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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Linkzmax said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Linkzmax said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Of course you could have. What could have prevent you from it?

That would amount to suicide if and when happy flips a named shadowling.

According to you, the theme is easy to figure out (, then you being scum gives you additional information and you've played with prof enough that you had to know what he was up to with his line of questionning with HappyD (I certainly did).

Yes, scum would know 'We're all humans/heroes or shadowspawn that yearn for the light/to leave the darkness or godlike whatevers.' That would tell them that they're beings of light and town = darkness. That wouldn't tell them that town humans are "corrupt humans" or shadowspawn consists of both "shadowspawn" and "shadowlings" and that they have descriptions.

Praytell, how did you know what prof was up to with his line of questioning?

He began his pattern of asking precise questions to HappyD and being very impatient with the responses (in order to prevent him from thinking it through if he was lying) so from that point on I knew he was looking for a flaw in HappyD's statements.

Signature goes here!

Around the Network

So you didn't know what flaw he was looking for?

Linkzmax said:
So you didn't know what flaw he was looking for?

I did know. Sure it helped that I was also a nameless SS but I could have figured it out even without that information.

Signature goes here!

Since I want to go to sleep I am going to make this quick:

mantle died, he was Gwedin, corrupted human, a town one-shot poison/silence healer

Night 4 start

Guess I was just going paranoid with nen after all.

Vote: Linkzmax

Signature goes here!

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TruckOSaurus said:
Linkzmax said:
So you didn't know what flaw he was looking for?

I did know. Sure it helped that I was also a nameless SS but I could have figured it out even without that information.

And how would you have known prof was right that SS shouldn't have a name without that information?


So much for nen being my scummate.

I wonder why mantle didn't heal him Midnight 2 or if he did last Midnight.

Linkzmax said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Linkzmax said:
So you didn't know what flaw he was looking for?

I did know. Sure it helped that I was also a nameless SS but I could have figured it out even without that information.

And how would you have known prof was right that SS shouldn't have a name without that information?



So much for nen being my scummate.

I wonder why mantle didn't heal him Midnight 2 or if he did last Midnight.


Well I did figure out that humans had names with being one.

Signature goes here!

I don't follow. Was there some conflict between someone claiming to be a human with a name and someone who hinted at being a human without one?

Like I said earlier, I took some time to run my post counter, here are the results:

[Stefl1504] => 72
[nen-suer] => 161
[theprof00] => 429
[c03n3nj0] => 3
[pezus] => 15
[Kantor] => 9
[zero129] => 134
[radishhead] => 174
[TruckOSaurus] => 126
[Yoshiya] => 61
[DarkThanatos] => 96
[Smeags] => 79
[Carl2291] => 77
[Final-Fan] => 69
[hatmoza] => 200
[NoCtiS_NoX] => 32
[happydolphin] => 163
[spurgeonryan] => 130
[RoryGamesFree] => 1
[Linkzmax] => 287
[mantlepiecek] => 258
[supermario128] => 53
[tabaha] => 27

So I guess HappyD was right!

Signature goes here!

Why didn't he poison someone?