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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Yoshiya said:
radishhead said:
Oh, for the record Zero- I still consider Mario more likely to be anti-town than you right now, but I've got to look at more than just one player.

*scum alert**scum alert* Why do you have to be seen going after more than one player? When has that ever been a townie thing? You should be going after players you think are scum not the ones which people want to see you go after.

What're you talking about? Since when was tunneling on one player something that a townie would do?

I never said I've got to be "seen" looking at more than one player, I said I've got to look at more than one player - which is true. What if Mario does end up town? Everything I would have done one Night 1 would be wasted.

Combine this pointless accusation with the convenient timing of the vote against me, and I'm not so sure about my "probably town" feeling on you.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:

What're you talking about? Since when was tunneling on one player something that a townie would do?

I never said I've got to be "seen" looking at more than one player, I said I've got to look at more than one player - which is true. What if Mario does end up town? Everything I would have done one Night 1 would be wasted.

Combine this pointless accusation with the convenient timing of the vote against me, and I'm not so sure about my "probably town" feeling on you.

How is this a pointless accusation? You basically said "I think Mario is more scummy than you btw Zero, I just can't be looking at one player or I'll seem scum." Why did you need to say this if you were town? I'll admit that tunnelling isn't necessarily a town thing to do but you shouldn't go round saying things like this if you are town, a town would just push for more than one person at a time and vote for the one they considered more suspicious.

Also, to your "convinient timing" argument, the reason I voted when I did was because I wasn't hugely suspicious of you until I read Prof's re-read on you. Once I saw that I started to think about the points he raised and concluded that you were scum. We've already had an argument as to why I thought you were scum when you did and you stated yourself that my points were new, if I was simply jumping on a bandwagon why would I go to the effort of finding my own points to pin you down with when I could have just said "Because of what Prof said".

Yoshiya said:
radishhead said:

What're you talking about? Since when was tunneling on one player something that a townie would do?

I never said I've got to be "seen" looking at more than one player, I said I've got to look at more than one player - which is true. What if Mario does end up town? Everything I would have done one Night 1 would be wasted.

Combine this pointless accusation with the convenient timing of the vote against me, and I'm not so sure about my "probably town" feeling on you.

a town would just push for more than one person at a time and vote for the one they considered more suspicious

Since that's exactly what I've been doing, and even mentioned it in the post, I don't see what your problem is. The only problem you seem to have is that I said I was doing it- which I mentioned because Zero was going crazy thinking that everyone was trying to start a lynch train on him, and that might cause him to act even more rashly than he's already been doing.

We've already had an argument as to why I thought you were scum when you did and you stated yourself that my points were new, if I was simply jumping on a bandwagon why would I go to the effort of finding my own points to pin you down with when I could have just said "Because of what Prof said".

? I didn't even say you were mafia, but it's a little odd that you feel the need to let us all know that you made original points before jumping on the bandwagon. 

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

zero129 said:

Yoshia i already gave much more of a reason for why im town then you have. its only clear the mafia will try to make me look bad such as what you are doing.

I have went after people and pointed out things that can most likely be used later on.

You on the other hand have pretty much just been joining in with what everyone else has been saying and adding your own little bits to it to make it look like your doing something when really your not.

Please learn to spell my name right Zero, it's Yoshiya not Yoshia.

How is saying things which haven't already been said not helping in a way that can't be brought back up at a later date? I've already proved that I can be helpful by getting Radish to be suspicious of you by pointing out what Hat wasn't saying about you. Hat himself seems kind of scummy because of his deflection of you but at least he didn't vote for the person that had just voted for him and didn't proceed to HoS the person that pointed out a flaw in your argument. As I have already stated, this is exactly how you played last game and you turned out to be scum in that game so why should I believe you are town just because you have said you are town again?

As to this;

"its only clear the mafia will try to make me look bad such as what you are doing."

Can you please explain why in a way that isn't simply you saying "I am town so you must be mafia for pushing me"?

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radishhead said:

Yoshiya said:

 We've already had an argument as to why I thought you were scum when you did and you stated yourself that my points were new, if I was simply jumping on a bandwagon why would I go to the effort of finding my own points to pin you down with when I could have just said "Because of what Prof said".

? I didn't even say you were mafia, but it's a little odd that you feel the need to let us all know that you made original points before jumping on the bandwagon. 


1) I never admitted to jumping on a bandwagon so why did you say I did?

2) You accused me of "convinient timing", I was explaining why I posted when I did. The fact that you mentioned that I voted at a "convenient time" in my mind translated to you accusing me of jumping on a bandwagon which was why I mentioned that I actually had my own reasons for being suspicious, if it's not what you meant then please explain what you did mean.

Yoshiya said:
radishhead said:

Yoshiya said:

 We've already had an argument as to why I thought you were scum when you did and you stated yourself that my points were new, if I was simply jumping on a bandwagon why would I go to the effort of finding my own points to pin you down with when I could have just said "Because of what Prof said".

? I didn't even say you were mafia, but it's a little odd that you feel the need to let us all know that you made original points before jumping on the bandwagon. 


1) I never admitted to jumping on a bandwagon so why did you say I did?

2) You accused me of "convinient timing", I was explaining why I posted when I did. The fact that you mentioned that I voted at a "convenient time" in my mind translated to you accusing me of jumping on a bandwagon which was why I mentioned that I actually had my own reasons for being suspicious, if it's not what you meant then please explain what you did mean.

Yeah, that is how I saw the vote- you can try to explain it all you like, but the timing was too perfect for it to not be at least with a bandwagon mentality, even if that wasn't your primary intention for voting me.

If it was genuinely a coincidence, I don't even know why we're arguing about it

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:

If it was genuinely a coincidence, I don't even know why we're arguing about it

Because you brought it back up as a reason for why I was suspicious....

Yoshiya said:
radishhead said:

If it was genuinely a coincidence, I don't even know why we're arguing about it

Because you brought it back up as a reason for why I was suspicious....

Well, it was suspicious - but I didn't bring it up as a reason for why you could be mafia, so I don't see the issue

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

I'm well aware that the above message will lead us in a full circle by the way- just trying to show you that your own viewpoint isn't the only way in which things can be seen in Mafia.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~