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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

I'm here! I've been busy for a few hours and am going to bed right now, but I'll check in tomorrow as soon as I can and read everything!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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how does i type in here

Hello everyone. Let's have a good (?) and fair (???) game. And I really hope that mod messages contain big, red and possibly flashing text, since I might just start speedscrolling through the thread once it becomes a wall of text.

[01:33] <@Palom> Question: Biology: Which major terrestial biome is characterized by very cold winters and mostly herbacious plants? (1)

[01:33] tsundra

A Bad Clown said:

I'd like Prof's or Linkz's (when he signs on) input on Yoshiya's Avatar change

Just thought I should answer this while catching up.

Yaknow, I do agree with you on your point. Scum tend to like to play friendly games with their prey, doing things such as "sharing secrets" and "hinting at subtleties". Revealing a character is along the same vain.

But, while I do think it's interesting, I can't stand behind it. It would be cool if he did turn up mafia. It would be a nice little morsel for your to savor. But in my experience, it's usually been about a fifty fifty happy ending with tells such as those. Still, 50/50 is better than random odds.

tabaha said:
Yoshiya said:
tabaha said:
hey, why is everyone captain america's sidekick?

Are you trying to suggest you are one as well?

not suggesting. saying it

Why did you only say it, if you weren't going to say the name? Two of them said names already..

tabaha said:
A Bad Clown said:
Tabaha, do you think there can be three sidekicks to one character in this game? Do you doubt the others claims at all?

I have no divination powers, sorry.

but bullshit theory: 3 different main chars with sidekicks

That's not bullshit. That makes sense to me, only problem I have is with the random number you threw in front of it.

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spurgeonryan said:
DarkThanatos said:
Stefl or Prof.
Not Mario. Don't know why I typed that :P

Prof changed his avatar so that people would not associate him with who he was before. Maybe it will work and we will listen to his endless wall of words about logic.

This is like the 10th post about me. I sense fear in your barks.

prof: demolition man


tabaha said:
I'm gessing prof will lose his head if he's killed
(not everyone will get this)

Not really. Dying isn't what upsets me, it's having all the answers and idiots not listening to them.
Oftentimes this involves making very important posts, only to be killed, and THEN ignored, but it's more often that the crumbums prepubescently screech out 'you can't tell me what to do' and then ruin the game for everyone.

Wouldn't be so bad really if they used their failures as motivation to improve, but I think they're here for the post count more than anything else. :D

tabaha said:
prof: demolition man

So, it's something to do with seashells then?


lol, I just realized that 3 of my responses were to you. Why is it you are somehow drawing my attention more than others?

>mfw you totally failed to notice the reference to mami

and no i don't think it is related to seashels