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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official North American Retail Musing Thread

I have found a strange guilty pleasure in bantering with the gamestop greasy haired nerds at my local gamestop. (no offence) but talking about some life threatening tramtic event or a best day of my life event (an in game one) is always good for a chuckle.  But they can get heated, when i mentioned my love for my Wii there was an instant argument waiting to happen......sigh.  Usually they like to discuss their WoW tactics or how they are anxious and planning gaming parties for the new Conan game.. I feel like i am back at college studying sub cultures and researching for my essays.  Oh well, i must say I love games and play too much, though i don't live in them.  This is apparent when I bought COD 4 for the single player first then multi.  i was sadly dissapointed with 4 hours of gameplay on the hardest difficulty, and absurd ounline matches.  Though the cussing and arguing is good for a laugh.  I tand to shy away from walmart as it were because I cant help but feel like they are an evil empire needing a rebel ship to destroy them, no health care and forcing part time hours jerks.  anyway I hope this encourages others to examine the strange breed of guitar hero WoW closet anti shower people who dwell behind the counter at the local game stop. 


Around the Network

Plenty of all 3 consoles (yes that includes wii) in Cardiff (the uk for all the yanks) at christmas though there were absolutely no wii's and minor shortages of the other two.

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

London here (even though from title I thought this US only but I don't want to be left out)

Stock of all three to be found. 360 / Wii still dominant position in many Game / HMV etc stores but PS3 space increasingly rapidly in line with recent sales success of the console and in some stores its being given more room than 360 (retail space allocation is a very good way of seeing where the retailers are expecting sales to come from).  A lot of Wii space grew massively but has been shrinking as the realisation of shovelware vs big sellers ratio has started to become apparent.

BR getting strong push with prominant big title movies next to PS3 section and on display as you enter DVD section.

PC sections slowly shrinking a little to accomodate the other three and looking a little 'shabbier' compared to the console sections.

Lot's of GTA IV for both 360/PS3 at enterance (pre-order posters, etc) so from what I see in London (UK) neither console is going to get a big marketing advantage in terms of in-store displays or priorization of one console over the other.

Oh, and bought UT3 for PS3 on a whim (actually liking it probably because I skipped UT2003/2004 so it looks like big jump since UT) and Patapon for PSP (great title, but my kids have nabbed it so I'm going to have to pry it back to get a go myself!)

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Michingan (USA)

Wii still sold out everywhere, and I am still on patrol for less informed to help them get a console.

Plenty of PS3s availlable.

Xbox coming back in stock most places. Arcade was never sold out around here but pro version was tough for a while. I still see Halo versions kicking around.

What amazes me is how badly stocked software is, especially for the Wii. Popular titles like carnival games are still soldout in over half the stores I check. Finally seeing Wii Guitar Hero in a few stores.

COD4, I usually see either stacks or none. I am guessing it is flying off the shelves.

They could finish that wall with Mexico will all the surplus PS2 Rockband packs I see.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt

In Fresno CA where I live XBOX is Popular WII is wanted and only movie watchers buy PS3 in the stores I have found a used wii recently and Xboxes and PS3s the problem is lack of demand for wii software lack of demand for Xbox hardware and the PS3 is just screwed by Sony.

Love is whats most important.


Around the Network

Locally (NZ) everything seems to be in stock. Except DS in most locations isn't sold at all.

solojohlo said:
Plenty of all 3 consoles (yes that includes wii) in Cardiff (the uk for all the yanks) at christmas though there were absolutely no wii's and minor shortages of the other two.

 Cardiff...   oooo, Torchwood!

 Ever watch that show?  It's based in Cardiff.  They mention it all the time!


Bought Wii Fit from Big W yesterday in Australia.

As I was leaving the store, its customary to show the receipt when you leave to the lady at the front.

As I showed her the receipt, her comment was - "These have been very popular today"

Lo and behold, as I walk around the mall, I saw 5 different "couples" with Wii Fit.

This is the second week of Wii Fit in Australia, so sales seem to be holding up. In the paper today, it listed sales of Wii Fit at 39000 in Australia - that would put it at 10% sell though first week. I imagine it would end up at 33% by the end of it's run.

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In Charleston, SC there seem to always be a good supply of Xbox 360 and PS3 although the 360s fluctuate more and the PS3s just seem to sit there. I've only seen an actual Wii in the wild, twice since launch. Oddly one time there were three sitting in a BestBuy and the manager seemed unaware that there was a shortage but the store had just opened and maybe wasn't on the Wii hunters’ radar yet.

 Game supply doesn't seem to be a major problem anywhere. 

FishyJoe said:
My local Best Buy still has an enormous pile of 60 40gb PS3s on the floor. 360s are tucked under shelves in the normal locations. No Wii's of course.

Is it just me or has anyone else observed that BestBuy and to a lesser extent Circuit City seem to have a deliberate policy of display size and location in the following hierarchy: 1st PS, 2nd XBox and the third tier of Wii, DS, and PSP all jammed together and as inconspicuous as possible. The PS gets the whole front row even though they have to use empty boxes and display material to fill it. By the time you get to the Wii's 1/2 isle things are piled on top of each other and the games are crammed with several in a slot, (because it shares the space with PSP), forcing you to go through each to see if a game is even there.


Since this display is the inverse of sales volume but in line with profit margins it looks like BestBuy is willing to completely screw the customer in hopes of squeezing out a few more dollars.