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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

radishhead said:
No way - I don't believe that there can be two Robins. If Pezus wanted to make three Batman sidekicks then he would have made one of them Alfred or something; I think this issue needs to be tackled first. One of the Robins is either lying, or some sort of alteration on the character that's significant enough to allow there to be two of them

Well, from haxton's tone he might have been the Red Hood Danne was talking about. Notice how he was reluctant to say anything at all, then said that his role didn't fit with his character.

Around the Network
miz1q2w3e said:
hatmoza said:
I sense A lot of acting from Miz. Definitely worthy of an investigation.

Stop trying to get someone suspect me. It's so transparent.

@Everyone: Notice his change of tone right after I said how I didn't like his vote for chris? What happened to the pushy rude hatmoza? Got all defensive.

FoS @hatmoza

That's exactly what I want, people to see you as the suspect I see.

A little late on the FoS aren't we? why just a finger? Why not the whole hand? Heck why not a vote? Why so cautious?

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

miz1q2w3e said:
radishhead said:
No way - I don't believe that there can be two Robins. If Pezus wanted to make three Batman sidekicks then he would have made one of them Alfred or something; I think this issue needs to be tackled first. One of the Robins is either lying, or some sort of alteration on the character that's significant enough to allow there to be two of them

Well, from haxton's tone he might have been the Red Hood Danne was talking about. Notice how he was reluctant to say anything at all, then said that his role didn't fit with his character.

hmm this is what prof would call scum drawing attention to other players without actually going after them yourself, "I'm not saying hax's is scum, but what do you guys think".

Where is prof  anyways.


Eye. On. You.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

DarkThanatos said:
tabaha said:
DarkThanatos said:
tabaha said:

Mafia would only be burning that power if it was limited use. I don't think it's safe to assume it was a limited power (if coming from mafia).

And stefl was the best option for mafia or third party if third party doesn't win with town. Unless it was someone who thought stefl wasn't town, and in my opinion it would be someone with not many experience. It's a personal opinion here because i was kinda sure about stefl being town. At least as mafia I would be afraid of saying my name and who am i sidekick for with so little info.

Did you mean Mafia would only be burning that power if it was UNlimited use? Typo or is that your actual meaning. 

I've said it before, I agree with FF and Tabaha. I think this is a non-town aligned third party. Stefl was my biggest town feel at that point.

can i explain it with a rewording? mafia would not be burning the power if they can use it unlimited or 9001 times (once a day obv)

That doesn't really explain it to me. 

I'd have thought Mafia wouldn't be using it if it was limited. Mafia could feel free to "burn through" ther power if they can use it many times. 

oh i meant burning as in depleting the power. You can't deplet an unlimited resourse (methinks)


theprof00 said:


mantlepiecek said:

Hilarious that you are calling me for being hypocritical, when I did the same to you.

As far as three team thing is considered, I don't even care about it. Scum DT wouldn't possibly know if there was a day town vig, and if the vig is scum then it is a non tell.

My original suspicion on you had nothing to do with you standing in line not talking about others. My suspicion is on your reads - your need to justify your reads only on DT and tabaha especially, and them being polar opposite to mine.

The fact that someone like you who insists that he is following DT throughout this game and thinks DT is town, is again, alarming in my eyes. Not only are you being hypocritical by being vague, you are also being hypocritical by using meta for your analysis - DT is talking meta as much as others, sure maybe he did that in defence and not offence like others but you used it to claim your read of town on DT - contradictory to your statement that radish and ABC are being too much into the meta territory.

You're so flustered you can't even read what is written.

I said you can add ME being a hypocrite to your list of poor accusations. I wasn't vague in the slightest. You asked me why I thought something and I gave you an answer. If you want a more in depth analysis of why, then ask for that.

Three team thing? I'm talking about there being three sidekicks, and DT talking about why suspicion against those players simply for being their characters was laughable, as he said in so many words.

