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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

radishhead said:
I didn't know that it only worked on shadowspawn until stefl said my kill failed, and to read my role description more carefully. I stand by the fact that this is a wasted lynch - you know that I'm a SK, so why wouldn't you try killing someone that could give you some information?

Because your ass is gonna likely kill a towny since you 'can't' kill scum.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Because you can't give us information.
Radish I caught you night 1 because I could tell you were lying, and I can still see it. You're not fooling anyone.

nen-suer said:
Well that was surprising. I was expecting some gruesome night and alot of fireworks.
I'm almost kinda disappointed.....almost.

I wasn't expecting Linkz lynch to gain this much support early on (yay?)
Don't know what spurg is hinting after what he said earlier bout his role.
I got town feel from him due to his confidence...not sure if its in the right place tho

I'll be working over-time until Friday so may contribution will be less in the next couple of days.
I'm really tired right now.
nen-suer said:
And radish delayed kill is indeed worrying. Surprised that he's alive!
I really regret not hammering him night one.

I think he is as good lynch option as Linkz because of an interesting event that happened
at midnight.
nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:
mantlepiecek said:
nen-suer said:
I think he is as good lynch option as Linkz because of an interesting event that happened
at midnight.

What is it?

Because radish is sk, not mafia, and because linkz is mafia, not sk, sillyboy.


I said it's because of something interesting that happened at midnight sillyprof.

At least now i think you two are probably not responsible.



I'm not teasing. I'm just trying to see if i'm missing something.

And this has nothing to do with role......if i have one that it is.

It doesnt make Radish look good, but then again one can say the same thing about Linkz.

I just wanna know if it was to make


Now how in the world would your supposed silencing have anything to do with radish?

Yoshiya said:
nen-suer said:

I was silenced and my vote this night will not count toward any lynch (will still show up the in the table)

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if this means you are Radish's kill from last night. According to his kill method he clouds someone in darkness until they vanish. In the overall scheme of things this means that you are "clouded in darkness" during the actions of this Night and during the Midnight you will in the process of vanishing as a result of this.

Just a theory though, would be nice if Radish could confirm it so from now on we know what it going to happen to Radish's victims (assuming he survives tonight).

I'll have responses to more in a moment it's just I only woke up a while ago and quickly skim read the last few pages before seeing this.

nen-suer said:
Yoshiya said:
nen-suer said:

I was silenced and my vote this night will not count toward any lynch (will still show up the in the table)

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if this means you are Radish's kill from last night. According to his kill method he clouds someone in darkness until they vanish. In the overall scheme of things this means that you are "clouded in darkness" during the actions of this Night and during the Midnight you will in the process of vanishing as a result of this.

Just a theory though, would be nice if Radish could confirm it so from now on we know what it going to happen to Radish's victims (assuming he survives tonight).

I'll have responses to more in a moment it's just I only woke up a while ago and quickly skim read the last few pages before seeing this.

That  pretty intersting theory Yoshi! And i need to confirm a few things becouse this could even be worse than i thought!

Also Radish who did you target last midnight.


scummates confirmed.


Edited for clarity, made my input italicized and put them on another line.

I wasn't going to use my ability, I just wanted to help the town a little more before the mafia killed me

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Just out of interest, did Nen claim corrupted townie?

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You have now moved up my list.

Town, when I am gone, lynch in this order:
Yoshi, nen, hat

The other 1 or 2 I am not sure who could be and I need to do some more reading.
Most likely carl and someone else.

radishhead said:
Just out of interest, did Nen claim corrupted townie?

shadowspawn which confirmed 100% that zero was town somehow.

hmmm this also would mean that mafia was definitely still trying to kill radish....
what to do what to do.

Several options:
a) radish was recruited and they're sacrificing him to look better
b) radish was targeted for the kill and blocked, doc'd, they still think he's a threat (despite only being able to kill shadowspawn, though as of then, yet unknown), so they try to still kill him during the day.
c) busdriver was blocked, kill hit nen, who is deathproof

A makes sense in a vacuum, ie, none of the other evidence really effects this theory.
B begs the question, "why try to lynch him instead of linkz, who could be a townie mislynch"
C would mean mafia is having a really bad day

You how they say religiontexts adjust descriptions and explanations to what is discovered by science? No matter what break throughs are discovered somehow religion always had the answer it just wasn't deciphered. *points at prof

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

get on my level.