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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

radishhead said:
DarkThanatos said:
happydolphin said:
tabaha said:

sorry if i'm busy.

go ahead and lynch me

You've been playing like this all game and finding lousy excuses for your play. I think I've learned my lesson on you.

The "go ahead and lynch me" play is getting old, and really, this far, is anti-town. If you flip town on your eventual lynch, you'll be largely responsible for it.

What about this plan? 

Tonight we lynch Hat. 

Tonight either myself or Yosh will probably be killed. They can't kill both me and Yosh, so if we watch each other, then one of us will see the killer. 

We lynch tomorrow whoever sees the killer. 

This means that scum might not kill one of us- which brings security to me and Yosh, but then- we could be bluffing and watching the other players. 

By saying that^ Scum now have to take a gamble mwahaha. 


If neither of us sees the killer, we lynch Tabaha tomorrow. 

What do you think of this as a plan atm? 

We can't kill Hat if there is a chance that he's town-aligned 

Townies shouldn't have a reason to lie all game. Hatmoza has been pretty much been bullying town to keep him alive.

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*
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DarkThanatos said:
Linkzmax said:
DarkThanatos said:

I refuse to believe there are two scum teams and an SK. 

If there is two scum teams, then Hat must be in one of them, so we should definately kill him now.  


So is hat on your team or the other one?


I thought we decided there definately wasn't two teams earlier in the game. Then we killed a Mafia who was in the same team as the first one,

I'm not picking up on the bold as a slip, I just didn't know we had something that confirmed this so I want to know what that evidence is. Should help me get my head around some things.

DarkThanatos said:
happydolphin said:
DarkThanatos said:

Like what? 

As has been explained, I would have to be incredibly dumb to chose Trucks, why wouldn't I as scum get two town killed before one of my team, instead of just jumping straight to my team. 

May i point out, that if i hadn't seen Trucks, we would be at 5v4v1, and in LYLO. Why would any scum remove that possibility from his team? 


I can't believe we are going back to this again...

Because using the sacrifice you can cause a mislynch the next day and increase your odds, all the while during the night town loses 2.

Hatz would have killed a scum if he had kept to what town had suggested. Considering that yesterday scum were two lynches away from winning, i can't see it being worth it, when i could have chosen any town player if i was scum. 

@bold As with the last post, just wanna know how you know this because as far as I am aware, we can't know this...

@italics Again, we can't know that for sure when we have no idea what size the mafia is...

Why do you keep saying things like that as confirmed information when it is far from it?

happydolphin said:
tabaha said:

No. If i'm lynched and when you see my role, the major responsible for it won't be only me. It would be from a lot of people who accumulated mistakes over mistakes

No, again it will be your fault. Your only reasoning against the accusations made on you is "Woe is me" or "You'll regret it when I flip", kind of thing. You didn't help us reason out the logic, and you played dumb a lot of the game.

If you are cop, I will be very pissed off.

Just a reminder. Scum doesn't really care about the goings on, they only pretend. He probably knows he has made too many mistakes, and now he can't be arsed to even pretend, cuz he knows it's pointless. Then, notice how Trucks also stopped caring about defending himself properly near the end, just like tabaha now.

Also, I remember feeling the same way you're feeling now, back when Trucks would say things like "This is gonna be good!"...etc. I even considered unvoting him (if I could). Don't listen to what scum says when they're near lynch. They'll say anything to make you think twice about lynching them.

And I agree with you. If he actually does flip town (not likely), then it's his own fault.

DarkThanatos said:
happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:

Just a note: I believe Yoshiya for sure.

I think the "DT killed prof" scenario is logical, and it means tabaha could be telling the thruth.

BUT, it flies in the face of all the evidence/observations on tabaha + Trucks. The buddying, defending each other, tabaha begging mantle not to vote Trucks, the feeling that he was being told what to do (not answering questions, very late replies). I pointed some of this out earlier toDay and I just can't ignore all of that.

Also, I highly doubt he would draw attention to the BP GF just like that. I don't believe it.

tl;dr I'm not sure about the situation, but I'm leaning towards DT as town.

