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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Linkzmax said:
spurgeonryan said:
Oh my God! I cannot spell it out for you because that would give it away. But Thanatos you are so far off I cannot even see where you went. It is day two and I am not saying anything definite right now. No idea why Mario and Zero thought they had to give so much away day one.

Radish is town and our best chance of killing scum if he is a vigilante. Lets face it guys. We have lost like 6 games in a row now. Radish wildy shooting into the night is probably our best bet. After today he should have a better idea of who to shoot at. Lets let the day begin and get everyone in here first.

I see you've learned from last time. You have no evidence against me, because there is none to have. I was not roleblocked as radish suggested you may have been hinting at, but that doesn't matter because I don't have a killing role, nor am I a part of a faction with a killing role. And my action last night could not have prevented a kill either.

Say you are telling the truth.  Can you give us another reason there was no kill last night? A claim that someone blocked you and no night kill is pretty damning evidence against you and Spurge has no reason to lie unless he wants to commit suicide. We will surely lynch him if you don't flip scum.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Well spurge could have Nursed someone successfully, or there's a town blocker that blocked someone who's actually scum.

Oh you were trying to trick me, you sly bastard. =)

spurgeonryan said:
I will say that STefl is a bastard and hosts games about as well as Final Fan does. If you are not exact he says something stupid and annoying or he does stupid and annoying things. Like last game when we basically voted to kill Mario, but he "did not" have full 100 percent on it so he just randomized it. STop being punks mods! You do not have to be jerks about the whole situation. Stefl is worse.

I know several players gave you slack for this but I'll go ahead and agree that Stefl is pretty inconsistent with me personally. At least the results are pretty vague. For now, it renders my ability absolutely useless.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

spurgeonryan said:
Actually linkz, I voted for you because I did not feel anyone of them should have been voted for. You are saying I should have chosen betwwen town and town. Nice test.

And you are right. This role is lame.

As I said, you gave every indication you were okay with a zero lynch:

But if you really didn't want either of them lynched, what stopped you from voting no lynch? That is why leaving your vote on me was bad. By doing so, your vote said you were perfectly fine with BOTH lynches occuring.

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:

Yes it certainly is retarded to make such a point at people who aren't online. However, you were.

my post:

your post:(in another thread)

And we all know how crazy you are about your forum buddy.


But you asked for my suspects. As I said before the night came to an end, anyone not making a choice between the two lynch candidates looks suspect to me. I named FF and Tabaha and then. Offhand, I can't remember anything FF has brought to the game other than trying to push a few people to vote. No town reads nor any scum reads. Nothing that anyone can look back on to compare or contrast with opinions down the line. Tabaha is more a product of replacing in for a Kantor that I didn't feel good about due to lack of participation.(I recall thinking he was mostly a lurker in my GoT round where he was scum) Post-lynch, his reasoning for voting zero isn't good, but I'm not going to blame him for something I asked for. And it could easily be attributed to a newb unsure of what to do. He should definitely be pressed night 2 though.

Re-reading the end of night one though, DT stands out the most to me. First he said "I think we are making a mistake voting no lynch." here and soonafter, once the votes settled, he said "This is going to be a painful night. 2 lynch kills, mafia kill, maybe a vigilante kill, maybe a serial killer kill. here. The night kills are inconsequential, because they should be expected no matter what. If he were a townie, he's saying we should have a lynch and his vote was on mario so he shouldn't have considered him town. He did say he did not believe zero was scum, but lynching one scum with a town isn't exactly painful. And even if he considered it as such, he could have voted no lynch to save zero. So that line suggests he already knew zero and mario weren't a part of his faction, and he just wanted to seem like a concerned townie.

And yes spurge, I don't care that you've claimed to have a role.(which if you do, you are probably completely in the wrong in what you're trying to do with it. Why don't you claim treestump again and cry about it) When you are around with ~1 hour left and there's a tie between 2 players and you don't make a choice, it says that you're perfectly fine with both of them being lynched. And given the flips, that looks very bad for you.

Impressive votal re-read and analysis. I'm equally impressed between this and prof's analysof Hat's play.

You wouldn't reveal such mistakes if you were scum, even to win townie points, as it would put a fellow scum in danger.

You and prof are now my two top town reads. 

Oh, thanks...

happydolphin said:
I feel like a sheep this game, but after the night results, I'll follow radish and Spurge, and cast my vote with full responsibility on linkz.

Vote: linkzmax

Wait, hwat?

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DarkThanatos said:
Linkzmax said:

Re-reading the end of night one though, DT stands out the most to me. First he said "I think we are making a mistake voting no lynch." here and soonafter, once the votes settled, he said "This is going to be a painful night. 2 lynch kills, mafia kill, maybe a vigilante kill, maybe a serial killer kill. here. The night kills are inconsequential, because they should be expected no matter what. If he were a townie, he's saying we should have a lynch and his vote was on mario so he shouldn't have considered him town. He did say he did not believe zero was scum, but lynching one scum with a town isn't exactly painful. And even if he considered it as such, he could have voted no lynch to save zero. So that line suggests he already knew zero and mario weren't a part of his faction, and he just wanted to seem like a concerned townie.

This post is justifying why you are off track with your accusations of me. As i said, I think we are making a mistake voting no lynch, because  we needed a lynch to get some information, be it to find a scum, or as simple as just help cracking the DRM. By voting no-lynch, the information we would have got would have been the one that the Mafia would have given us, rather then what we as  a collected town wanted to find out. At the time I -along with many others- were very suspcious about Mario because he was playing badly etc. I did not consider him town, and rather then no-lynch I wanted Mario lynched. That's why I said we are making a mistake with no lynch. 

