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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 UP YOY in USA with NO big exclusives. What gives?


Why was the PS3 up YOY in USA during BF week?

Great bundle deals and discounts 198 45.41%
New exclusive games (All ... 21 4.82%
More PS3 advertising 15 3.44%
A combination of multiple factors 136 31.19%
Other 16 3.67%
See results 48 11.01%

Obviously because of Wonderbook.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

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b/c ppl are finally starting to realize that MS is not giving them anything worth there time. look at this for the last 3 years its been the same old shit. just halo gears and forza and kinect titles and nothing else. Where as sony has been releasing tons of exclusives in the last few years and created some new IP's along the way to keep there system interesting and relevant. i thought about this way MS only priority is on that FPS and casual crowd if ur not in that crowd, then your SOL. and in the past few years MS has done a terrific job of alienating me altogther so no it dosent suprise me that sony sold more PS3's year not at all.




reaver_x said:
b/c ppl are finally starting to realize that MS is not giving them anything worth there time. look at this for the last 3 years its been the same old shit. just halo gears and forza and kinect titles and nothing else. Where as sony has been releasing tons of exclusives in the last few years and created some new IP's along the way to keep there system interesting and relevant. i thought about this way MS only priority is on that FPS and casual crowd if ur not in that crowd, then your SOL. and in the past few years MS has done a terrific job of alienating me altogther so no it dosent suprise me that sony sold more PS3's year not at all.

It hasn't. OP is talking about USA and Black Friday week only...

If we're talking about the whole year, both consoles are down.

So, does this mean exclusives don't matter, specially later in the generation?

Euphoria14 said:
By the way, nobody report him. He admitted right off the bat that he was drinking and for you to take what he says with a grain of salt.

He will be fun when he is sober and gets to answer your questions.

The comments Kowen always makes about Sony and Playstation, it makes me wonder if he is always been drinking before posting in Playstation related threads.

On topic:

Pretty good for PS3. It should regain its lost territory as a preparation for next Playstation.

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You know the results would be totally different if you added GT5 in the poll

reaver_x said:
b/c ppl are finally starting to realize that MS is not giving them anything worth there time. look at this for the last 3 years its been the same old shit. just halo gears and forza and kinect titles and nothing else. Where as sony has been releasing tons of exclusives in the last few years and created some new IP's along the way to keep there system interesting and relevant. i thought about this way MS only priority is on that FPS and casual crowd if ur not in that crowd, then your SOL. and in the past few years MS has done a terrific job of alienating me altogther so no it dosent suprise me that sony sold more PS3's year not at all.

Shame you might get banned :/

Well, it did have some great bundles.

Also, I think it's worth pointing out that the PS3 is responsible for 44.6% of all console sales this year (before the Wii U was launched). It's had a tough year but still a much better year than the 360 or wii.

reaver_x said:
b/c ppl are finally starting to realize that MS is not giving them anything worth there time. look at this for the last 3 years its been the same old shit. just halo gears and forza and kinect titles and nothing else. Where as sony has been releasing tons of exclusives in the last few years and created some new IP's along the way to keep there system interesting and relevant. i thought about this way MS only priority is on that FPS and casual crowd if ur not in that crowd, then your SOL. and in the past few years MS has done a terrific job of alienating me altogther so no it dosent suprise me that sony sold more PS3's year not at all.

Would you be surprised that it hasn't?  Yeah because it hasn't which is why this post is funny lol 


reaver_x said:
b/c ppl are finally starting to realize that MS is not giving them anything worth there time.

Excuse me? I've enjoyed Halo 4 and Forza Horizon far more than anything I've played on PS3 this year.