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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:
mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:
mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:

@Bolded. How is it not? It's not a difficult bit of logic to follow.... 

@ Italic You have made all these statements about my scumminess, but as yet I don't think I've seen a single one. Even when you say "this post is not reasonable" you have not said why. I genuinely don't mind if you think I'm scum and have reasons, but you simply haven't given any. Which is a different situation because now you are putting pressure on without evidence, and so depriving town of the chance to make up their own mind. 

FoS Mantle

Yes. Now point out where I am putting pressure on you, thereby depriving town of the chance to make up their mind. Let us keep the evidence thing aside for some moments.

Really? You want me to point it out? Jees. I guess I better undelete the massive walls of text between you and Prof which was often about me. I guess I should also mention your vote on me, your saying that most of Profs arguments for my town case to be a town actually make me more suspcious. Your Suspicion of me and refusal to explain why except "not because of MJ"... 

That wasn't even a question, it was so obvious. 

And ah yes, evidence aside. Convienent, but not unexpected. Giving you some time to think of some maybe? know that prof started it with his question, and not just me. My vote on you was done without any explanation - so no pressurizing the town without evidence there.

Whereas prof is concerned, he asked me, I answered. And I have "evidence" which is basically how you have answered back to my questions and your play this entire day.

So yes, I am not "pressurizing town without evidence".

Woop, another slip by you there mantle. I said originally you were pressuring me without evidence. You even repeated that back to me explicitly stating "putting pressure on you". Low and behold, you switch it around to "putting pressure on town". You've even said in the post you voted me without. Evidence- and what is denying town the chance to make up their mind if you don't give them reasons. All you have done there is Hiles up the suspicion on me (a side effect of being voted) without giving town any evidence to counter-agree on. 

How the hell was I pressuring you by replying to prof? So I took it you meant I am pressurizing the town to vote for you. All this detrimental to the town without evidence thing that you said pointed towards that.

The latter part of your post is false. Voting someone doesn't pile suspicion on someone, and you shouldn't have any problem with it even if it did

So you don't think making many large posts about baseless accusations of someone's aligmem creates any pressure about me? Your lack of specifics or vidence means players can't fully dismis something that isn't there or make their own minds up about something. Which is dangerous for town regardless of your alignment. 

I dont have a problem with players voting me of they give a semi decent reason, or a t least attempt one. That way I can prove them rong if town, or attempt to show my intention instead. Voting someone does out audio ion on someone. That's the whole point of voting someone. What are you on about? 

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ninetailschris said:
With me changing my vote off of miz should be clue that he isn't the person.

The reason why I don't say who is who is because we may have day killer.

That leaves 5 people.

I gave a huge clue in what I said. How can you not get what I was hinting too? Have you guys not been reading up?

Can't you simply tell us who is mafia, and how you know this? I've always been rubbish at figuring out hints

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DarkThanatos said:
mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:

Woop, another slip by you there mantle. I said originally you were pressuring me without evidence. You even repeated that back to me explicitly stating "putting pressure on you". Low and behold, you switch it around to "putting pressure on town". You've even said in the post you voted me without. Evidence- and what is denying town the chance to make up their mind if you don't give them reasons. All you have done there is Hiles up the suspicion on me (a side effect of being voted) without giving town any evidence to counter-agree on. 

How the hell was I pressuring you by replying to prof? So I took it you meant I am pressurizing the town to vote for you. All this detrimental to the town without evidence thing that you said pointed towards that.

The latter part of your post is false. Voting someone doesn't pile suspicion on someone, and you shouldn't have any problem with it even if it did

So you don't think making many large posts about baseless accusations of someone's aligmem creates any pressure about me? Your lack of specifics or vidence means players can't fully dismis something that isn't there or make their own minds up about something. Which is dangerous for town regardless of your alignment. 

I dont have a problem with players voting me of they give a semi decent reason, or a t least attempt one. That way I can prove them rong if town, or attempt to show my intention instead. Voting someone does out audio ion on someone. That's the whole point of voting someone. What are you on about? 

I have already pointed out my reasoning for voting you. And no, none of them are baseless accusations.

Catching up to 250 posts. I'll have to resist the call of PSASBR until I'm up to date here!

Signature goes here!

ninetailschris said:
With me changing my vote off of miz should be clue that he isn't the person.

The reason why I don't say who is who is because we may have day killer.

That leaves 5 people.

I gave a huge clue in what I said. How can you not get what I was hinting too? Have you guys not been reading up?

you did? but I'm under the impression you talked only to him in the last 18 hours or so. Also he's the only one who seemed to talk with you


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What does everyone think of Mantle in the game do you believe he town or mafia?

Just asking not saying about him.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

DarkThanatos said:
Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:
mantlepiecek said: know that prof started it with his question, and not just me. My vote on you was done without any explanation - so no pressurizing the town without evidence there.

Whereas prof is concerned, he asked me, I answered. And I have "evidence" which is basically how you have answered back to my questions and your play this entire day.

So yes, I am not "pressurizing town without evidence".

