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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

zero129 said:
Is it possible that the since the is 18 players the is 9 town, 6 mafia, and 3 3rd party??.
if all of the town are darkspawn, and the humans are the mafia. and godlike is 3rd party.
Cant we all claim and if every group says they are town just lynch one of the humans to see if we are right?.
But imo i think Stefl might of mixed the groups up, ie 3 town in each group, 2 mafia in each group and 1 3rd party in each group??.

From the OP i think he has done the former, with town, mafia and 3rd party, being shadowspan, human and godlike respecively. 

I dont think that it would be quite so many mafia / 3rd party though. As my understanding is, usually the town is significantly greater then the mafia. 

If your 9:6:3 split is correct, then it is quite feasible that we will lynch a town first - 8:6:3, then the mafia lynch a town 7:6:3 and then a serialkiller in the 3rd party kills a town. Making it 6:6:3 and effectively ending the game there. 

Maybe a split of 13:3:2 or 12:4:2 would be a better assumption?

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@ those of you that think that Godlike is third party. Does this mean you would be willing to lynch Mario and Mantle purely off the fact that they are most likely Godlike and not Shadowspawn/Human?

Stefl1504 said:

With 18 players alive it needs 10 to lynch. A double lynch is possible.

  L-9 L-8

pezus noctis

noctis spurge                  
zero linkz                  
darkT mantle                  
mantle darkT                  
no lynch F-F kantor                

since there was speculation: of course there are unvotes, they are just not necesary when voting another person

^Pezus isn't playing :) 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

DarkThanatos said:
Stefl1504 said:

With 18 players alive it needs 10 to lynch. A double lynch is possible.

  L-9 L-8

pezus noctis

noctis spurge                  
zero linkz                  
darkT mantle                  
mantle darkT                  
no lynch F-F kantor                

since there was speculation: of course there are unvotes, they are just not necesary when voting another person

^Pezus isn't playing :) 

I don't care, if people think it is necesary to vote for people that are not playing I am not going to prevent them.

The above is very well and good Zero except if all the mafia are human like you think might be the case and they know the end product of your strategy is to lynch a human, why would they claim human? Hell, why would a townie claim human if they knew it meant they were going to get lynched?

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Yoshiya said:
@ those of you that think that Godlike is third party. Does this mean you would be willing to lynch Mario and Mantle purely off the fact that they are most likely Godlike and not Shadowspawn/Human?

It's pretty obvious that Mantle wasn't claiming shadowspawn or human, so I'm betting that "godlike" are simply powerful characters- maybe some are town aligned and others are mafia aligned, I have no idea- but surely if Mantle/Mario were non-town, they would at least try to fakeclaim?

So to answer your question (which wasn't really aimed at me, since I'm currently thinking that these "races" (not sure what to refer to them as) are actually randomised across town and mafia to prevent metagaming), no

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While trying to make sense of what mantlepiecek and supermario128 said, I was juggling with the idea of the "GodLikes" being scum instead of the "Humans", so I went back to the OP and went into full flavor analysis mode and I think I figured something out.

The one night draws near... the night, in which the gate of worlds will open, and the beings that live in the Realm of Darkness are free to roam. Some days before the big event, a shimmer of light disturbs the eternal night that lies upon the realm of darkness. The Gate Keeper, tempted to investigate by the unseen phenomenon. His essence starts to dissipate as he draws closer to the light. As his hand nearly could reach the light, his whole presence has vanished. The light then starts to move deeper into the realm, with the goal to eliminate its entire structure.

This I see as pure fluff, an intro, nothing more.

Soon the now unguarded gate of worlds opens from the other side, to allow entrance to a small group of heroes, venturing inside the realm carried by their hope, to avert the forthcoming night. Slowly, their minds will be teinted by the darkness surrounding them, and only fate knows, if they will be able to complete their mission.

Here come the heroes (humans). A few things point to them being scum. First, the term "small group" which fits the pattern informed minority vs uninformed majority. Second, the fact they want to avert the night which is bad for Shadowspawn.

On the other end of the realm the evil overlords plan to subdue everything inside the darkness, in order to use the upcoming event to invade all other realms and gain absolute dominion.

At first, I thought this part was refering to the Shadowspawn but "spawn" suggests underlings which doesn't fit at all with the term "overlords". What does fit with "overlord" though is "GodLike", so what that mind add "evil" to  "overlords" and this would mean that players in the "GodLike" category are also scum.

So if I didn't completely misinterpret things, this would mean we're facing two scum factions and this would also mean that both supermario128 and mantlepiecek are anti-town so I guess I'll vote for one of them.

Vote: supermario128

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
nen-suer said:
TruckOSaurus said:
mantlepiecek said:
First of all, I believe the bearers of light are actually townies and the bearers of shadow or darkness are mafia. I got this after I read the OP theme.

Your wording makes it seem like you're neither of those, are you a 3rd party character?

Mario said something similar. Whats your thoughts on that ?

Here's what Mario said "So, can we assume Humans are vanilla townies, Shadowspawn are mafia, and Godlike are powerful townies? I guess it really doesn't matter. We will find out sooner or later. ".

His wording doesn't exclude him being a human (or Shadowspawn for that matter), he seems somewhat confident about his first two assertions but more uncertain about what "Godlike" players are (indicating that he's not in that category).

What I read from mantlepiecek, on the other hand, is that he's venturing a guess for both  light/dark and townie/mafia. Which makes me think he personally doesn't fit in either category, which is why I got the impression he was 3rd party.

Of course I am venturing a guess between light and dark. No one actually knows if light = good or light = bad.

From the flavor you can see it can be interpreted both ways.

TruckOSaurus said:
nen-suer said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Define what you mean by interest?

You are "tingling" my spidey sense (not necessarily in a bad way)

Don't mind me....i'm just thinking out loud.

zero129 said:
nen-suer said:

Dark = good, light = bad, night = day 

So what do you guys think about this?If most disagree then that means flavour hunting wont get you anywhere this round my friends

I also have good reason to believe the shadowspawns are townies as for the others i think you might be right about the heros but where does that leave the Godlike things??.


Godlike can be a power wielding townies, a 2nd mafia faction or 3rd party individuals (makes sense, one man faction = godlike)

The question is. If most agree that "shadowspawns = good" then why did Mario & Mantle say otherwise and why didnt TruckS

reliaze what i was asking when i mentioned mario's post ?

All three wont make a stupid claims & mistakes like this...thats why i'm thinking the whole thing maybe randomized.


You asked your question quoting my comment about Mantle's wording so my response centered around Mario's wording as well.

If you were asking about what I think of his statement, here's what I got from it. Mario has to be Human, since his assessment about shadowspawns is wrong and since he had to guess what godlike was.

So you are saying that you know for a fact that shadowspawn =/= mafia?

DarkThanatos said:
radishhead said:
DarkThanatos said:
Are you talking about the lie detector or the no-lync vote? 

I know I'm new- but surely having a lie detector is always usful for townies?

I can understand that no-lynch at the start would be a bit pointless though

Why are you against no-lynches?

I'm not against no-lynches :P Later on in the game i think that it can definately be a useful tactic- but at the start of a game this big, i think we need a kill to get the ball rolling 

Have you played mafia before?