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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Linkzmax said:
miz1q2w3e said:
A Bad Clown said:
miz1q2w3e said:

Yep, we're all sidekicks.

The question is now, are we unique sidekicks, or could there be multiples for the same hero? Judging by your claim as Robin I doubt we could have more than 2 to a hero.

Ok I get what you meant before. Yes, I HIGHLY doubt there are duplicates. I have my reasons.

So what do you make of zero's claim of batgirl?

Alright, I should give you my reason, then. Pezus is a smart guy, or so I've heard, I thought he would be more of a perfectionist and set things up one to one (I assumed that because that's what I would have done, i.e. I was projecting). You should disregard that post.

NOTE: Pezus did NOT take very long to ready this thread. He might have just randomly given people some characters. Would you by any chance have an idea of what kind of person pezus is when he plays here? Your point about duplicates and mis-lynches supports my idea of just quickly chosen characters.

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hatmoza said:
Spurge was also the guy who hit-n-run seeded suspicion on mantle for supposedly 'buddying-up' with me IIRC.

See guys, this is not just a personal vendetta against spurge , then all the people who bullshit lynched me last game, but it's also a pretty good case against spurge.

Start voting for him guys.

The reason for your vote is your grudge, that much I can tell.

spurgeonryan said:
Hmm.. I am basically cleared of being scum since like half the players already voted for me.

Just like all the little boys should have learned last game. Lynch was too goood to be true. Look for aat least two of the votes on me to be scum. Maybe 3.

I get why hatmoza wants to lynch you, but I don't get why stefl went along with it so quickly, even though hatz didn't present a solid argument for lynching you.

For that reason I suspect setfl and urge you guys to pay more attention to him. He was too eager to go lynch mode on spruge.

mantlepiecek said:

There was no absolute reasoning. You are suspicious of me because I have no absolute reason to consider you town; yet you have no absolute reasoning for voting spurge.

There is always a higher chance someone is town rather than scum. So I thought you could be town based on the way you structured your post. A could be town basically means leaning townish, hardly worth asking a question as to why someone is thinking that way.

I got a town feel from hatmoza's first post too. It's the way he posted. It's just a feeling, though.

He's been pushing on you quite aggressively, is he naturally like this?

spurgeonryan said:
DanneSandin said:
DarkThanatos said:
DanneSandin said:
TruckOSaurus said:

No Day One lynches also equals no worthwhile Day One discussion. Did you really fear spurge would get lynched or did you just want the discussion to end?

I no we have to "press buttons" so people slipp up and makes mistakes, I just thought spurge were closer to a lynch than he really was. And besides, as far as I can tell spurge is behaving like he always does in mafia, and last time I played with him he turned out to be town. So I think it's a waste of energy.

I still think DT's MJ claim is the "hottest" piece of evidence so far.

Spurge plays exactly the same every game. Random. I've played with him as scum and town. Still don't understand either of them. If anything, Spurge is more random when Mafia. 

Well, you seem to have more experience with him so I believe you. No wonder he always gets lynched in the beginning then ^^

I do not remember the last time I was lynched in the beginning of a game. I was mod killed a few times in the beginning though. ?Once because ofhatz never ending hatred for me, and another time for stefl's on again off again hatred for me.

I only remember that Game of Thrones game... Didn't you get killed off pretty quickly there? And that's how I know if Hatz is scum; I could smell him the very first day, in a matter of his first few posts ^^

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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zero129 said:
I think everyone should just say their names and lets go from there
Atm im suspicious of the Captain America group as i dont think the is any more then 2 sidekicks per super hero (Id be happy to be proving wrong on this). And im also suspicious of DT's claim as i dont believe a love interest counts for a sidekick.

On the one hand, I wonder why would he pick something that would stand out like that. On the other hand, people said he was smart in the sign-up thread. He might have known it would likely to be seen as "too obvious" and thus lead to even less suspicion. Someone tell me if I'm giving him too much credit here.

zero129 said:
I think everyone should just say their names and lets go from there
Atm im suspicious of the Captain America group as i dont think the is any more then 2 sidekicks per super hero (Id be happy to be proving wrong on this). And im also suspicious of DT's claim as i dont believe a love interest counts for a sidekick.

I kinda find myself agreeing with this... I'm just ot sure if it's a good/bad idea...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

zero129 said:
Yoshiya said:
Also, my thoughts on the multiple sidekicks/non-sidekick thing;
Pezus probably did this to further his cause in preventing flavour hunting, after the chaos of the MLP round I don't think he would put one scum/one town for each of the heroes.

Who says it has to be 1 town and 1 scum per hero?

That was the implication people were giving when they said that having two sidekicks for one hero is very suspicious. As to the each hero think, I'll admit, I have absolutely no basis as to why I wrote that, I was just thinking back to the MLP game where it was the case it was one scum per group and thus put down the same thing for this game without thinking how there is no evidence for that yet.

Also, just because I think I am being an idiot here, who is the third Cap. America sidekick that everyone keeps talking about? All I know of is me and Stefl.

zero129 said:
I think everyone should just say their names and lets go from there
Atm im suspicious of the Captain America group as i dont think the is any more then 2 sidekicks per super hero (Id be happy to be proving wrong on this). And im also suspicious of DT's claim as i dont believe a love interest counts for a sidekick.

Say everyone nameclaims and the Captain America sidekicks are the only ones who are 3 in their group, would you push for a lynch on one of them?

Signature goes here!

zero129 said:
DanneSandin said:
zero129 said:
I think everyone should just say their names and lets go from there
Atm im suspicious of the Captain America group as i dont think the is any more then 2 sidekicks per super hero (Id be happy to be proving wrong on this). And im also suspicious of DT's claim as i dont believe a love interest counts for a sidekick.

I kinda find myself agreeing with this... I'm just ot sure if it's a good/bad idea...

Well it seems the names have nothing to do with our roles so other then maybe help us find scum i dont see anything that could be bad with it.

While I agree that from a massive nameclaim can't come bad, but from going after lynchs because of the flavour-claims only comes bad. The MLP round was a perfect example how scum can influence flavour-hunt to their own advantage. In fact the last time I remember that flavour hunt turned out well for the town was the Zombie round ages ago, and that was caused by a scum-insta-slip, and not by town pushing for flavour analysis.