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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

zero129 said:
theprof00 said:
zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Let me start you off by saying that for someone who's neck deep in meta, it's weird you don't seem to find any problem with the fact that prof claimed to be a superhero and not a sidekick (according to you of course because prof claimed Toro, not the human torch).

Simple reason is i didnt know if he was or not. I only read up on the huiman touch a little bit a go

So you freak out over 3 players sharing the same superhero but back when you considered Toro to be the Human Torch that didn't set off an alarm?

No as i didnt know nothing about him at the time and when prof first claimed i thought he was the human touch and a sidekick to one of the fantastic 4. But then once i read up on the human touch i thought i read toro was the human touch and jumped to conclusions

I bet your just waiting to jump on me right trucks? after all i did name you..

Actually, what you said was that the human torch has 3 sidekicks.

"If we think of it the human touch has 3 sidekicks if we go my the fantastic 4 version of him! doesnt mean all 3 would be used"


Now, don't think I'm jumping on you because trucks and hat are. I disagree with them. I think you're town. I just want you to start trying to listen to others, instead of yourself all the time.

Yes as if you was the human touch from the fantastic 4 you could of had at least 1 of 3 other side kicks with you. But since you claimed toro that means you are the original human tourchs sidekick. Im still trying to find out if he had other side kicks.

But i find it strang that so far (Sure this could change) you are the only one with no other side kick. It could be that you are the odd one out bringing us to 21 players and meaninf you are town but i dont know at this point of tha game

How could Touch have the other fantastic 4 as sidekicks? He's not even the leader!

and spiderman?

and whatabout linkz?

He claimed some chinese kid, a sidekick to "The Vigilante".


Have you really set up your scumlists ENTIRELY based off of this meta?


Stop arguing with me spurge and just listen*

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lol i called you spurge

zero129 said:

No my list is not based of my mata im bulind up atm

its based off my reads thats why i have been voting yoshia since day 1!

And therein lies my problem with your meta.

I don't like yoshi either. But tabaha is my biggest suspect. Therefore, I can't just wipe either of them off my list based on the meta that only one can be mafia.

zero129 said:
theprof00 said:
zero129 said:

No my list is not based of my mata im bulind up atm

its based off my reads thats why i have been voting yoshia since day 1!

And therein lies my problem with your meta.

I don't like yoshi either. But tabaha is my biggest suspect. Therefore, I can't just wipe either of them off my list based on the meta that only one can be mafia.

Ok well then we need to agree on a vote cos i want yoshia and imo tabhaha wont do as he is playing way way diferent then when he was scum but yosia is playing the very same way

Well, lemme see what I find on yoshi.

I don't think a mass nameclaim will help mafia in any way. I don't think it can do town any help either though, and at worst could do some harm. So I'm still against it.

Are you doing something "there"? Or was that misremembering?

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talking about yoshi?

No prof, I was talking about me. And I'm sure you know why I think nameclaims could be harmful, though I think it's unlikely that it's a worry.

I don't know why I thought that was you.
But yes, I understand how they could be harmful.

I'm all for a Yoshiya Lynch! Been so since the beginning. Me and Zero kinda actually agree on that now that I'm not in tunneling mode.

I'm still iffy on mantle but I'm willing to lynch Yoshiya.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

OMG prof slipped. He was talking to his scum buddy spurge in the their QT!!!!11!1

Prof, you never reacted to my "cop investigate prof" post. Kinda makes me feel like you no wantz it.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson