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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille

spurgeonryan said:
Rol is right. You are sending mixed signals. Maybe after hosting a game you just think that you are that good and you can post and draw attention all you want and people will just follow you and not think anything of it. Or maybe you just have a killer role and are not worried at all. I do that when I feel safe as well. Been a while since Ihad a killer role though. Last one I had hatmoza modkilled me.

Pezus comes in and says nothing and you defend him? What is the deal with that? Is this the radish equation? You think town is better off without me so you are lynching me Stefl? I am sorry that I thought I could provoke people last game and then protect myself, but I have done it before so I figured it was fine. I am not the only person who has caused town to lose like 8 games in a row Mr. Wahaha. Everyone is to blame at some point. If you are truly town you would not be so careless with your voting.

Like I said, for me this all is too little time to deduce anything and I don't expect some moron to vote for you just because I did, because this would force me to unvote you, then someone comes in and votes pezus again and I'd have to revote again, eternal circle of me trying to tie it up if I can.

The stupid thing is not lynching you or pezus, the stupid thing is the early time-limit. And if a bigger chunk of town still wants to lynch pezus I can't stop them.

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No i didnt miss that he wasnt playing, nor the other questions.
More appropriately, you called out mbp for saying the same thing about me, did you not?

Wrong answer peez.
I am not dnying being scum.
What i am saying is that you made a concrete stance that i was scum, yet in tht game you wanted rol alive and shooting people for you. You said I "had to go" yet your actions in that game reflect anything but that.

spurgeonryan said:

@ Linkz
I forgot about you suggested something to me. I thought it was retarded so did not bite your bait. What is your motivation for even bringing it up again? It did not matter at all. Why are you stretching for leads this game? Looking in the Sign up thread, quoting lame stuff that you said before. What is the deal? It is like you are overly trying to act like you are following the thread and re-reading everything. It is an incredibly strong town read on you because of it, but you were lynched last game so I would assume you would try extra hard to seem town...

You asked what made you my number one suspect, and so I answered. Why did you treat me like I was town from the get go?

theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:

I meant if it was valid there was nothing for me to jump in with. Nacho has still plenty of explaining to do, and can still respond to your point though it's less meaningful now. The difference with tabaha is he(she?) could have kept up a charade in order to get the reaction from Stefl.

So "many possibilities [as scum]" qualifies as trying to impress and "throwaway"?

Sometimes, it's like your brain is mush.

I'm not saying you were copying me with the actual presented ideas, but as I said earlier, the type of question you were asking.
Remember, in just the last post I wrote that you were asking for sincerity, and I had already skipped that part. You were asking my question. Don't make it seem like because the possibilities you presented were different, it means you didn't copy. Just accept the fact that I asked that question first, that it was dissimilar from the question YOU were asking previous, and that I COULD portray your evidence of copying as copying me.

Just because you say things like above "nacho has still plenty of explaining to do, and can still respond to your point" doesn't mean you've done nothing wrong. Yes he can, but all the wind is taken out of the sail. Sure it's in the sign up, but that doesn't mean he was more or less likely to see it. But whatever, I already had figured out SIMPLY by you answering the question for nacho, that you suspected me. (if you are town that is)

My brain is mush at the moment, but I'll accept the fact that we each asked a question question that could follow from the other's. Maybe you're just bussing, but I'm not as worried that you're leading me into a mislynch.

Man, you're talking about a sail when we're dealing with a speedboat.

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spurgeonryan said:
Read the rest of the thread you tricky, lying, pile of scum!

I thought you as town from the get go linkz? I just said you were scum over my last like 20 posts.


I'll make the point for the third time. You said very early that I was using tricks and deception to get a read on people, which implies I am town.

Of course I'm not surprised you've changed your tune since I pointed it out and called you a suspect.


Can anyone else verify pezus was online and not posting between 1 and 2 hours ago?

spurgeonryan said:
Furthermore. Unless Pezus grew a thick sin and became a freakin saint he would not have allowed that many votes on him to be ignored. In the past I even lay a FoS on the guy and he goes crazy with panic! Now half the players vote for him he just calmly ask man bear and a few others a few questions? No he is holding back. He knows that scum has to shut their mouth from time to time. He probably is either about to say something he should not or did and wants to get everyones attention away from it or just realizes that he is talking too much. Either way he has not really scum hunted like Nacho as said and he has only mainly commented on things that involved himself. Show me that he has not! More than a few things here and there. We are on post number kadgillion already people!

Track record for my vibes: Game I tried to bring linkz down with a false claim, My original vibe was theprof~but I did not listen to it and stupidly went after linkz who then wimped out and post his PM via microsoft paint.
Tunneled Mantle next game and he was scum. I think the only one who was caught?
Lynched my own scum buddy cojo in the next game. Had to throw that in there.
Next game I successfully found linkz out before I was modkilled.

This game pezus is scum. Shall we go against my track record in my head off first impressions?

I hate to say this, but I think Spurge has a point here. I don't trust him like Prof, but I've changed my stance, i dont want him lynched night one. Night two maybe. 

Stefl also wound me up the wrong way with his vote on spurge. Add him to my scummy list. 

Unvote: Spurge

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

(To expand, when I played as scum last round, I stopped posting so much, and I got a lot less suspicion on me. Pezus seems like a reasonable player judging from the things you have said. I wouldn't put it past him to do the same tactic if a noob like me could)

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

spurgeonryan said:
OPE! LINKZ IS up 2 his tricks and deception already to get a read on people.

You said it yourself! Now stop evading the question.

Well peez afaik nobody has asked why you jumped on mbp. You asked him what, three times why he said "prof is behaving like scum"