that cult =/.

Parokki said:
All you need to know about Scientology is that they're a nasty little religion that requires you to pay money for "enlightnment", doesn't allow members to leave, and actually believes this shit. Luckily several European countries have decided to outlaw them.

I frequent the site that started this whole Anonymous thing (as well as lol cats, Rickroll, and all the other cool stuff on the internets), but their "wars" on this and that are generally pretty pathetic. I suppose it's nice of them to flail their stubby little arms at something actually worth flailing at, rather than just closing pools on Habbo. =/

I don't get it. Why do so many people here think banning any religion that involves consenting adults is a good thing?

No matter how slimy Scientology is, as far as I know they do not target children (probably because they don't have any money but that's another topic), and IMO, they have a right to exist as an organization.

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Well, Im not worried about it, especially considering that alot of people ignore them. Its not like Denmark isn't aware of the reputation that Scientology holds.

But it still bothers me that they (ab-)use the regulations and law of Danmark to forward their agenda and plant themselves here.

I walk by the danish scientology church regularly, from what I know they carrie the belief that some day L. Ron Hubbard will return in a physical form, so they have his friggin office on display, ready for him to continue his work. When he will supposedly return, reincarnated or whatever.

The office is put out there like you would be going to a damn museum, for all people to see. It resembles something I would associate with a author's workplace; antique furintures and lots of stacked books on shelves. Looks like its been completely desterilized aswell lol.

Its seriously freaky.

I have a funny story though how a couple of my friends were totally yanking a few scientologist's chain. Although I missed out the fun, which kinda sucked cause it was amusing.

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I took a picture of their London headquarters and they didn't like it. Someone came out almost immediately and asked what I was doing. I was a 'tourist' on public property taking a picture then walked away from him. Creepy man.

I am generally an anti-religion person. But if one religion was banned than all others should be also. Thus Im against banning any religion, including scjentology. If memberes of this community commit illegal acts, than those acts should be dealed with adequate police/security actions.

You may say that Scjentology is stupid but most of the religions are.

rocketpig said:

I don't get it. Why do so many people here think banning any religion that involves consenting adults is a good thing?

No matter how slimy Scientology is, as far as I know they do not target children (probably because they don't have any money but that's another topic), and IMO, they have a right to exist as an organization.

They're not banned / in danger of being banned for being stupid, but for scamming and blackmailing their members. There are numerous reports and lawsuits against them, and that's why for example in Germany the "Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution" is watching their actions. That's all. No discrimination.


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... and of course Zelda (Wii) 
tombi123 said:
It should be illegal in every country.

Should it? Well, then shouldnt other religions? Some religions make people kill other people, incite violence and hatred towards other races and those who do not believe in the same faith... shouldnt we do something about that also?

 If something is called a religion its basically given immunity... they can generally do what the hell they like.


Off topic. Stupid Fox... "They're domestic terrorists" *shows a van blowing up with the word Demonstration in the corner* That's the type of lame news techniques The Simpsons would use as a joke.

Anyways, back to the video; comments to follow soon.

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Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.