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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Hooray beer!

and since I don't think it's right to say anything that can be considered content post-hammer: to the player that I have not yet accepted a friend request from,(screw grammar) I wish you the best of luck, whether you're town or scum.

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Stay out of this outsider! =D

I'm going to assume that was me, just be aware that I friended about 30 people that day.
If you're town, you might as well divulge everything you know.

I watched mantle Midnight 1, no visitors!

Also, I Sensor'd myself this Midnight. Stefl is mean though and said there was between 0 and 6 scum on my lynch. He was nice enough to inform me that between 0 and 4 scum stayed off my lynch. I hope that helps.

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oh god, you so silly

by the way. I lied about scanning you. :D

As I've always said. :D

Needless to say, I sure do hope you're scum lol

Anyway, I'll be honorable and stop talking. Goodnight.