Woop, another slip by you there mantle. I said originally you were pressuring me without evidence. You even repeated that back to me explicitly stating "putting pressure on you". Low and behold, you switch it around to "putting pressure on town". You've even said in the post you voted me without. Evidence- and what is denying town the chance to make up their mind if you don't give them reasons. All you have done there is Hiles up the suspicion on me (a side effect of being voted) without giving town any evidence to counter-agree on. 

Why are you so scared of one vote from Mantle which according to you has no evidence to back it up? Do you really believe that town is so gullible as to be swayed into voting you purely because one other player has? If it was that simple mafia would have won by now simply by putting one vote on someone and watching all the townies who are no longer in a position to make their own minds up (which is what you are saying is the case) put there votes on that player. I'm starting to consider the fact that my joke vote on you at the start was actually correctly placed after this interaction between you and Mantle.

I'm not scared of it- notice I haven't told him to unvote me, or counter voted him. I was pressuring him for evidence as he has declined to give any about anyone nea enough. That's a valid technique, because scum will call someone else scum with little evidence in the hope other join in. 

But yes, even so I really do think several town are that gullible. Then when several people vote for someone less gullible players join in because they are tired of day one. Look at hatmoZa with his fuck it lets lynch the new guy. We have a lot of noobs this game, and just look how many votes Cjris got based on literally nothing. 

On the contrary I think Mantle has shown an error here. Prof picked up on it, as have I. Perhaps you need to re-read the interaction between mantle and prof as well. They were mainly discussing me anyway. 

If you are not scared of it then why care about a vote without an explanation? Your constant pointing at "me showing an error' is another clue that you want people to try and look at my posts critically, and yet, you can't tell what it is about my post that is an error. Prof did nothing btw, except give a bunch of posts and reasoning that I don't agree with. I have countered everything he has said.

He hasn't yet done anything about it.

Anyways, I have given my evidence. OF course you are going to think it is baseless, I think you are mafia, a mafia thinking it is baseless isn't a counterargument to my evidence.

There is a lot of reasoning behind votes for Chris, the confirmed vanilla townie stefl has done so as well. Your ignorance of this, or you simply neglecting this fact is also once again, a point towards you acting like a town, but not really being town.

ninetailschris said:
What does everyone think of Mantle in the game do you believe he town or mafia?

Just asking not saying about him.

I think he is town. His arguments with Prof seemed like two townies arguing to me and the fact that he has pushed DT to seem worried suggests to me that he is actually scumhunting.

Something about tabaha, that mario pointed out.

He asked nacho why he didn't include himself in his lists - that was what made me suspicious of tabaha. I couldn't imagine how tabaha expected Nacho to include himself- tabaha has also went lengths to try and discredit Nacho's lists, which DT considered reasonable too.

DarkThanatos said:
Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:
mantlepiecek said: know that prof started it with his question, and not just me. My vote on you was done without any explanation - so no pressurizing the town without evidence there.

Whereas prof is concerned, he asked me, I answered. And I have "evidence" which is basically how you have answered back to my questions and your play this entire day.

So yes, I am not "pressurizing town without evidence".

Woop, another slip by you there mantle. I said originally you were pressuring me without evidence. You even repeated that back to me explicitly stating "putting pressure on you". Low and behold, you switch it around to "putting pressure on town". You've even said in the post you voted me without. Evidence- and what is denying town the chance to make up their mind if you don't give them reasons. All you have done there is Hiles up the suspicion on me (a side effect of being voted) without giving town any evidence to counter-agree on. 

Why are you so scared of one vote from Mantle which according to you has no evidence to back it up? Do you really believe that town is so gullible as to be swayed into voting you purely because one other player has? If it was that simple mafia would have won by now simply by putting one vote on someone and watching all the townies who are no longer in a position to make their own minds up (which is what you are saying is the case) put there votes on that player. I'm starting to consider the fact that my joke vote on you at the start was actually correctly placed after this interaction between you and Mantle.

I'm not scared of it- notice I haven't told him to unvote me, or counter voted him. I was pressuring him for evidence as he has declined to give any about anyone nea enough. That's a valid technique, because scum will call someone else scum with little evidence in the hope other join in. 

But yes, even so I really do think several town are that gullible. Then when several people vote for someone less gullible players join in because they are tired of day one. Look at hatmoZa with his fuck it lets lynch the new guy. We have a lot of noobs this game, and just look how many votes Cjris got based on literally nothing. 

On the contrary I think Mantle has shown an error here. Prof picked up on it, as have I. Perhaps you need to re-read the interaction between mantle and prof as well. They were mainly discussing me anyway. 

You don't need to explictly tell someone to unvote you to appear worried. Hell, in many cases the worried people don't say that as it will make them appeared even more worried. Also, in my experience mafia seem to be less likely to push someone hard without evidence, it makes it easier to see holes in their arguments and thus people will be more likely to vote them for it.

Your reasonings behind town being that gullible are weak as well. Thus far the most votes anyone has got has been around 4 or 5 and in those cases one of "noobs" questioned his vote as soon as Hat followed him. You should only be worried about being voted by gullible people if there is actually some evidence to suggest that you are guilty which according to you there isn't yet, suggesting you are worried something will come up down the line.