However I considered Zero to be almost certainly Town. He went against Mario's point about his role, and it was likely that he was Cop or Doctor because of this, as i thought Mario was mafia and fakeclaiming. I did not want Zero to be lynched because of this. Lynching one scum and a town power role cop/doctor in my eyes Is painful, because it could quite easily be just Mario. If I had removed my vote from Mario and voted no-lynch then Mario would have been saved -i thought he was scum- and voting no lynch would have still got just Zero lynched or it would have been no-lynch. Which I have already justified is a bad idea. 

So no. As I was stuck between either getting Zero lynched and Zero and Mario lynched, it was going to be a painful night.

If you want someone to be suspicious of look at Radish. He unvoted Zero and didn't vote anyone else, creating the whole situation. As a serial killer he would want as many people to be killed as possible. On top of that, whether he is Vigilante or Serial Killer, he has stated several times he does not know who he is going to vote for, and is just blind firing, which is likely to kill another town, as there are more towns then 3rd party and Mafia combined. 

How much Mafia experience do you have again?

The rest of your post is basically rewording what I originally said. But it's interesting that there's no tone suggesting you think I'm attacking you. Rather you're trying to convince me to look elsewhere... and then

DarkThanatos said:
theprof00 said:

There is a role that delays other players roles but it's rare.

Anyway, noc, now that you're here, you don't need to question radish. We already know he's scum, and I've devised that he's definitely an SK. We are keeping him around to thin out the mafia numbers, but we need to be careful that he doesn't start following his own win strategy.

I'm not sure thats the best action to take. There is no reason for Radish to kill off scum, because he knows if he targets scum they will just kill him. If he targets obvs town then we will just lynch him. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place. So I think he will either just blindfire, or target the people who are analysing everything and being active to generate confusion and cause mischief as he knows he almost definately won't win. So there's that, and then there is just the probability he will hit town anyway.

I agree Linkz is very suspicious and likely scum. I would happily vote for either of them. So for the moment 

Vote Radish 

But I'll change that to Linkz to finish him off. 

Pray tell. What makes me very suspicious. Why am I likely scum?

Smeags said:
Carl2291 said:

Ive noticed youve said this 3-4 times now. About Mead.

Is there any reason for this?

What? Do you not enjoy Stefl's legendary shadow-mead? Nothing better. Fills your soul with that empty dark feeling.

(Just felt like it was a good "Ye Olde" drink to use for my character )

Also hm... looks like we finally have an oppurtunity to do some good this night. May the darkness consume us all.

Vote: Linkz

No explanation whatsoever, eh?

mantlepiecek said:
theprof00 said:
Anyway, as far as linkz is concerned, I'm still not convinced that he's mafia. I'm leaning mafia through his actions, but his words have gone a long way in putting that conviction off.

It's been the opposite for me.

His words and actions both, pretty much paint him as scum to me. Radish push, and then the ridiculously weak zero push.

This isn't the town linkz. His actions, his reasoning, everything points to him being scum.

Last game radish implies someone going to be modkilled means they're town and I correctly identified him as town. This game radish added suspsicion onto someone who implied that someone going to be modkilled means they're town. The role meta was a distant second reason, and I still think I'm right about that too.
Zero made two mistakes which caused me to misread him. He droned on and on and on and on about hatmoza, when he had already recognized hat's reason for the vote on mantle. And he accused mario of needlessly claiming to have a role, so I took his post about not having a cool role literally. Thus his push on Mario felt like trying to get a town power lynched.

tabaha said:

I'm also suspecting Radish and Linkz.

Radish mostly because of this post. It looked too suspect to me, but could be paranoia as well.

For Linkz it is mostly paranoia due to him saying he wasn't suspecting me, and with it trying to make me trust him.

I'm still not sure, so I'll wait for more posts.

Whoa whoa whoa, when did that happen?

I named you as probable scum

And then I explained it

"Tabaha is more a product of replacing in for a Kantor that I didn't feel good about due to lack of participation.(I recall thinking he was mostly a lurker in my GoT round where he was scum) Post-lynch, his reasoning for voting zero isn't good, but I'm not going to blame him for something I asked for. And it could easily be attributed to a newb unsure of what to do. He should definitely be pressed night 2 though."

That's not me saying I don't suspect you. That's me saying blame shouldn't really be put on you for your vote.


Linkzmax said:
It's ludicrous how much of a trainwreck of bad/scumminess the attempt at my lynch has been. Scum is definitely overeager to get rid of me.

None of my suspects seem particularly interested in voting you though.

I'm not saying that you're scum, but that who has voted and who has not is not a particularly strong read, but in fact reinforces the meta that mafia are always generally cautious.

I am yes, using the fact that only two of my suspects were on the radish lynch:

radish prof  happyD  spurge  yoshiya  mario  linkz  DarkT carl

yoshi (4th voter:D) and carl.

Linkz spurge radish happyD smeags

Here I see only one of my suspects, and he's an SK.


round 43 (most recent filled chart) had 1 scum vote d1, 2svd2, 1svd4
round 42 had 2svd1, 4svd2, 1svd3
round 41 had 1svd1, 3svd2, 3svd3, 1svd4
round 40 had 2svd1, 3svd3
round 39 had 1svd1

days left out are mafia lynches.

As you can see, there are never very many mafia on a lynch. It always takes just one or two.

Meanwhile, my suspects nen and hat have no votes on either, and carl, yoshi, and radish only have one vote.


In conclusion, I don't think the scum are eager to get rid of you at all. There is information from an unreliable source for a lynch that they don't need to find themselves on and can then point a finger right back at spurge when all is said and done.