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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Metascore Prediction League 2012 - *PAVOLINK IS THE WINNER!*

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Boutros! D:

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

New update!

New games added
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale - 75
Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault - 61
ZombiU - 74
Epic Mickey 2 - 61
Far Cry 3 - 88
Hitman: Absolution - 81

Assassin's Creed III: Liberation is now up to 71 from 70.
LittleBigPlanet Karting is now down to 73 from 75.
New Super Mario Bros. U is now down to 83 from 84.
Nintendo Land is now up to 77 from 75.

Pavolink said:
Boutros! D:

Sorry sorry! XD

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Aw man if only one of those few games 3 points away from my prediction would get closer to it, I'd take the lead...I think PASBR will drop at least one point so, there's still hope!
Overall I'm pretty pleased with my results being the first time I predict scores, and also pretty shocked about how poorly lots of people predict! :p

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

So how are people sorted who have the same amount of points? I can't really make out how it works.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

Chandler said:
So how are people sorted who have the same amount of points? I can't really make out how it works.

I haven't either XD

But I think it will be by the amount of games predicted correctly (predicted correctly being given at least 1 point).

It could also be by the amount of games predicted perfectly (amount of 3 points predictions).

Hell yeah!!!

Only one point away from the very top now! :D

New update!

Assassin's Creed III: Liberation is now down to 70 from 71.
Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault is now up to 64 from 61.
ZombiU is now up to 77 from 74.
Epic Mickey 2 is now down to 60 from 61.
Far Cry 3 is now up to 91 from 88.
LittleBigPlanet Karting is now up to 74 from 73.
New Super Mario Bros. U is now up to 84 from 83.
Nintendo Land is now up to 77 from 75.
Paper Mario: Sticker Stars now down to 75 from 77.
Fable: The Journey is now down to 60 from 61.
Dragon Ball Z for Kinect is now up to 49 from 48.
Hitman: Absolution is now down to 79 from 81.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted is now down to 84 from 85.