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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Linkzmax said: is scum, confirmed.

I dunno if you're joking but that's all I've been feeling catching up to this thread. He just seems different.



I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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zero129 said:
theprof00 said:
zero129 said:
zero129 said:

If we think of it the human touch has 3 sidekicks if we go my the fantastic 4 version of him! doesnt mean all 3 would be used

are you not going to answer this?

zero this line of questioning is pointless.

I already said I am Toro, HUman Torch's sidekick. I don't see how you're brining in the other fantastic four guys, or how you're not acknowledging my name, or worse still, implying that I myself am the human torch. I just don't understand you.

Well i never implied any of that.

But since you bring it up!.

The human touch was toro as far as i know so he had no sidekick. The only way the human touch could have a sidekick is if he was with the fantastic 4 (I could be getting my comics mixed up here but if someone knows more then me then please carract this) but yet you say your the human touch and from what you say you have no side kicks.

Question did the human touch go bad at any time for our comic fans?

This at least proves you have not been thinking.

There are 5 things wrong with your post.
Please point them out.

TruckOSaurus said:

Okay, so I said I would get back to DarkThanatos and miz1q2w3e later and later is now.

My bad vibes about both of them are for both for the same kind of behavior. I would describe it as not giving a damn who of the main suspects got lynched.

For miz, there’s the cheering on while prof (and others) were questioning mantle:

Then when the 9TC versus tabaha situation arose, when hatmoza raised concerns about 9TC’s role he made this post:
Where he said he shared hat’s concerns but votes for tabaha all the same. Then later he says
“Everyone believes what 9TC said apparently.
Personally, I just want answers.”

Which doesn’t fit at all with his previous “I don't care though, we'll see soon enough anyways.” and subsequent vote.

For DT, there was the blatant rolefishing:

And then the quick reversal of opinion about 9TC and tabaha:
That series of events coupled with the earlier “second team” slip made me feel like he didn’t care who between the two was going to be lynched because neither of them were on his team and that like Linkz said he was following along for no good reason.

I wouldn't mind lynching either miz or mantle, but my lack of opportunity to catch up and get in sync with the content of this game is just not helping me build cases. But yes, yes to all that scummy behavior you pointed out about miz.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

@ trucks

DT I'm not too sure as scum, like I said last night, scum mario went after him strong. Then again we could might as well be a different type of scum.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
Linkzmax said: is scum, confirmed.

I dunno if you're joking but that's all I've been feeling catching up to this thread. He just seems different.



The confirmed part was a joke, but the suspicion is serious. I don't like how he called yoshi out for counter-suspicion.(Though at the time I did not even know the context of the post yoshi was being qouted on)

Around the Network
hatmoza said:
@ trucks

DT I'm not too sure as scum, like I said last night, scum mario went after him strong. Then again we could might as well be a different type of scum.


If we have an investigator, investigate prof. Not because I suspect him as scum -I always suspect him- but because I want to be 100% sure he's town if he continues playing like this.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

theprof00 said:
hatmoza said:
@ trucks

DT I'm not too sure as scum, like I said last night, scum mario went after him strong. Then again we could might as well be a different type of scum.


honest typo, I swear!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
@ trucks

DT I'm not too sure as scum, like I said last night, scum mario went after him strong. Then again we could might as well be a different type of scum.

I do feel stronger about miz than about DT but until we know for sure if the second kill comes from another scum team or a serial killer, I won't rule out any possibility.

Signature goes here!

theprof00 said:
zero129 said:

Well i never implied any of that.

But since you bring it up!.

The human touch was toro as far as i know so he had no sidekick. The only way the human touch could have a sidekick is if he was with the fantastic 4 (I could be getting my comics mixed up here but if someone knows more then me then please carract this) but yet you say your the human touch and from what you say you have no side kicks.

Question did the human touch go bad at any time for our comic fans?

This at least proves you have not been thinking.

There are 5 things wrong with your post.
Please point them out.

I know one!

But do you seriously expect zero to realize what you see?