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Forums - Sales Discussion - WW up 27th OCtober

pezus said:
ethomaz said:
Anyway WTF is Farming Simulator?

GoTy right there

Around the Network

Isn't that Farming Simulator coming to consoles aswell?

Vita only did 21k less than Wii.

Great job, Vita! ha ha just kidding

god the sales tracking on this site is a joke

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

pezus said:

Farming Simulator is huge. Excuse me for not believing those numbers . 400k without digital?!? what the actual fuck

Fifa reaches 4m on PS3. 3m next week for 360.

Dark Souls does well because of a new edition in Japan.

Resident Evil 6 fast falling behind RE5 in the same time frame 

Borderlands 2 gets a huge boost on PS3/360. Will likely reach 1m on PS3 next week.

Uncharted 3 does almost 50k! GT5 almost 40k (but no adjustment still)!

Arkham City is at 3.73m for PS3 :O. Didn't realize it sold so much so fast. 4m this holiday, ~3.5m for 360 version then.

Sleeping Dogs PS3 has now overtaken the 360 version.

Dance Central 3 sees a big drop (50%+). I wonder if this one will even reach 1m like the others. Probably will just about reach 1m in the end.

Good summary ofnotable sales and possible next milestones.

And about the bolded, at a first glance at the charts I was all W00t! W00t!! W00t!!!, celebrating a PC game top seller again. Then I misread the title as "Farting Simulator" and after a short moment of perplexity, I was still thinking WTF, let's celebrate anyway.

But finally I read the title correctly and I was horrified realizing the undescribable truth: SOYLENT GREEN IS GAMERS!!! And Zynga, Focus Home Interactive and their evil minions and disciples are turning them into it!  =8-0 To replace them with spineless desktop farmer bodysnatchers.   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!