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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille

You aren't repeating anything if you've never said anything in the first place.

Are you trying to tell me that third-party, with kills that don't need to be dead for Town to win, cannot exist? Come on, I want my laugh!

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Smeags said:
spurgeonryan said:
No smeags. I think Rol is scum. He basically went black Friday shopping day one and got everything half off. With that win he went into lurking mode even though he did not. We mentioned him so much that he was still around even though he said he was leaving because he was stillnkind of nervous. H jumped on my bandwagon which he would not just do so quickly even if God himself told him I was right. Compared with most games he has been in his bite has been more like an old person gumming people to death. He has no bite in his posts. Going on lurk mode with a reason usually means your scum. Tornado, building a site, or watching football. All excuses a scum makes.

*pats SpurgeonRyan on the head*

See?! This is what I'm talking about.

We also mustn't forget Linkz complete 180 to this playstyle from last game. Before he was a *smiles* Grumpasaurus that only posted in bunches. But now he seems more at ease and posts more evenly throughout the day. What does this mean? Who knows, but its something.

Also, let me see this post of Man-Bear-Pig's if you will...

What you're saying about my posting is simply not true. I always post in bunches when I get home from work, and then respond or question people sporadically until I go to bed. And more recently I have a bit of time in the morning so sometimes I pop on and post a bit.

You do realize there's far less content this round compared to last right? And we've also had much faster days.

But I'm not really bothered by the falsity of the statement. It's that you point something out, but aren't making anything of it. Sadly, while this is your play from Round 41, it has also been your play in other rounds. So it's a null tell.

Another question for you Rol. You seriously think I was responding to your question when I made my supposed slip? I don't think you're an idiot either, so it would surprise me if your reading comprehension is that bad.

Apparently he thinks I was responding to him and not you.

And spurge, unless Stefl learned to slowplay information, his lack of a vote would indicate he did not track MBP to Nacho.

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I'll make it even easier.

RolStoppable said:
tabaha said:
that's a way of looking at it. But why would he do it if he wasn't scum? Did he explained why he voted pezus? (can't remember, need to go back). And 3rd party trying to do that is scum in my eyes

Let's do some meta-gaming. How probable is it that we have a serial killer in this game?


spurgeonryan said:
Have we even had any third party players in the last few games? Iif we do I doubt it is anything serious unless trucks added a S.K to go with the theme.


Linkzmax said:
Just last round there was a SK, and Noc and I were a second scum faction or a third-party "SK-duo" depending on how you look at it.

It's too early to say definitively there's no third-party but it appears there isn't anything with immediate kills, unless there was a lucky block or doc.

I guess I fail for not outright denying the possibility of a SK when I thought everyone would already know that from the OP? But I think you for delivering on the laugh, because you only mentioned Round 42 about an hour ago, so you certainly haven't forgotten it. And you wouldn't know it, but spurge was a survivor with a kill in one of prof's rounds.

So you were right. I'm not dumb. I don't rule out things unless it's mod-confirmed, and there is no mod confirmation that there isn't any third-party.

EBWOP: I thank you*

Stefl1504 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Just like that linkz is mafioso? He agreed to let Mario do first kill? He late vote pezus day one and now he made this "obvious" mistake as well?

Spurge, what you call a mistake isn't a mistake at all if their constelation 'sucks'. I would like to see what we can get of nachomamma... maybe he gave us some hints at his result.

He listed FF by himself when he named him, DT, and myself as suspects. But I don't know what he could have Watched that would have suggested FF as more likely scum, given your result.

spurge, it's not actually in the OP, as I said here:

I just assumed it was because Trucks said it would be.

EBWOP: It being Vanilla Town's role PM.