Vig has nothing to do with DT. What I'm telling you is that scum WANT to draw attention to the meta of three sidekicks with one hero because it is always a good scum stance to lean on things what make town paranoid and question the meta of the game, EVIDENCED by the fact that one of them was killed. In no way did I link or say DT had anything to do with the meta. What I did point out was that DT, as scum, should indulge in the meta because it is advantageous for scum to do, as EVINDENCED by the fact that it made (imo) a townie kill another townie. Period.

I didn't say your suspicion had anything to do with me being in line. I said your suspicion is lacking in foundation because I said in that very post that I was too cold to look things up. I think you just wanted to point something out to show that you were contributing, but that was the wrong post to pick out. Like I said, had you commented that the reads seemed a bit flimsy, I'd be fine, and explaining them to you, but since you eagerly jumped on it by calling me scum (HAHA without explaining your reasoning, making me ask for an explanation...funny. That is exactly what you're accusing me of) I don't think you'd thought it through.

You're starting to make my brain hurt. ABC and Radish have done NOTHING but talk meta.

You're starting to sound like you're trying to force a non-existant point. DT has done way more than talk about meta.

1 He has early day 1 jokiness.

2 "What it has done is shown me which players are willing to create suspicion on people over nothing. For that reason 


FoS: Spurge

FoS: DanneSandin 

Jumping on a nontell is textbook Scum behaviour. "

Disparaging players who are talking meta, using a very real and applicable scumtell.


DarkThanatos said:
TruckOSaurus said:

How weird... you reply to my post, make your defense, cast suspicion of everyone who questionned your claim but then you leave me out of the FoS distribution, why?

I left you and Mantle out. You said my timing was wierd- I cast suspicion on people that doubted my claim in it's entirely. 

Doubting the timing is a different point entirely, and less suspicious. Although in this case still a moot point. 

A very valid argument. Trucks said 'why not me', dt answered reasonably.


DarkThanatos said:
tabaha said:
Am I the only one thinking it's being given too much importance to the sidekick's stuff? Not that it is a bad thing to do, but looks like people are trying to use it to get a lynch on others.

I have to agree with you, there is flavour hunting- and then there is doing it to the extreme when not even half the players have claimed yet. It is the definition of jumping the gun here! 

Again, very valid point. Flavor hunting does work, but the instance was one where it clearly was not appropriate.

DarkThanatos said:

This is exactly my point. Pezus said in the sign up thread he was suprised by the amount of people playing, but he wanted to get the thread underweigh fast. I think this explains why I am Mary Jane. He was thinking of names for people, and when he thought Spiderman, Mary Jane was probably the first thing that popped into his head. 

That being said- if everyone claims there name and every superhero has two sidekicks except for Captain America, then that might have something in it- on the flip side there are 21 players, so Pezus may well have decided to do 10 superheros with 2 sidekicks each, and then have one with a third to make up 21 rather then having another superhero. 

Regardless, until everyone claims i think flavour hunting is a fairly redundant exercise, and even then, scum will fakeclaim if it looks like one of their earlier claims is becoming suspicious. Instead of that, right now we should be looking at the players which jumped on the flavour hunting bandwagon on the three Captain America people and myself. That is what scum do, and they tend to do it early, to try and start a train. 

This was also something I had been pondering. So I appreciate that DT is thinking along the same lines that I am. Indeed there could be a very simple explanation for the way the characters are. The fault is in thinking that pezus did everything perfectly, which is what others have been doing. Blaming the mod is a VERY EASY way to mislynch.

DarkThanatos said:
zero129 said:
This is what i think. At least 1 of the 4 that has tried to come after me and use imo very weak reasons for doing so are scum.
I dont think your scum for the time being stefl
So that leaves me with Trunks, tabaha, and yoshia imo one of them are mafia the question for now is what one.
Imo maybe Yoshia is the one with his slips "Mafia would of been giving safe role claims" "The wouldnt be 1 town and 1 mafia in a group" Ah hallo that much is clear. "Zero is scummy for wanting to come after my group cos we have 3 in ours!" etc etc.

