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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Just a head's up, I won't be online this evening and all of Saturday.

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So i took a nap and was like, " i aleays understand things better once ive slept on it. Ok brain, "who is scum?"

I woke up with one name in my head. Radish.

theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:
Eho's online?
Smeags, linkz, you guys saw that right?
The whole "oh yeah that actually makes sense!" Thing.
What do you guys think?
It was an obvious conclusion, right?

I'm a bit confused. First you were pressing nen for suspecting radish, now you say it was obvious he should have suspected radish.

Even if he's pretended not to think of the flavor, what's your point?

You're not really answering the question, are you...

I wasn't online(although apparently the page had refreshed sometime between the quoted post, and the leader forgetting us post)

I don't see any "oh yeah that actually makes sense" thing.

I didn't think radish was an SK silencer, because that'd be incredibly harsh for an SK to have to continue to deal with players' opinions even if the votes are taken away. So the only way the flavor could have been an obvious link for nen is to think radish was a mafia silencer. He mentioned a spy, which would have been a good reason for a knowing(as far as realizing a spy has to be out there) mafiaso to pretend not to make the link. Obviously now that can't be the case though. which reminds me...

...grrr lost my post. Oh well, shouldn't take long to redo it.

We need confirmation from Stefl about nen, but here.

italics = town
underlics = assumed town
underbold = third party
strikethrough = vote that was later unvoted
(parentheses) = unvote
[brackets] = modkill


Night 1

prof: nen, (nen), zero, (zero), nen, (nen)
pezusNoc, (Noc)
Noc: spurge, (spurge)
zeroLinkz, (Linkz), radish, (radish), hat, yoshi, radishprof, (prof), Mario, (Mario), Linkz, Mario, Kantaba, (radish)
No Lynch: FF, Kantaba, radish, (radish), radish, (radish), Trucks, prof, (prof), Noc, Mario, prof, (Mario)
Kantaba: happy, (happy)
DT: mantle, (mantle)
mantle: DTMariohathappyprof, (happy), zeronen, (hat), (prof), (zero), (Mario), (DT), (nen)
MarioTruckszero, (zero), radishnen, (radish), (nen), DT, zero, (Trucks), prof, smeags, (prof), nen, Carl
happy: prof, (prof)
Linkz: happyMario, (happy), (Mario), spurge
radishprofhappyspurgeyoshiMarioLinkzDTCarl, (Carl), (happy), (prof), (Linkz), (yoshi), (Mario), (spurge), (DT)
nen: mantle, (mantle), prof, (prof)
hat: zero
spurgenen, (nen), mantle, (mantle)
Carl: mantle

By player:
nen- prof, mantle, 
mariospurge, prof, timelimit, mario
noc- pezus, timelimit, no lynch
spurge- noc, radish, timelimit, linkz
linkz- zeroradishzero
ff- no lynch, timelimit
happy- Kantaba, mantle, linkz, radish, unvote
DT- mantle, timelimit, radishmario
mantle- dt, nen, spurge, carl
Kantaba- no lynch, timelimit, zero
trucks- mario, no lynch
prof- happy, mantle,radishzero, nen, no lynch, mario, no lynch
Mario- mantle, linkz, radishzero, no lynch, zero
zeromario, mantle, prof, hatz, mario
hat- mantle, zero
radish- no lynch, zero, no lynch, mariozero, timelimit, unvote
yoshi- radishzero
carl- radishmario
smeags- timelimit, mario

No vote at end of Night: happy, radish


Night 2

Linkz: spurgeradish, happysmeags, [spurge], mantle, (happy), hat, (hat), (radish), (smeags), (mantle)
radish: DT, prof, (prof), FF, yoshi, (yoshi), Trucks, yoshi, prof, hat, (hat), (Trucks), hat, mantle, nen?, Kantaba, smeags?
smeags: Linkz
radish, Trucks, (radish)
mantle: Carl
mantle, (mantle)
radish, (radish)

By player:
spurge- Linkz, modkill
radish- Linkz, yoshi, nen, Kantaba
happy- Linkz, unvote
smeags- Linkz, 
mantle- Linkz, Carl, 
hat- Linkz, 
Linkz- smeags
radish, yoshi
Carl- mantle

No vote at end of Night: happy, nen?/smeags?
No vote all Night: Noc

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slighty off, but why Kantaba D:


theprof00 said:
mantlepiecek said:
Final-Fan said:

I had thought you meant, "Oh how insightful, to suggest a highly likely scenario that has already been mentioned several times as a possibility."  So it's good you cleared that up lol or I would have had the wrong idea. 

All those suggestions were mute since we never knew radish was actually a shadowspawn killer.

mafia did, and maybe a human killer did.

How could mafia have known radish could only kill shadowspawn?


Merely to make it easier to format as well as remember you were Kantor's replacement.

slightly off topic, I mean.

Well leaving in order to sleep. I hope this midnight ends until i wake up.


i had believed that at the time, rafish had already claimed thaylt did he not?
Therefore mafia shouldnt have the same kind of uncertainty

They would probably be more certain, but as mantle(I think) suggested, radish could have been lying so as to not make himself a target for night kills.