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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille

man-bear-pig said:

HoS: spurge
Perhaps him unvoting pezus is his way of trying to save his scumrade from the chop?

You never answered my question about DT and his previous vote on pezus, but this makes two scummates voting pezus now.

man-bear-pig said:
Linkzmax said:

You haven't posted a conclusive argument against pezus. The one thing you did say about him has been a running joke in VGC Mafia. Everything else is circular logic.

That may be true, but IF pezus was town then all the scum would've supported my accusation and voted to get rid of pezus. They didn't, and therefore pezus is scum. SCUM.

Care to reevaluate your point?

Around the Network
Linkzmax said:
man-bear-pig said:

HoS: spurge
Perhaps him unvoting pezus is his way of trying to save his scumrade from the chop?

You never answered my question about DT and his previous vote on pezus, but this makes two scummates voting pezus now.

lol i voted pezus as a random first vote. Notice how he has never appeared in any other post and I'm now voting spurge :P Not my fault if some scummy player joins in, if anything surely it would be too risky for scummates to join together on the first page voting, so I'm likely not tied with Pezus? Just interested in your logic here. 

What are your current thoughts on Yoshiya?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

am I the only one getting the feeling spurge unvoted without a clear reason and he's probably not coming before the time limit?
Also, how much time until time limit? I need to make my decision


DarkThanatos said:
Linkzmax said:
man-bear-pig said:

HoS: spurge
Perhaps him unvoting pezus is his way of trying to save his scumrade from the chop?

You never answered my question about DT and his previous vote on pezus, but this makes two scummates voting pezus now.

lol i voted pezus as a random first vote. Notice how he has never appeared in any other post and I'm now voting spurge :P Not my fault if some scummy player joins in, if anything surely it would be too risky for scummates to join together on the first page voting, so I'm likely not tied with Pezus? Just interested in your logic here. 

What are your current thoughts on Yoshiya?

My point was with MBP, but is the logic really that hard to follow?

I like how yoshi handled Nacho's pressure as well as his response to my question about the pezus&time limit voters. The only thing that struck me as odd was he didn't consider me suspiciuos since I only voted time limit and not pezus, when forcing a time limit could have been just as good at getting pezus lynched. But it's a town read anyway.

tabaha said:
am I the only one getting the feeling spurge unvoted without a clear reason and he's probably not coming before the time limit?
Also, how much time until time limit? I need to make my decision

That's typical spurge for ya, and even if he returns I wouldn't count on a meaningful vote.

There should be a bit under 8 hours remaining.

Around the Network
Linkzmax said:
The only thing that struck me as odd was he didn't consider me suspiciuos since I only voted time limit and not pezus, when forcing a time limit could have been just as good at getting pezus lynched. But it's a town read anyway.

I didn't actually think about that haha, I've been so tired recently so my reasoning is kind of off. That said, the fact that you pointed it out is giving me a town feeling from you, I don't see why a scum would bring up a point that could make them seem suspicious if someone has missed it.

Group hug!

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Damn, here I wanted to propose a Noctis policy lynch - no suprise there, his activity level when he is not playing/is playing is the same :D

In general I would only support a spurge lynch right now. Too many low reads for me right now, spurge is on the scum end of my reads and even as town he would be a loss town can survive.

If I got it right there should be a little less than 3 and a half hour left?




pezus man-bear-pig spurgeonryan


spurgeonryan pezus DarkThanatos            
Nachomamma8 Yoshiya  Final-Fan            
Final-Fan Nachomamma8 RolStoppable            
No Lynch Stefl1504 supermario128            

Timelimit: RolStoppable, man-bear-pig, Linkzmax, DarkThanatos, spurgeonryan

Voting history (for player)

theProf00: RolStoppable
RolStoppable: pezus
pezus : DarkThanatos, RolStoppable, man-bear-pig, spurgeonryan, spurgeonryan
Yoshiya: Nachomamma8, RolStoppable
spurgeonryan: pezus, DarkThanatos
man-bear-pig: Final-Fan
Nachomamma8: Yoshiya, Final-Fan
Final-Fan : Nachomamma8, RolStoppable
No Lynch: Stefl1504, supermario128

Voting history (by player)

RolStoppable: theProf00, pezus, Yoshiya, Final-Fan
pezus: RolStoppable, spurgeonryan
DarkThanatos: pezus, spurgeonryan
man-bear-pig: pezus
spurgeonryan: pezus , pezus
Nachomamma8: Yoshiya, Final-Fan
Final-Fan: man-bear-pig, Nachomamma8
Yoshiya: Nachomamma8
supermario128: No Lynch

Day One will end in 3 hours

Signature goes here!