Statistically speaking you are probably right that one of the players after you is scum. It would seem from my earlier games, and my attempts at balancing for my one next round, that non-townies are about 1/3- 1/4 of the player population. 

As there are 4 players that have "come after you" as you so put it, one of them is probably scum. Adding to that scum players tend to put a bit of suspicion onto other players when they can you actually have a case. Not a very good one mind, but still a case. Better then any of the attempted flavour hunters do anyway.

For that reason


Vote: Yoshiya 

Out of the 4 players on Zero at the moment, your posts have seemed kind of hollow. Adding in a couple of iffy posts you are my scumspect for the moment DS. 

Again, a very reasonable post that is quite right. And I also suspect yoshiya.

DarkThanatos said:
mantlepiecek said:

From my calculations; I would expect the scum team to consist of DT, Tabaha, Hat. However I am not too sure of anyone of them except Tabaha.


I want to know exactly who else is suspicious of tabaha.

Vote : Tabaha

I wouldn't mind his lynch.

Nice to see I'm worthy of your calculations :P  

Couple of questions: 

1) Why Tabaha and Hat? I have my own reasons for one of them, but I'd like to know yours. 

2) Is your scumspicion on me because of me being MJ? 


Also- what about the other 2/3 players that are probably non-town**? Any other scumspects or are you just waiting for everyone to finally tag in?

**(Going from the 1/3-1/4 estimate I think it is likely there are 5/6 non-town. I think 7 is too many) 

Asking questions of other players for their reasoning. So, I see you tend to leave out your reasonings for scumspects more than just once.
Maybe you are the real hypocrite. He even tries to figure out why you suspect him.



I'm sorry but I could do this all day. Nothing here says scum, and everything says townie playing his town self.

I leave out my reasoning for obvious reasons, and it always works out. Look at j0 for instance in that MLP game. I left my reasoning to attack him the next day, he was scum and he was caught.

I am not asking someone why they think someone is scum or town - so I am not a hypocrite.

His post towards zero - what you call as reasonable, is just not. I don't see how that statistic is anything reasonable.

HIm trying to figure out why I suspect him - seriously? SO let me guess. J0 never tried to figure that out - nope he did. Carl never tried to figure it out in his game either, oh wait nope. He tried to do it too.

So yeah, stupid observation on your part.


As far as your beginning of the post is concerned -

You were being vague, but I normally don't care about it. You were the person who were upset that someone was vague. In fact, I am surprised you were this upset I thought you were scum.

You are using "what scum would probably do" way too much. Reminds me of Linkz in the Random Videogame Characters Round.

Attacking people who are discussing meta/flavor is also something I've seen scum do. Did you see DT metaing last game? Nope. And yet he was scum.

The people who were actually talking flavor were the likes of mario(poisoner), zero(town), yourself(lol), and maybe a couple of others. The scum team - tabaha, DT, spurge, did NOT talk meta/flavor much, if at all. SO much for your "Scum would try and talk meta" argument.

You were not the subject. There was no need for me to talk about you, your suspicions or anything. You came into suspect list because of your suspect list, and there is no reasoning required for that to happen.

You think my suspicion is lacking in foundation; yet you aren't even referencing what makes me suspicious of you. Like I said, it has got nothing to do with your lack of justification for your reads. Which is weak anyway, now that you've provided them.

Except for one part where he FOS's three people for metaing, which was at the beginning of the day, nothing screams town like you suggest, and a lot of them actually led to me to be suspicious of him.

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hatmoza said:
miz1q2w3e said:

I suspected scum for like a second, but then thought he might have been a power role or something. A scum wouldn't be that careless with his post.

To be honest, I didn't like how he doesn't post at all, and wanted to get rid of him. But then I thought I don't want to lose a possible power role.

