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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why do Wii exclusives sell more than PS3 & 360 exclusives?

Tagged games:



Mario sold out! 9 14.52%
The Wii has a larger inst... 6 9.68%
Anyone could sell that ma... 6 9.68%
Nintendo did a better job... 17 27.42%
Nintendo fans will buy an... 10 16.13%
Micro/Sony relies more on... 14 22.58%

Wii getting slaughtered right now and still won this whole generation outright.

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pezus said:
No, then you're living on past glory, DanneSandin, because Wii is being slaughtered right now.

we're still top dog this gen - and that's all that matters :D

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

pezus said:
Kenology said:
Wii getting slaughtered right now and still won this whole generation outright.

Yes, do you see something contradictory?

Not at all.  Those terms aren't mutually exclusive.  Or is there some arbitrary rule you have in mind that I'm not aware of yet?  lol

The massive variety in third party multiplats available on the PS3 and 360 really detract from their first party exclusives. The first thing that comes to ones mind when buying a Nintendo platform are Mario games, Sony hasn't had that sort of mascot power since Crash Bandicoot, and Halo has withered a bit since CoD became popular.