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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So I tried WiiU today

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riderz13371 said:
Chandler said:
Saw thread title, immediatly knew what was going on. feelsgoodman.jpg

What is it with you Sony guys that you need your own threads for everything to express your feelings? We already had the "I'm a Sony guy and I played the Wii U today and it totally suxx ass"-thread.

It's just his opinion. My god people can't even express how they feel about something without getting bashed for it because they have different opinions on things. Welcome to fucking earth. Not everyone is the same. 

lol back from the ban already?

Around the Network
d21lewis said:

I lol'd

The OP should've just had a link to the other thread.

riderz13371 said:
Chandler said:
Saw thread title, immediatly knew what was going on. feelsgoodman.jpg

What is it with you Sony guys that you need your own threads for everything to express your feelings? We already had the "I'm a Sony guy and I played the Wii U today and it totally suxx ass"-thread.

It's just his opinion. My god people can't even express how they feel about something without getting bashed for it because they have different opinions on things. Welcome to fucking earth. Not everyone is the same. 

I don't have a problem with opinions. I have a problem with the fact that apparently every opinion needs it's own thread. And 9 out of 10 times it's Sony related, like "Ohmagawd guise, I jus wanted to say that Unfinished Swan is totally kewl and all" or "Just FYI, PSABR rocks guise". 

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

Chandler said:
riderz13371 said:
Chandler said:
Saw thread title, immediatly knew what was going on. feelsgoodman.jpg

What is it with you Sony guys that you need your own threads for everything to express your feelings? We already had the "I'm a Sony guy and I played the Wii U today and it totally suxx ass"-thread.

It's just his opinion. My god people can't even express how they feel about something without getting bashed for it because they have different opinions on things. Welcome to fucking earth. Not everyone is the same. 

I don't have a problem with opinions. I have a problem with the fact that apparently every opinion needs it's own thread. And 9 out of 10 times it's Sony related, like "Ohmagawd guise, I jus wanted to say that Unfinished Swan is totally kewl and all" or "Just FYI, PSABR rocks guise". 

Here let me give you a tip - DON'T CLICK THE THREAD.

riderz13371 said:
Chandler said:

I don't have a problem with opinions. I have a problem with the fact that apparently every opinion needs it's own thread. And 9 out of 10 times it's Sony related, like "Ohmagawd guise, I jus wanted to say that Unfinished Swan is totally kewl and all" or "Just FYI, PSABR rocks guise". 

Here let me give you a tip - DON'T CLICK THE THREAD.

He has the right to complain if he wants. If his complaints bother you - DON'T READ THEM.

Around the Network
d21lewis said:

Nice one d21.

Wii U Nintendo Network ID, Borode

XBOX Live ID, Borode

miz1q2w3e said:
riderz13371 said:
Chandler said:
Saw thread title, immediatly knew what was going on. feelsgoodman.jpg

What is it with you Sony guys that you need your own threads for everything to express your feelings? We already had the "I'm a Sony guy and I played the Wii U today and it totally suxx ass"-thread.

It's just his opinion. My god people can't even express how they feel about something without getting bashed for it because they have different opinions on things. Welcome to fucking earth. Not everyone is the same. 

lol back from the ban already?

Yea it was a 3 day ban and I am back 3 days later. Amazing how that works isn't it?

miz1q2w3e said:
riderz13371 said:
Chandler said:

I don't have a problem with opinions. I have a problem with the fact that apparently every opinion needs it's own thread. And 9 out of 10 times it's Sony related, like "Ohmagawd guise, I jus wanted to say that Unfinished Swan is totally kewl and all" or "Just FYI, PSABR rocks guise". 

Here let me give you a tip - DON'T CLICK THE THREAD.

He has the right to complain if he wants. If his complaints bother you - DON'T READ THEM.

He complains about people giving their opinions on things when he clearly said that he already knew what this thread was going to be about. Why the hell did he click it then? Think first bro.

riderz13371 said:
miz1q2w3e said:

He has the right to complain if he wants. If his complaints bother you - DON'T READ THEM.

He complains about people giving their opinions on things when he clearly said that he already knew what this thread was going to be about. Why the hell did he click it then? Think first bro.

The irony.

Good one, try hard.

We need moar Zelda, now!

We need moar Unchartedzz!

We need less DLCs.