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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

tabaha said:
does anyone have at hand the post where mario wrote his scum list (and town list if i can remember correctly)?

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mantlepiecek said:

Prof, you said you were suspicious of FF. Why is that?

He has made his usual scum slip 2 or 3 times now.

hatmoza said:

Unvote miz


Though I have to admit it's funny prof, because I've never been too fond of your towniness either.

You just said I was anewby newby boy, and now you come in to clarify that you weren't implying I'm town.

What part of me is newby, the one that suspects a player like you to be scum? That's a little hypocritical don't you think?

tabaha said:
theprof00 said:
mantlepiecek said:

Prof, let us say that tabaha is not even playing this game. OR he is modkilled or something, and the day continues.

Who would you lynch then? Basically, who is the second most suspicious guy you think who should be lynched?

my scum list:

Hat, trucks, ff, tabaha, happyd, haxton

prof, if you're town i just hope this isn't another game where you're so full of yourself and yet are totally wrong. Right now, this is my biggest concern regarding you

Come back when your ready to stop making open hollow posts.

zero129 said:
pezus said:
Name L-8 L-7 L-6 L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch/hammer
Haxton  mantle  

DarkT Yoshiya

tabaha prof

Yoshiya zero  DarkT              
hatmoza HappyD  spurge              
miz trucks  linkz  hatz   FF          

Time limit  spurge


linkz votes miz
hatz unvotes mantle and votes miz
radish unvotes tabaha
FF unvotes tabaha and votes miz


Could this be 4 of the members of the big scum team hatz was on about? or could this be the only 4 members hmmm

wow I just noticed that they are all on miz.

Around the Network
miz1q2w3e said:
tabaha said:
does anyone have at hand the post where mario wrote his scum list (and town list if i can remember correctly)?



zero129 said:
tabaha said:
zero129 said:
DanneSandin said:
You're a pussy hatz; you didn't have the guts to vote on miz first, so you built up a weak ass case, got someone else to vote him, THEN you went after miz as well. And where's all the FoS and HoS against me and miz if you think we're scum.

I thought you were town this time around, because you weren't being such an ass, but you're playing really weak.

FoS Hatz

I would agree with you on this. And i must admit i am keeping an eye on hatz.

I would of voted hatz by this point only for 1 thing stopping me.

One game when we played together he came after me with a bunch of weak shit, even after i claimed doc cos of it! he still got me lynched, i was 100% sure he was scum... Turned out he was town -_- .

But imo i think hatz just had grudge against me in that game cos the game before i got the most valu player award and hatz didnt like that so ever since then he just doesnt like me lulz xD.

But that doesnt mean he cant be really scum in this game but he wouldnt be someone id be willing to lynch until i was 100% sure if he is scum or not

But im just saying he could very well play this way as town cos he has done it before.

But maybe some more players who has played with hatz longer and knows his style better could help you more on this question.

So town players who has played with hatz for a long time could this be a scum hatz we are looking at or a town hatz?

Is he... your partner? The reason for you to don't vote him is just that? Also, can you explain why do you suspect him? If you already did are you nice enough to link to it? thanks

Whats not to suspect? and tabaha you cant keep expecting people to hand you everything in your hand. Could it be that you are his partner and thats why you snoke in the "If thats why your not voting him" to try take suspicions of yourself for when you defended him by saying "can you explain why do you suspect him?"

Like i said the is lots of reasons to suspect hatz this game.

1. Has he voted for anyone and giving a real reason for doing so?

2. Has he started a vote on anyone in this game?.

3. The people he did go after did they not look like weak lynchs to you?

4. Trying to get someone to roleclaim doesnt seem suspicious to you?

5. Has he not been playing stupid at any point??

6. Go back and do some reading on hatz and dont expect to be handed everything

1. define real reason

2. how is that relevant? in a 21 player game some people are bound to not start a vote on someone. Did you start one? if yes, based on what?

3. Not really. at least miz didn't look a weak lynch at the time

4. There are at least one player this round that tried to get roleclaims more than hatz i think

5. that line coming from you. ok

6. what? i'm pretty sure that at lest part of what you wrote here is new material

And I'm not even defending hatz


zero129 said:

Sorry spurge me old chap

but my list of scumspects are

Hatz <--Pretty sure on him and wouldnt mind voting for hatz





and Yoshia <--but i must admit im not as sure on him as i once was.


Yes big list but after hatz said he thinks its a big scum team and a few others have pointed out how the could be 2 scum teams im willing to think we have a 2 scum teams with 3 on each team

What made you reduce your scumvibe on Yoshiya? You seemed to be pretty confident about him earlier...

So if there are two scum teams with 6 players, and Mario is already dead- why have you listed another 6 players? 

What would be your split if you think you have them nailed down?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

tabaha said:
miz1q2w3e said:
tabaha said:
does anyone have at hand the post where mario wrote his scum list (and town list if i can remember correctly)?


I'm waiting for your exciting post where you explain why you wanted to know Mario's scumspects and asked for them. Is it forthcoming any time soon, or was that a nothing post to make it seem you were scumhunting?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Can't think of anything Tabaha?
Are you waiting for scumbuddies to come online and tell you what to say?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War