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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Yoshiya said:
zero129 said:
Yoshiya said:
Also, my thoughts on the multiple sidekicks/non-sidekick thing;
Pezus probably did this to further his cause in preventing flavour hunting, after the chaos of the MLP round I don't think he would put one scum/one town for each of the heroes.

Who says it has to be 1 town and 1 scum per hero?

That was the implication people were giving when they said that having two sidekicks for one hero is very suspicious. As to the each hero think, I'll admit, I have absolutely no basis as to why I wrote that, I was just thinking back to the MLP game where it was the case it was one scum per group and thus put down the same thing for this game without thinking how there is no evidence for that yet.

Also, just because I think I am being an idiot here, who is the third Cap. America sidekick that everyone keeps talking about? All I know of is me and Stefl.


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And I have to say, specially zero pushing for flavour-hunting again, gives me a bitter taste in regards to considering it a viable option.

Am I the only one thinking it's being given too much importance to the sidekick's stuff? Not that it is a bad thing to do, but looks like people are trying to use it to get a lynch on others.


zero129 said:
Yoshiya said:
Also, my thoughts on the multiple sidekicks/non-sidekick thing;
Pezus probably did this to further his cause in preventing flavour hunting, after the chaos of the MLP round I don't think he would put one scum/one town for each of the heroes.

Who says it has to be 1 town and 1 scum per hero?

No way, that would mean scum = town.

zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
zero129 said:
I think everyone should just say their names and lets go from there
Atm im suspicious of the Captain America group as i dont think the is any more then 2 sidekicks per super hero (Id be happy to be proving wrong on this). And im also suspicious of DT's claim as i dont believe a love interest counts for a sidekick.

Say everyone nameclaims and the Captain America sidekicks are the only ones who are 3 in their group, would you push for a lynch on one of them?

Yes i would

In accordance with this statement, I now fully resent any participation in flavour-hunt.

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Stefl1504 said:

While I agree that from a massive nameclaim can't come bad, but from going after lynchs because of the flavour-claims only comes bad. The MLP round was a perfect example how scum can influence flavour-hunt to their own advantage. In fact the last time I remember that flavour hunt turned out well for the town was the Zombie round ages ago, and that was caused by a scum-insta-slip, and not by town pushing for flavour analysis.


miz1q2w3e said:
zero129 said:
Yoshiya said:
Also, my thoughts on the multiple sidekicks/non-sidekick thing;
Pezus probably did this to further his cause in preventing flavour hunting, after the chaos of the MLP round I don't think he would put one scum/one town for each of the heroes.

Who says it has to be 1 town and 1 scum per hero?

No way, that would mean scum = town.

Do you mean |scum| = |town|? ;P

>inb4 mafia using zero for their advantage once again

I could see this happen >_>


zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
zero129 said:
I think everyone should just say their names and lets go from there
Atm im suspicious of the Captain America group as i dont think the is any more then 2 sidekicks per super hero (Id be happy to be proving wrong on this). And im also suspicious of DT's claim as i dont believe a love interest counts for a sidekick.

Say everyone nameclaims and the Captain America sidekicks are the only ones who are 3 in their group, would you push for a lynch on one of them?

Yes i would

Vote: zero129

That's a horrible reason to pursue a lynch on someone.

Signature goes here!

Stefl1504 said:
miz1q2w3e said:
zero129 said:
Yoshiya said:
Also, my thoughts on the multiple sidekicks/non-sidekick thing;
Pezus probably did this to further his cause in preventing flavour hunting, after the chaos of the MLP round I don't think he would put one scum/one town for each of the heroes.

Who says it has to be 1 town and 1 scum per hero?

No way, that would mean scum = town.

Do you mean |scum| = |town|? ;P

I meant it would make the number of scum equal to the number of town. That's impossible.

So, I DON'T think it's 1 town and 1 scum per hero.