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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Radish, there is one last thing you havent mentioned.

What happens when you fulfill your victory conditions?

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For everyone who wants to lynch yoshi, what evidence do you have that he is scum?

theprof00 said:
For everyone who wants to lynch yoshi, what evidence do you have that he is scum?

radish's failed kill and his posts of the first day rubbed me the wrong way. I have a hard time describing it without going back to Night 1 (something I probably won't do), but he seemed to jump in arguments when it felt safe, when he knew there was support for the ideas he was defending.

Signature goes here!

Carl2291 said:
mantlepiecek said:

Notice yourself saying the same thing over and over without replying to any of my points.

Im only doing what you did a few nights back.

I understand that youre annoyed that Ive outed you, but come on. Dont resort to hypocrisy.

theprof00 said:

Does carl want to lynch radish or not?

I wouldnt be against it honestly. Hes had more faces than a game of guess who. I dont trust a single word he says.

He can only apparently kill Shadowspawn, right? Zero was SS and ended up Doctor. Wasnt Spurge (Nurse?) also SS? Did he say what race he was? I cant remember. If... IF hes telling the truth about winning when he kills SS, then thats one (2?) down already. How many more are left? How many will be left if Scum get one tonight? We cant risk it.

All in all, hes a risk to keep around and not one single word he says can be trusted.

No hypocrisy when I have always addressed points whereas you haven't.

If radish has a teammate it is possible that if we lynch him, his teammate may end up getting the ability to kill townies anyway.

Like how it happened in hat's game. Maybe one can kill only town and one can only kills scum.

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Apparently carl "outed" me by pointing things like me saying light = town and dark = scum.
It doesn't get easier than this. It was hat who pointed out the human thing and nen/trucks/smeags who commented on the light, dark thing directly or indirectly.

Carl parroting it just shows he has no points.

radishhead said:
Why lynch me? Yeah, sure- I'm the SK, but I can be useful to town too.

HAH! Vindication!
Why did you target yoshiya and not me though? You had me in your group of targets night 1, and agreed with prof on hat and I during midnight.

Now like I said earlier, leashing the SK simply doesn't work. And given radish's clarification about only being able to lynch shadowspawn it's an especially bad idea. Although nothing he said should be taken as fact, including his supposed win condition.

Shame on.. yoshi, mantle, nen, hat, Trucks
Props to.. prof,(surprisingly after our early convo) DT, Carl

radishhead said:
theprof00 said:
There is also no reason you shouldn't have known that you only target spawn. Simply no reason.
You are hiding information.

Because I thought that my role was nerfed as it was (delayed kill), so I didn't think to look for extra complications. It was never stated specifically that I can only target shadowspawn- rather it mentions "if a shadowspawn is targetted by this ability...". It also didn't make sense that a SK wouldn't be able to kill mafia (making victory impossible) so I assumed I could - Stefl has admitted to me that he forgot to give me my winning criteria, which would have helped me to understand my role better.

There's no mention of humans or godlike, and you didn't realize you can only target shadowspawn?

nen-suer said:

I was silenced and my vote this night will not count toward any lynch (will still show up the in the table)

plus i can't use my night action (if i have one).

If it will still show up, why didn't you "vote" for me anyway?

Btw, when you say "All humans are mafia with the corrupted human being thier safe claim."

I'm pretty sure you mean, "All mafia are humans..." but you've done that twice now.

tabaha said:
I'm not sure of how frequent is votals' posting are, and I'll be waiting for it to decide my lynch vote.
But for now, I can say I won't vote Linkz. This is half-blind trust judging on how he wrote the post when he voted Smeags.

(This is hard to do when I'm playing a game of this scale for the first time and I'm not following it from the beginning)

No response to Your suspicion was wrong, yet you only mention you're not voting me because of my push of Smeags.