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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

radishhead said:
I rushed through the last ~80 posts so that I could contribute on something topical, but I think I missed this stuff about Robin. I believe that attempting to flavourhunt in this round will be useless, but I also don't believe that there can be more than one of the same sidekick (if that has claimed to be the case? It seems it at a first glance)

@The Robin thing. I mis-read Danne's post. He didn't actually come up with the Red Hood Robin thing. He was talking to F-F.

Around the Network
DarkThanatos said:
hatmoza said:
miz1q2w3e said:
hatmoza said:

well fuck it, let's lynch the new guy then.

Unvote Yoshiya

Vote NineTailsRapidash

I there is a vigilante, please shoot spurge in his face and I will be ever so grateful to you. Also cop. investigate Yoshiya, if you want.

I'm surprised no one questioned this move further.

Why are you voting chris? I don't like how you switched from Yoshiya so suddenly.

Simple. I think a Rapidash lynch isn't a bad one. Unless you and F-F were discussing his scumminess for our entertainement?

Major scummy vibe from you Hat. 

"Fuck it" is not an acceptable reason for lynching a player, especially a new one. just because it "Isn't a bad onE" Doesn't mean it is a good one. 

FF wasn't saying he was scummy, he was saying he was a waste of a player if he was going to continue to passive post/lurk and misvote. 

Unvote Miz

Vote Hat. 

Miz at least can be excused for being hungry, and he followed it up by doubting himself, which shows he is actually thinking about it. you are an experienced player, and I know a town you can pick up better lynches then that. 

The only feasible way I can think you out of this, is that you are trying to see who else will bandwagon. Even then though, players had already started voting him, so it looks more like you are the one joining the bandwagon. 

For what it's worth, I'm leaning heavily towards miz as our fake Robin and scum.

And fyi, that's exactly why I voted, to see who would band wagon, but instead, the thread went quiet for a while.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

and get your vote off me, silly.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

radishhead said:
DarkThanatos said:
miz1q2w3e said:
radishhead said:
I don't really understand why NTC would post a message like that if he were mafia - I'd have thought he'd be more careful about what he said if that were the case. Why would he (effectively) say "I thought most of the talking activity would take place during night?". Then again, there's no real reason (at all) for a town to say this either. I'm not voting until he roleclaims though; it's too risky that we're potentially losing an important role on day 1, and that's something that I've always been against, new player or not.

That's exactly what I was about to say. I was thinking about it just now.

why did you vote him then? 

Maaahosive Bandwagonning. I did warn you about being hungry :P 

Unvote Yoshiya

Vote: Miz

Let that be a lesson to you ;)


I may be picking on trivial points here, but your messages really do feel different from the last round I played with you - all these emotes make you seem uncomfortably cheerful. What's the deal?

Honestly, its a mixture of not being the biggest noob, and I know how easy it is to become really defensive and focus your attention on the people that vote you as a new layer because i just went through that, and I saw him start to do it with Tabaha. So i was trying to downplay it so Miz can start analysing players over then those that have focussed on him. 

The other part is because I'm geniunely happy at the moment XD 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

hatmoza said:
miz1q2w3e said:
hatmoza said:

well fuck it, let's lynch the new guy then.

Unvote Yoshiya

Vote NineTailsRapidash

I there is a vigilante, please shoot spurge in his face and I will be ever so grateful to you. Also cop. investigate Yoshiya, if you want.

I'm surprised no one questioned this move further.

Why are you voting chris? I don't like how you switched from Yoshiya so suddenly.

Simple. I think a Rapidash lynch isn't a bad one. Unless you and F-F were discussing his scumminess for our entertainement?

I suspected scum for like a second, but then thought he might have been a power role or something. A scum wouldn't be that careless with his post.

To be honest, I didn't like how he doesn't post at all, and wanted to get rid of him. But then I thought I don't want to lose a possible power role.

...So that's all the answer you're giving? That he's not a bad lynch?

Around the Network
tabaha said:
DarkThanatos said:
tabaha said:

Mafia would only be burning that power if it was limited use. I don't think it's safe to assume it was a limited power (if coming from mafia).

And stefl was the best option for mafia or third party if third party doesn't win with town. Unless it was someone who thought stefl wasn't town, and in my opinion it would be someone with not many experience. It's a personal opinion here because i was kinda sure about stefl being town. At least as mafia I would be afraid of saying my name and who am i sidekick for with so little info.

Did you mean Mafia would only be burning that power if it was UNlimited use? Typo or is that your actual meaning. 

I've said it before, I agree with FF and Tabaha. I think this is a non-town aligned third party. Stefl was my biggest town feel at that point.

can i explain it with a rewording? mafia would not be burning the power if they can use it unlimited or 9001 times (once a day obv)

That doesn't really explain it to me. 

I'd have thought Mafia wouldn't be using it if it was limited. Mafia could feel free to "burn through" ther power if they can use it many times. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

hatmoza said:
Also,mantle, how could you be shocked that I got no questions from my vote when it's only 40 minutes old. That's what's odd.
hatmoza said:
*miz* that was for miz.

I might have been a tad impatient on that one. I assumed everyone was like me, i.e. eager to post/reply.

miz1q2w3e said:
hatmoza said:
miz1q2w3e said:
hatmoza said:

well fuck it, let's lynch the new guy then.

Unvote Yoshiya

Vote NineTailsRapidash

I there is a vigilante, please shoot spurge in his face and I will be ever so grateful to you. Also cop. investigate Yoshiya, if you want.

I'm surprised no one questioned this move further.

Why are you voting chris? I don't like how you switched from Yoshiya so suddenly.

Simple. I think a Rapidash lynch isn't a bad one. Unless you and F-F were discussing his scumminess for our entertainement?

I suspected scum for like a second, but then thought he might have been a power role or something. A scum wouldn't be that careless with his post.

To be honest, I didn't like how he doesn't post at all, and wanted to get rid of him. But then I thought I don't want to lose a possible power role.

...So that's all the answer you're giving? That he's not a bad lynch?

So you voted just for show? Like I just admitted to? I don't buy it. Why would you be so gullible that he has a power role all of a sudden?I really don't want an answer for that, just pointing out you weird behavior.

I got my eye on you. Out of all the people I suspect I'm almost certain you would flip scum. Fortunate for you, I have no evidence or convincing case against you.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

miz1q2w3e said:
hatmoza said:
Also,mantle, how could you be shocked that I got no questions from my vote when it's only 40 minutes old. That's what's odd.
hatmoza said:
*miz* that was for miz.

I might have been a tad impatient on that one. I assumed everyone was like me, i.e. eager to post/reply.

Like I said, weird behavior + the acting. I got my eye on you.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
I sense A lot of acting from Miz. Definitely worthy of an investigation.

Stop trying to get someone suspect me. It's so transparent.

@Everyone: Notice his change of tone right after I said how I didn't like his vote for chris? What happened to the pushy rude hatmoza? Got all defensive.

FoS @hatmoza