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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

ninetailschris said:
I'm not going to repeat myself after hinting why 4 times now.
Reason has been jusfied based on multiple factors which lead to the conclusion.
My hints said exactly why ,go read it ,if not don't blame me.

Quoting 9TC for attention.

Please tell what you've "confirmed" before you get lynched.

I'm also leaning towards putting my vote back on 9TC. I thought I would give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm sick of day1 now.

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mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:

If these are your reasons I shouldn't have bothered trying to get then out of you.

1) which question? And you evaded giving any evidence apart from this all game. Hypocrite. Besides if you wanted me to answer a question you should have asked me again. Clearly it isn't that important.

2) 3+3 theory is exactly that. A theory. We've had two scum teams in a smaller game then this. Why don't you like that idea Mantle? Second team perhaps? 

In regards to the Zero point, again, what's bad about it? It is very probable that one was not town. And even then, I said it wasn't an incredible lead, just better then the flavour hunters. Perhaps you didn't read it right, maybe you just didn't want to. 

I have no idea what you are referring to in the next part. Link me to the post. 

Orof quoted the exact ones tht made me suspcious? Well then, try explaining which ones and why. Just saying all of them collectively had a couple f scummy tells is not evidence. It's flannel. 

So basically, your two major reasons are either not explained or just bizarre that you don't understand them. 

1) Not hypocrite. And I will explain very well why, since you seem to not understand. You see, I clearly asked you for something that you didn't answer. Whereas I answered that I will withheld my reasoning. You said NOTHING. In fact, you proceeded to answer this post after other posts after this one, which is basically neglecting again. The reason I didn't ask again was it was sufficient for me that you didn't answer.

Asking again would have resulted in you answering after a lot of thought, when the main reason you didn't answer it was to let it out of the discussion.

2) A theory that is weird, highly improbable, and if actually true, points at you being 100% scum. Because scum usually tend to make weird theories, it is my reasoning that you are scum by virtue of this reasoning that you MADE UP to support your statement about zero - that it was reasonable to expect some scum to be on his "lynch train".

Do you know you made the same slip last time we had two scum teams? Yeah; it is a weird theory to make up out of nowhere simply to support another weird statement, as if this is how mafia games normally tend to be.

There is not much more explanation than this for my reasons. As far as others are concerned, about happyD I believe ABC posted links that showed as such.

You are really not making any case here Mantle. I've picked you up for not giving me any specific posts or quotes. You still haven't given me any. It's almost as if you are deliberately trolling. 

1) I'm still waiting on the question. I've said I dont know which one you are talking about, you won't tell me what you are refering to, and yet you use this as a reason? I'm sorry, but you can't have it both ways. Either tell me the question, or don't. If you don't then it clearly isn't anything important and so why are you still brining this up? 

2) Why? I have played one semi-large game. Guess what- there was a third scum party. From my reference point it's not exactly a wierd theory. Apparently FF, who is the most experienced player still playing, says it's not an outlandish theory. 

You are still denying that it is not unreasonable to expect a scum to be voting Zero. Even if you strip the game completely bare of everything, and just randomly generate players that vote others, Zero would likely have a vote. It is basic math. - But this is not just a bare stripped game. In a real game with real players, scum vote players who are being voted. Which makes it EVEN MORE likely that Zero had someone voting him that wasn't town. You come across as an intelligent person Mantle, you cannot tell me you do not undersand this point and expect me to take it seriously. 

Finally, as this is not a "weird theory" but an actual logical point to make, there is clearly no slip. You are also neglecting to mention that the 3+3 was just one of a couple of possible scenarios. I also mentioned a 4+1. The only one I ruled out was a 6 strong mafia team on the basis that I thought it would be too OP for scum, but EVEN THEN, I said a more experienced player feel free to disagree with me on THAT INDIVIDUAL circumstance. 

When the main reason you didn't bring it up was to to let it out of the discussion. 

^Right. Because that makes sense. You say this  while I am pushing you to give evidence. If i wanted to let this out of discussion why would i continue to do this? 

I'm pushing you because you are making horrifically poor and (whilst you refuse to give hard quotes) baseless accusations. You were picked up on it, and yet continue to do so. I want town to notice this. 

Tl;dr - Mantle continually declines to give hard evidence to his accusations. Ignores blatent logic, and labels it as weird. 

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Final-Fan said:
Why are you so sure it's that improbable mantle? Haven't many of the larger games on VGC had multiple factions of more than one anti-town?

Quoted for reference to previous post. 


^Thats what I mean Mantle. Something I have yet to see you do.

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mantlepiecek said:
Final-Fan said:
Why are you so sure it's that improbable mantle? Haven't many of the larger games on VGC had multiple factions of more than one anti-town?

I have played 2, neither of them had 2 anti-town if you exclude serial killers. If you include serial killers, once again, my point would stand since it isn't a 3+3 scum faction.

It is usually rare for there to be two scum factions. Unless you take in the serial killer group. Which would then not support his argument.

I made that argument before Stefl was killed. From the information known to town at that time. 

A non-town SK would stand against my argument. A town SK would not go against it because they were based on pro-town, anti-town. 

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TruckOSaurus said:
DarkThanatos said:

2) 3+3 theory is exactly that. A theory. We've had two scum teams in a smaller game then this. Why don't you like that idea Mantle? Second team perhaps? 

Possible slip here. Are you on the first team?

No, my point was that a second team scum wouldn't want people considering a second team, because that throws in a whole new level. If they are second team they can push for first team's lynch fully and make themselves look town. That wont work if there are two scum factions.

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Yoshiya said:
Oh, and don't think I am not looking at you still DT, I just don't keeping my vote on you is going to achieve anything today as people don't seem to think you behaviour is scummy and that is why my vote is on you.

I wouldn't dream of it :P Knowing you, you seem to always think I'm scummy everygame I play. I trust you will be continuing to do so til one of our untimely deaths or the game ends. 

Try not to be biased because of IRL jealousy ;) 


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Yoshiya said:
ninetailschris said:
What does everyone think of Mantle in the game do you believe he town or mafia?

Just asking not saying about him.

I think he is town. His arguments with Prof seemed like two townies arguing to me and the fact that he has pushed DT to seem worried suggests to me that he is actually scumhunting.

DT is not worried- he is picking Mantle up on his baseless accusations and lack of evidence for posts. That they are against me is not really the point of the exercise. Its more to show to other town Mantle's growing scumminess by refraining to give evidence.  

mantlepiecek said:
Something about tabaha, that mario pointed out.

He asked nacho why he didn't include himself in his lists - that was what made me suspicious of tabaha. I couldn't imagine how tabaha expected Nacho to include himself- tabaha has also went lengths to try and discredit Nacho's lists, which DT considered reasonable too.

More BS. I was the one telling people not to take Nacho's lists as him being town. If you actually quoted evidence for anything you would know that. 

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Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:

I'm not scared of it- notice I haven't told him to unvote me, or counter voted him. I was pressuring him for evidence as he has declined to give any about anyone nea enough. That's a valid technique, because scum will call someone else scum with little evidence in the hope other join in. 

But yes, even so I really do think several town are that gullible. Then when several people vote for someone less gullible players join in because they are tired of day one. Look at hatmoZa with his fuck it lets lynch the new guy. We have a lot of noobs this game, and just look how many votes Cjris got based on literally nothing. 

On the contrary I think Mantle has shown an error here. Prof picked up on it, as have I. Perhaps you need to re-read the interaction between mantle and prof as well. They were mainly discussing me anyway. 

You don't need to explictly tell someone to unvote you to appear worried. Hell, in many cases the worried people don't say that as it will make them appeared even more worried. Also, in my experience mafia seem to be less likely to push someone hard without evidence, it makes it easier to see holes in their arguments and thus people will be more likely to vote them for it.

Your reasonings behind town being that gullible are weak as well. Thus far the most votes anyone has got has been around 4 or 5 and in those cases one of "noobs" questioned his vote as soon as Hat followed him. You should only be worried about being voted by gullible people if there is actually some evidence to suggest that you are guilty which according to you there isn't yet, suggesting you are worried something will come up down the line.

I would just like to point out, that I was totally right :P. Players are now going back to the 9TC lynch without anything more coming to light imo. 

Therefore, people have voted without "anything else coming up down the line" 

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Yoshiya said:
DT, I'd like to know who you think is town and who is mafia.

I dont have a massive feel on everyone, and rather then posting every single player I'll just do those that have stood out to me. 


FF - picking up on many people. Active scum-hunting after he joined game. 

Tabaha - complete change from previous scum self. Making a few valid points, and looking like trying to scumhunt.


Hat - not as strong as it was, but he was happy to lynch Miz and has now switched to 9TC. 

Mantle- accusations have no hard evidence. Denies basic logic a player of his experience should get. Hypocritical posting. 

ABC - weakest scum vibe. Mainly because of his focus on characters. Started off posting a lot about that, when people finally caught on to its lack of use, he kind of dropped off the radar in terms of actually posting that much. Might just be that his posts haven't caught my eye.

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spurgeonryan said:
Let's do a time limit and push stefl. I have a feeling. If I'm wrong then lynch me 2marrow.

quoting this for fun. shall we lynch you today spurge?