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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

btw Nachomamma8, i'm not seeing you on your list. Does that mean you're third party?


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As far as the whole day time vigilante/ SK thing goes. They obviously thought Stefl was a good choice since they pulled the trigger so quickly. I am happy that we only lost a vanilla townie as opposed to a power role, but hitting scum would have been much better obviously. Hopefully they chose more wisely next time.

Those of you asking who did it, why should they claim right away? They can be a threat to town, but also a great benefit if used correctly. Also, mafia would try to kill them the minute they claimed. It is better for them to lay low for now.

I have a feeling Prof is the vigilante for some reason, but that is just a wild guess. :P

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

tabaha said:
btw Nachomamma8, i'm not seeing you on your list. Does that mean you're third party?

Who else isn't on his list? :P

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Which of you brainiacs decided that shooting him through the brain was a wise course of action? *Radio transmission ends*


I have a good idea who shot him...and I believe the player may be town. So far only one of the characters claimed uses a gun.

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*
supermario128 said:
tabaha said:
btw Nachomamma8, i'm not seeing you on your list. Does that mean you're third party?

Who else isn't on his list? :P

>mfw the list only has 16 out of 20 alive. (we're 20 right?)


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ok, he's missing Yoshiya, FF, danne and trucks


not sure if he slipped and forgot to list his team, if airhead or doing it on purpose to cast suspicion on the ones not mentioned


supermario128 said:
spurgeonryan said:

Everyone remember next game to just listen to me and my feelings. No need for scientificy talk or any of that nonsense that no one listens to. This guys is either always one second too late, lurking, or wrong. Occasionally I will have a power role and no what is going on. Forum snob........

Well. I'm not online 24/7 like some other people, so that is why it might appear I am a bit late or lurking. As far as being wrong. Yes, I have been wrong numerous times just like everyone else has. No one has a perfect track record no matter how good they are. However, I am right most of the time, especially as the game advances into the later stages.

Obviously, if I have a good role it is easier to know what is going on.  (Especially when I was cop)

Yes, I am a forum snob. :P

Says the guy who thought pezus was scum roleblocker at the end of last round

Signature goes here!

tabaha said:
Nachomamma8 said:
DarkThanatos said:
Is Ninetalechris a new player?
If he is, I thought we didn't lynch new players night one as a general unofficial rule?

I understand this if he is around and participating, but if he's just going to be a lump of scum, then I see no reason why to save the slot for later. I suppose it wouldn't hurt too much giving him one more day, though.

Unvote, Vote: tabaha

Tabaha, what did you think of my latest string of posting? Which reads do you agree with? Which reads do you disagree with?


I agree with part of ABC but I'm not trusting him that easily. This line of yours got my attention: "so it's better just to keep your mouth shut as opposed to tossing in some half-baked suspicion into the mix.". Why: I would be insta marked as scum for doing that

Miz is the new guy and he's been playing scummy in my eyes. Therefore i don't agree with you.

Stefl is now confirmed town and was a safe kill for whoever killed him because he was the 2nd to claim CA's sidekick. It's easier to put suspicions on me and yoshiya than on stefl.


The part about me made no sense to me. If you did paid attention to round 47 i was literally useless and with crappy opinions everytime i posted. In case you interpreted my post incorrectly, when i said it, it was meaning: "don't blame me if i only write crap". And my answer to your last sentence about me is >implying implications

DT making that claim makes him town? lo0lo0lo0lo0lo0l What if the claim is true and scum are the ones that deviate the super heroes from the correct path? As in making spider man only thinking about her and forget his role as a super hero. If you're going to flavor hunt then do it properly and not some half baked version

Spurge is random so i don't know what to say about your opinion, butI don't agree with Mantle. I have some bad feelings (feelings, nothing serious yet)

Can't get a proper read of prof yet. Not enough posts i think.

I think I agree about linkz.

I don't agree giving town points to hatz and mario because of that.

"Radish is town even though no lynch is a terrible idea." why (he's he town)?

haxton is new to this so i'm not sure if he's scum or just newb. But i bet he would be posting more if he was scum probably because he would be suggested so by his scummates.

And I can't remember Danne D:

Zero is someone that could ruin town just for being town and alive. Believe it. He's acting a bit scummy too. Also: "he doesn't back down even when people start pressuring him." <- I think he's naturally like that

"I like Truck's response to the day kill; upgrade that "don't know what to think" read to a full townread." lolwhat? For posting a list of the online players when stefl was killed? That's something you would have ready if you're a proper player and had to do a kill.

ninetales needs moar posts but if he keeps like this i would not mind a lynch on him.

To finish, i can't remember anything about happyd and yoshiya right now

FoT Tabaha. Last game you were scum, and were so downbeat about how bad you were and how you would cost us scum a death because of it. This is the best post I have seen you do in terms of the size and your opinion conveyed across. So far makes me think you are town this round, maybe vanilla so less pressure. Perhaps next time go into a little bit more depth with your reasons. 

For instance- Why is Miz attacking scummy in your opinion? 
Secondly, what are your bad feelings from Mantle? Can you explain where/which posts they came from? 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

tabaha said:
not sure if he slipped and forgot to list his team, if airhead or doing it on purpose to cast suspicion on the ones not mentioned

The ones he ignored where the ones he said he didn't have an opinion on yet. Hence why they have been left out of his town/scum list. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War