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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Linkzmax said:
Yoshiya said:
I have reason to believe we are a combination of both

What reason would you have to think we are both? An why not non-DC/Marvel?

a) The OP was describing The Riddler (the question marks gave it away) who is a DC Villain and yet I was a Marvel Hero, suggests a cross between the universes.

b) Someone had already claimed Robin by the time I said that which didn't fit in with what universe I felt we were from.

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spurgeonryan said:
Well don't stand up for me. I am fully willing to be lynched just to shut the verterans fat Fu&*^ng mouths when they are wrong as usual.

Well, good luch then chap

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Also, my thoughts on the multiple sidekicks/non-sidekick thing;
Pezus probably did this to further his cause in preventing flavour hunting, after the chaos of the MLP round I don't think he would put one scum/one town for each of the heroes.

Nachomamma8 said:
DarkThantanos is town, miz is town, ABC is town.
tabaha is seriously scum, cool.
prof could be scum because his opening posts didn't really carry anything with them, but we'll see.
I'll get together a larger post in the morning.

How come you think DT is town? Thus far, he's my biggest suspect

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Nachomamma8 said:
DarkThantanos is town, miz is town, ABC is town.
tabaha is seriously scum, cool.
prof could be scum because his opening posts didn't really carry anything with them, but we'll see.
I'll get together a larger post in the morning.


unlimited tear works


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Ok, my thoughts on the sidekicks:

1. There's a possibility that they're there only for flavor and not related at all with alignment
2. If they are somehow important, it's possible that scum has is own hero/villian. This would be extremely safe to fakeclaim after seeing some people claiming. Why? Because at least for now I'm not seeing a way to deny it, unless the cop or other role can do it. Also it was "proven" that 3 people are under the same hero.
3. There's also the possibility of scum being scattered by different heroes, like 1 scum for every hero probably. I'm not sure about the numbers. There's too many players for me to be able to get a decent number. For me this scenario is the one that makes more sense because of the theme itself (assuming the sidekick thing is important) due to the theme itself


TruckOSaurus said:
What bugs me the most about DarkThanatos's claim is not his name or if Mary Jane is a sidekick or not but the fact that he felt he needed to share his name without anyone asking for it.

Let me quote the OP 



Names do not fit with roles"

Therefore as town there is no harm in me sharing my name, because regardless if I anyone has a role or not, you can't find out information from it. I'm also going to presume in a game full of easily recognisable characters that scum have safeclaims anyway, and i doubt Pezus has made them any different in terms of relation to character, superpowers etc. The only exception to this would be if someone claimed an actual Superhero- because of the OP. 

 In summary, as long as they are all Sidekicks/side characters I dont think that claiming names or not makes any difference to if they're town or not. People were trying to flavour hunt based on there being 2/3 sidekicks for one superhero, and I was showing that I was a different superhero. Also by claiming, I could play in character (like Smeags does) if i wanted to.  

What it has done is shown me which players are willing to create suspicion on people over nothing. For that reason 


FoS: Spurge

FoS: DanneSandin 

Jumping on a nontell is textbook Scum behaviour. 


So hyped for Rome 2: Total War said:

batmannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn  holy sitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Are you claiming Batman? 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

supermario128 said:
I seriously cannot believe you guys argued over your names for such a long time. If pezus says they don't matter then why bother? It just seems like a waste of time to me when everyone probably has similar types of characters. I mean, it would be stupid to identify mafia just because their name doesn't fit. Let us move past this and listen to Hatz. I also got a scum vibe from spurge and he hammered me last game so he deserves it. :P

Vote: Spurge (can't use bold on my phone)

So you are voting for spurge because you got a scum vibe from him on day 1 with your first post jumping on the lynch bandwagon.

Explain your suspicions then.

I am back to neutral with hat now. Although this kind of push can be seen from town hat; it is not a behaviour I consider townish.

His defense of DT feels fake.

Enough with the flavour talk already.

Linkzmax said:
DarkThanatos said:
Stefl1504 said:

Maybe capsing this was a bit (really) unnecessary.

tabaha, I assume you are scum?

Literally just shat myself. 

... Miz- see what I mean about having a scummy town play being a problem haha

Was there a typo here, or can you explain this a bit better?


First part was non-serious. 

Second part was a joke at Miz, because in the sign up thread I said people suspect me independant of alignment, because my play is apparently scummy. It was my Brotip 2. When Stefl said he would tunnel me from the first scumvibe, I was implying that Stefl would instant-tunnel me. 

Don't read into it, it was not a serious post :P 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War