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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:

Not at all, you misunderstand. If there are two scum factions, then one of them will probably be on Zero. If there is only one, then the third party may very well be on (because lets face it. Zero is an easy player to mislynch, don't think i need to explain why) 

If scum of Zero's party is on him, they will be the one that votes him with a couple of sentences reason and pushes for other players. Usually with the aim of distancing themselves from the scum player, without actively pushing his lynch too hard. 

Thats my line of thinking anyway.

I don't understand how you could come up with something like this. What makes you think a 6-man scum team is too big? What makes you think a third party will try and lynch someone when that is never really their motive (unless he is lyncher)?

Just like to add to that, even if there is a third party, how do you know it's no town aligned?

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Just a small request to pezus: could you please make your table with red lines? That'd be grand, since it will be harder to miss even in a state of limited perception, i.e. after class or in the morning.

[01:33] <@Palom> Question: Biology: Which major terrestial biome is characterized by very cold winters and mostly herbacious plants? (1)

[01:33] tsundra

Pezus, I also voted someone else by now T_T

Also, didn't Nachomamma promise a post whenever his morning is? I am curious to hear his reasoning...

Yoshiya said:
mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:

Not at all, you misunderstand. If there are two scum factions, then one of them will probably be on Zero. If there is only one, then the third party may very well be on (because lets face it. Zero is an easy player to mislynch, don't think i need to explain why) 

If scum of Zero's party is on him, they will be the one that votes him with a couple of sentences reason and pushes for other players. Usually with the aim of distancing themselves from the scum player, without actively pushing his lynch too hard. 

Thats my line of thinking anyway.

I don't understand how you could come up with something like this. What makes you think a 6-man scum team is too big? What makes you think a third party will try and lynch someone when that is never really their motive (unless he is lyncher)?

Just like to add to that, even if there is a third party, how do you know it's no town aligned?

I'll address you two at once.   

@Mantle. I think a 6 man scum team is too big, because to win scum could feasible have 6 townies left in play. Which would mean scum win with 12 players still alive. Pretty much the start of the last game. If you can get an entire couple of week long game out of the players left when scum win... I just dont see why Pezus would short change an epic game. I did say though, feel free to disagree with me on the numbers. And I have never played third party either, so I'm not entirely sure what their play would be, but if i was third party, I'd be happy to lynch anyone. 

@Yoshiya. The whole reason for my number was based on the relationship between town and non-town. I would include third party town aligned in the town part. 

But yeh, this is just my thoughts so far. Even though Zero and Prof are saying I'm an intelligent player, I've still only seen 4 games. This is just what I've gathered from those games, which is why I said in my original post about correcting me if a more experienced player in terms of balancing disagrees.  

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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DarkThanatos said:
Yoshiya said:
mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:

Not at all, you misunderstand. If there are two scum factions, then one of them will probably be on Zero. If there is only one, then the third party may very well be on (because lets face it. Zero is an easy player to mislynch, don't think i need to explain why) 

If scum of Zero's party is on him, they will be the one that votes him with a couple of sentences reason and pushes for other players. Usually with the aim of distancing themselves from the scum player, without actively pushing his lynch too hard. 

Thats my line of thinking anyway.

I don't understand how you could come up with something like this. What makes you think a 6-man scum team is too big? What makes you think a third party will try and lynch someone when that is never really their motive (unless he is lyncher)?

Just like to add to that, even if there is a third party, how do you know it's no town aligned?

I'll address you two at once.   

@Mantle. I think a 6 man scum team is too big, because to win scum could feasible have 6 townies left in play. Which would mean scum win with 12 players still alive. Pretty much the start of the last game. If you can get an entire couple of week long game out of the players left when scum win... I just dont see why Pezus would short change an epic game. I did say though, feel free to disagree with me on the numbers. And I have never played third party either, so I'm not entirely sure what their play would be, but if i was third party, I'd be happy to lynch anyone. 

@Yoshiya. The whole reason for my number was based on the relationship between town and non-town. I would include third party town aligned in the town part. 

But yeh, this is just my thoughts so far. Even though Zero and Prof are saying I'm an intelligent player, I've still only seen 4 games. This is just what I've gathered from those games, which is why I said in my original post about correcting me if a more experienced player in terms of balancing disagrees.  

Yeah, but if there is only one scum faction there will be only one kill at night.

Also, I think, that while players who aren't here need some motivation, Haxton surely needs some motivation, so I am switching my vote from a passive lurker to an active lurker.

Vote: HaxtonFale

You aren't helping anyone with your posts, not yourself and not town. Spew some thoughts in our direction.

correction to previous post:

most likely only one nightkill~

spurgeonryan said:
Happy Thanksgiving ya'lll! Even you hatmoza. This site would be no fun without you. I already lost one of my enemies. Seece. You are the last one to drive me nuts.

Happy Thanksgivin to the rest of you as well! Stefl from Germany, Prof from TRansylvania, New clown dude from when the chartz were older, newbz, Plezbian the mod, linkz and mantle my favorite people to tunnel, DAnse the nintendo gamer, and anyone else that I may have missed.

And also to my two nabors up north! HappyD is scum and you trucks!

Srsly... I kill you for that one! That is even worse than calling me Australian! Tone down those insults!

Anyway, have fun eating turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving back, and Europeans happy normal day where you should go get ham or turkey anyways. I'm spending my day driving home to eat a microwaved mini ham from Target ....

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*
mantlepiecek said:

So you are voting for spurge because you got a scum vibe from him on day 1 with your first post jumping on the lynch bandwagon.

Explain your suspicions then.

I am back to neutral with hat now. Although this kind of push can be seen from town hat; it is not a behaviour I consider townish.

His defense of DT feels fake.

Enough with the flavour talk already.

Indeed. I would also say ABC is town from the way he is posting. Miz and Hatz are town vibes as well.

Like I have said in many past rounds, sometimes you cannot really explain things with concrete evidence. It is just a feeling I have.

I agree that this flavor talk is pointless and distracting us from actual scum hunting. Although, I won't be posting much today either. Spending time with relatives. :P

Nintendo still doomed?
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