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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille

spurgeonryan said:
Actually I absolutely fuching can! Why would you just say that? Of course we can use what he said. I thought he was schmmy but obviously everything his Icelandic ass had to say was sincere. Why try to push us away from that?

Well alright then. As you wish, I will treat everything he said as sincere. 

pezus said:


Vote: spurge

First spurge ping is definitely scum... 

pezus said:
spurgeonryan said:
I will point out that Pezus voted for me out of spite and revenge and sort of a joke, and Thanatos only voted for the wrong reasons or because he thinks Stefl is a person of authority and power because he was mod last game so what he says must mean a lot. So thanatos is just following along. Or he is just too new to know me at all. Anyways I have a town vibe/read off him.

No, I voted for you because I think you're scum. I explained that already (no matter how bad the example was, because finding the quicktopics is hard)

He also says you are responsible for his lynch 

pezus said:
spurgeonryan said:
You are fun Pezus. Keep reading. Also I do know you. I know that you were on steam since early this morning. I know that you have been lurking here as well. I know and we all know what we all do when mafia is involved. We look at our phone to make sure the shit has not hit the fan. It just took you a while to think of what you plan was going to be when you got back. You decided to go with the whole "re-reading the thread from my last post" thing. Then slowly answering questions and posting on almost every post to seem normal. Prof just said that you did not really say or ask anything important of him. You asked Man bear an empty question. An now you did just what I thought you were going to do when I said " I know what pezus is going to say when he comes." You are the only one who went that route. Did you know that? The"Oh I am re-reading everything " excuse. Linkz came back from an absence and did not try that, neither did any one but you. You are pulling first time scum behaviour Pezus. Sorry, like I said it is your first time as scum. In ten games when you are scum again you will be better i am sure.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Read what I said again. I can't read through a mafia thread while at school. If that doesn't seem obvious to you, I don't know what to say. Keep being paranoid. This situation is your fault. YOU forced the timelimit by hammering it and then you blame ME for not being back in time. I wanted more TIME but you wanted me LYNCHED before I had enough time and now you're using that as a reason for your vote. How ironic

And he thinks most of the stuff you say is complete BS 

pezus said:

Bold: What utter bullshit, spurge. You know just as well as I do (ironically enough) that I have school on weekdays...I arrived home an hour ago and am now in the process of reading through 100+replies. Why did you unvote and then vote me again suddenly when you saw you were going to be lynched if nothing were to change? 

So in conclusion, you are quite willing to use everything he said, and vote accordingly? I'm clearly a noob player, but you with all your experience must know whats best. The appropriate course of action would be to vote you it seems. 

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spurgeonryan said:
Lets lynch thany before he gets back. All his posts will do is poison are minds. Unless steflnactually has a point with man bear. I would be happy with a Rol lynch as well.

This is an incredibly scummy post. Why would you want to lynch someone before they can defend themselves? This just makes a huge mis-lynch more likely. 

I'm not sure if you are joking and your play is just scummy all the time, or if you are serious and want a mislynch. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

DT engaging in some reductio ad absurdum there. Not sure why, although I do feel his play is slightly different to last game. Whether this is because he has changed since his first game due to experience or because he is not scum like he was last game I'm not sure. Will be keeping my eye on you >.>

If you guys decide to listen to Spurge's idiocies. When i flip town- lynch him. He will have started a train and pushed for two town players. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

I do note that you have no response to Pezus's repeated suspicions though.
Gone cold on that idea?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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Why is DT so scared about Spurge starting a bandwagon on him? So far as far as I can tell it's only really Spurge who is properly suspicious of him.



Linkzmax RolStoppable

Smeags  spurgeonryan          

Vote history (for player)

Yoshiya: spurgeonryan
Linkzmax: RolStoppable, DarkThanatos
Smeags: spurgeonryan

Vote history (by player)

spurgeonryan: Yoshiya, Smeags
RolStoppable: Linkzmax
DarkThanatos: Linkzmax

Signature goes here!

Yoshiya said:
Why is DT so scared about Spurge starting a bandwagon on him? So far as far as I can tell it's only really Spurge who is properly suspicious of him.

Oh i'm not. Hence why i said "if you guys decide" Rather then "as you have"

I guess seeing as I unvoted Spurge round 1, I want to make sure i made the right decision. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Srsly, is everyone waiting on me/MBP?

There has to happen something in here, spurge, I heard you gave tabaha the cooties yesterday during the night?

And yes this question was asked solely because I am pissed at nothing interesting happening.

DT still has to link to linkz post.