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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Smeags could be the serial killer brother of radish. Interesting.

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Oh yeah.

Unvote: smeags

His claim will solve itself.

And, assuming spurge was doctor we have lost both doctors, mafia have no reason to use their bus drivers on killing targets. They will most likely use it on someone who is town and replace him with scum, that or they saw smeags roleclaim and decided to redirect him or busdrive carl because carl was under so much pressure.

And linkz, my reply to smeags was out of semi-panic. I thought he was the cop and he foolishly claimed to have scanned DT. Later on I wondered if DT was the godfather.

However now things are a bit different.

That was also the reason why I wanted smeags to be left off for the day. See, if he was cop, scum could take him out?

They did take out hat - a confirmed flavour cop in their eyes. Maybe they thought hat was a greater threat than smeags?

Maybe they did something to smeags and killed hat? If they have a redirector it is possible.

BUT, three investigative roles, now that is a bit hard to believe. So smeags could be SK.

And smeags says he targeted DT and carl.

It is possible linkz and carl were busdriven. Smeags attacks carl - fails.
Prof scans linkz - scum.

But then yoshiya is going to be confirm scum. I didn't like his insta vote on carl either. He said he agreed with my point and trucks point, but that is exactly what my point was against carl, except carl actually made a giant push whereas yoshiya joined in.

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mantlepiecek said:
And linkz, my reply to smeags was out of semi-panic. I thought he was the cop and he foolishly claimed to have scanned DT. Later on I wondered if DT was the godfather.

However now things are a bit different.

I had thought that could have been your reaction, but it hadn't occurred to me that you were thinking DT could be GF. Then again, it would be unwise to make such a suggestion.

I do think that FOUR(Forgetting mario?) investigative roles is too stacked, but we also have no idea what mafia has. smeags role seems too powerful though as it would automatically eliminate any scum he targets.

DT played so scummy, and was corrupted human. If anyone can be a godfather, it's corrupted human.

So, his scummy behaviour + role + smeags scan kind of still made me think he is godfather.

Prof, I want to know how a lazy shadowling can be a cop.

mantlepiecek said:
DT played so scummy, and was corrupted human. If anyone can be a godfather, it's corrupted human.

So, his scummy behaviour + role + smeags scan kind of still made me think he is godfather.

Prof, I want to know how a lazy shadowling can be a cop.

I lied about that.

I am a "curious shadowling", which is why I believed zero was a mason.

Curious means 'wanting to learn', whereas educated means 'learned'. A learned person should therefore, according to my trait, know some alignments.

Good catch though.

It does make sense to lie about your character when it can hint towards your role.

Something mario didn't do.

Okay, I can clarify something. Active roles would be notified if blocked, but Stefl wouldn't tell me if there's notification of a change in intended target.