The part you DIDN'T get is that it would be a god-aweful move on scum's part to use the GF in killing prof, unless they saw a threat of the killer being night-killed and losing the chance to eliminate prof early on.

Still, even then, they either took a gamble, or didn't consider the risk of being watched.


I've been thinking about this, 

I think there is a busdriver and probably a roleblocker left. All the games i've been scum in, scum couldn't use their ability and be the one that killed, so in that scenario they might consider using Truck. 

Alternatively, perhaps the same player can't do the kill two nights in a row? 

Trucks made the kill, of that I am sure, because I watched him and that can't have worked unless he did the kill.

So you now feel there was only 5 scum in the beginning rather than 6?

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Tabaha please stop asking to be lynched -.- Flipping DT as scum would show just as much as your flip so why aren't you trying to push for that instead?

happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:

Just a note: I believe Yoshiya for sure.

I think the "DT killed prof" scenario is logical, and it means tabaha could be telling the thruth.

BUT, it flies in the face of all the evidence/observations on tabaha + Trucks. The buddying, defending each other, tabaha begging mantle not to vote Trucks, the feeling that he was being told what to do (not answering questions, very late replies). I pointed some of this out earlier toDay and I just can't ignore all of that.

Also, I highly doubt he would draw attention to the BP GF just like that. I don't believe it.

tl;dr I'm not sure about the situation, but I'm leaning towards DT as town.

The part you DIDN'T get is that it would be a god-aweful move on scum's part to use the GF in killing prof, unless they saw a threat of the killer being night-killed and losing the chance to eliminate prof early on.

Still, even then, they either took a gamble, or didn't consider the risk of being watched.


Just wanna say I agree with DT's reply.

Scum can't kill and use their ability, so it makes full sense to me.

DarkThanatos said:
happydolphin said:
tabaha said:

sorry if i'm busy.

go ahead and lynch me

You've been playing like this all game and finding lousy excuses for your play. I think I've learned my lesson on you.

The "go ahead and lynch me" play is getting old, and really, this far, is anti-town. If you flip town on your eventual lynch, you'll be largely responsible for it.

What about this plan? 

Tonight we lynch Hat. 

Tonight either myself or Yosh will probably be killed. They can't kill both me and Yosh, so if we watch each other, then one of us will see the killer. 

We lynch tomorrow whoever sees the killer. 

This means that scum might not kill one of us- which brings security to me and Yosh, but then- we could be bluffing and watching the other players. 

By saying that^ Scum now have to take a gamble mwahaha. 


If neither of us sees the killer, we lynch Tabaha tomorrow. 

What do you think of this as a plan atm? 


Great plan. What do you guys think?

A Bad Clown said:
@Hatmoza, I'm going to push for Linkz's lynch tomorrow unless something groundbreaking comes up. Of the games I've played with Linkz as town he's been much more helpful, but he's trying to avoid attention clearly this round. He's also most clearly on Supermario's "town" list, which already had the godfather on it. Throughout the round he's been discouraging flavor hunting and had referenced fake claims before Trucks died. Most likely town will ignore any arguments I make though and instead rabble on about bus drivers and poorly worded posts...

That's not true. I know what you mean about him. I've had a heavy scum vibe from him for a long time.

...One scum at a time :)

miz1q2w3e said:
DarkThanatos said:

What about this plan? 

Tonight we lynch Hat. 

Tonight either myself or Yosh will probably be killed. They can't kill both me and Yosh, so if we watch each other, then one of us will see the killer. 

We lynch tomorrow whoever sees the killer. 

This means that scum might not kill one of us- which brings security to me and Yosh, but then- we could be bluffing and watching the other players. 

By saying that^ Scum now have to take a gamble mwahaha. 


If neither of us sees the killer, we lynch Tabaha tomorrow. 

What do you think of this as a plan atm? 


Great plan. What do you guys think?

It involves putting a lot of trust into DT and Yoshiya, but if they're both town and willing to comply with the plan, it's basically a guaranteed way of catching mafia (or at least preventing them from killing our best roles). I'm okay to go along with it, but I'm still not super sure about killing hatmoza

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