...So that's all the answer you're giving? That he's not a bad lynch?

So you voted just for show? Like I just admitted to? I don't buy it. Why would you be so gullible that he has a power role all of a sudden?I really don't want an answer for that, just pointing out you weird behavior.

I got my eye on you. Out of all the people I suspect I'm almost certain you would flip scum. Fortunate for you, I have no evidence or convincing case against you.

Not just for show, I really wanted him gone for a while, then I re-read some stuff, thought about things, and I changed my mind. @gullable: Nothing that chris said changed my mind, more like after thinking about it some more.

I don't know why you would say that. Trying to make people suspect me maybe?

hatmoza said:
miz1q2w3e said:
hatmoza said:
I sense A lot of acting from Miz. Definitely worthy of an investigation.

Stop trying to get someone suspect me. It's so transparent.

@Everyone: Notice his change of tone right after I said how I didn't like his vote for chris? What happened to the pushy rude hatmoza? Got all defensive.

FoS @hatmoza

That's exactly what I want, people to see you as the suspect I see.

A little late on the FoS aren't we? why just a finger? Why not the whole hand? Heck why not a vote? Why so cautious?

returning to this @bolded

Another example of presenting while being cautious.

Also, Tabaha and F-F both questioned me earlier about my stance on Danne. I didn't get a "change of tone" with them. If you remember, that's because I said I got a town read from them. So if I'm not happy with you, what kind of read do you think I will have for someone who questions an action that wasn't even posted more than forty minutes? You got it -an acting scum read.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
DarkThanatos said:

Major scummy vibe from you Hat. 

"Fuck it" is not an acceptable reason for lynching a player, especially a new one. just because it "Isn't a bad onE" Doesn't mean it is a good one. 

FF wasn't saying he was scummy, he was saying he was a waste of a player if he was going to continue to passive post/lurk and misvote. 

Unvote Miz

Vote Hat. 

Miz at least can be excused for being hungry, and he followed it up by doubting himself, which shows he is actually thinking about it. you are an experienced player, and I know a town you can pick up better lynches then that. 

The only feasible way I can think you out of this, is that you are trying to see who else will bandwagon. Even then though, players had already started voting him, so it looks more like you are the one joining the bandwagon. 

For what it's worth, I'm leaning heavily towards miz as our fake Robin and scum.

And fyi, that's exactly why I voted, to see who would band wagon, but instead, the thread went quiet for a while.

While I do not have Miz within my town list definately, he isn't knee deep in scum yet either. I won't vote him on that yet either. 

As to he second part, I've already guessed that and said I don't really buy it. So I'm going to leave my vote here for a while now. It's sitting quite comfortably. 

If you want to persuade me otherwise, why not do your Miz investigation you aforementioned. If it is decent enough to persuade me of your good intentions and Miz's less so ones, I'll "remove my vote then silly" and switch back. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

hatmoza said:
miz1q2w3e said:
radishhead said:
No way - I don't believe that there can be two Robins. If Pezus wanted to make three Batman sidekicks then he would have made one of them Alfred or something; I think this issue needs to be tackled first. One of the Robins is either lying, or some sort of alteration on the character that's significant enough to allow there to be two of them

Well, from haxton's tone he might have been the Red Hood Danne was talking about. Notice how he was reluctant to say anything at all, then said that his role didn't fit with his character.

hmm this is what prof would call scum drawing attention to other players without actually going after them yourself, "I'm not saying hax's is scum, but what do you guys think".

Where is prof  anyways.

Eye. On. You.

I wanted radish NOT to suspect hax. I already said that the Red Hood thing was nothing. I was trying to clear things up for him so he WOULDN'T busy himself flavor-hunting @hax.

I was trying to say the neither of us was lying, don't waste your time. You interpreted my post wrong, maybe on purpose?

oh yeah. Prof was the one with walls of posts that ignored for being tltr.

I'll have to see what him and mantle are going on about eventually.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson