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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Windows 8 Is Not Good For Gamers

I don't like the sound of it, to be honest. I don't want windows to take control of everything, I don't want everything to be integrated together under Microsoft's umbrella, which is one of the reasons I don't use the horrible GFWL or the LIVE services at all, except for the rare occasions I have to access my Microsoft certifications page. It just sounds like an extra layer of annoyance.

Definitely sounds like a skip year for Windows. I'm guessing Windows 8 is going to see pretty low adoption aside from tablets, so it probably won't be a big deal. What WILL be a big deal, though, is if Steam can get gaming started on Linux.

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It's really bad for multi-tasking, all tablet UIs are, and that's the main reason I have a huge distaste for Windows 8, it's fine as a touch device OS, other than how ugly it is, but in the hands of businesses and power users, it's really sluggish no matter how much people have claimed to have adapted to it.

My argument is simple, if it's so well designed, it wouldn't need a desktop mode, if it's so well designed, they'd give people options for the older style UI instead of trying to force people to use such a sluggish UI for desktop computing or non-touch laptops.

It is not a well designed OS for no touch environments, and I will never buy a touch screen that's as large as 40-80 inches because my finger prints would be all over the fucking place, not to mention I'd have to be up to it's face all the time, it makes no sense for home computing, the idea is they simply want to monopolize and make more money for themselves, and they are making us, the consumers, suffer for their greed.

For all of you on the side of MS on this one, just think about this: You are the consumer, MS is not giving you their money, their goal is to take as much as possible and they don't care about hurting others, all the innovation and smaller business will suffer, and might in time hurt you in other ways in the long run, yet you are taking their side, which makes no sense for us end users, at all. Unless of course, if you work for MS, then yes, go ahead and take their side, because you are working for them to get paid.

kowenicki said:
Linux counts for what? 5% of the OS marketshare. Go for it steam... Nice knowing you. It's a bogus threat anyway, they can't even support mac OS properly and that's got about 8% market share.

I cant believe people are seriously suggesting Linux as a viable place to go.

It is, these open source projects are getting better year by year, how do you think google is raping everything?

kowenicki said:
Linux counts for what? 5% of the OS marketshare. Go for it steam... Nice knowing you. It's a bogus threat anyway, they can't even support mac OS properly and that's got about 8% market share.

I cant believe people are seriously suggesting Linux as a viable place to go.

I don't understand what you're saying.  Not exploring developing markets is folly, and Linux usage will definitely grow.  How would expanding thier platform base hurt Steam?  In fact, one of the biggest reasons many people hold on to Windows is the gaming situation.  As web browsers and cloud solutions take over more and more of a PC's interface, the more sense Linux makes.


If I could play team through linux I'd be a very happy man

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

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pezus said:
kowenicki said:


Linux has 5% marketshare. What's more than 5%?

And let's not confuse "nerds" with the general gaming public.

What are you asking? You said: "Go for it Steam. Nice knowing you." like Steam would become obsolete because of Valve supporting Linux. Windows 8 will have a Vista situation on its hands I think. Gamers won't jump on it.

You might call Linux people "nerds", but what are they really, without making condescending remarks? General PC gaming public's way of thinking is not similar to consoles. If a small group of people don't like something, everyone will know and many will listen.

Some of my friends ask me all the time why I still use Windows, when Linux is free and better in many ways and I always answer: "Because of the games". If Steam goes to Linux properly, you can better your ass more people will do the same.

Absolutely.  I have three reasons why I use Windows 7: it was free, because I had classes that required Word, and games.  Don't get me wrong, I love Windows 7, but I also love my Linux Mint installation, which I have dual booted.  Take away those three factors and I would probably be using Linux right now.

And yeah, confusing "tech savvy" with "nerd" is just goofy.  It's not simply tech savvy people who end up with Linux, either.  As Linux interfaces get better and better, more of the general public will end up using it.  I installed Ubuntu on an old laptop for my niece, and Mint on an old destop for a friend who didn't want to buy a new copy of Windows.

Hmm, looks like some people here were right with their opinions on that article...

kowenicki said:
HappySqurriel said:
It sounds more like Microsoft's (long standing) insistence that the UI has to be heavily integrated with the operating system is now causing a lot of problems ...

If Windows followed a design more like a *nix system, they could have had several different front ends for different platforms; and even have different user interfaces for differen kinds of users.

There is a reason for it.  They want a cross platform uniformity and familiarity.  You cant do that by allowing carte blanche.

I'm not sure what the problem is here.  If people dont like it then dont get it.  Stick with 7.


That's not a good reason. Apple seems to be the biggest proponent of that, but even their UI's have substantial differences across devices. Metro UI is atrocious. It does not belong on a desktop. What works for one thing won't necessarily work for others. Putting a phone/tablet UI on a desktop is beyond stupid. And this isn't even a gaming-specific issue.

Another issue is the GFWL integration. Why force unnecessary crapware on the customer? I personally hate it; it works fine on Xbox, but once again, that doesn't mean it should be ported across all Microsoft products. The whole idea of forcing another framework that a developer MUST utilize may be okay for something like steam, but it should not be required by the OS.

This is simply the case of Microsoft trying to use their one deserved monopoly to acquire monopolies in other areas. The problem I have with that is that it can't be done with subtelty. When I installed Windows 7, it only came with some system tools, stock games and a browser to be used to download a better browser. That's it. Microsoft wasn't trying to force their own "preferences" down my esophagus.

I really fear that Microsoft is slowly turning into Apple... Which is not a good thing at all. I don't want to deal with frequent paid OS "upgrades". I don't want an unnecessary push towards user friendliness. I mean, have people seen even the W8 BSOD? It's ridiculous. Here's to hoping Microsoft doesn't go full retard and adopt OSX's paradigm of ditching legacy support.


twesterm said:
Hmm, looks like some people here were right with their opinions on that article...

"That's looks a lot more like the Microsoft that's been (mostly) kicking Sony and Nintendo's asses up and down the block for the better part of a decade."

I have some problems with the credibility of the linked article.  Seriously, what does that even mean?

pokoko said:
twesterm said:
Hmm, looks like some people here were right with their opinions on that article...

"That's looks a lot more like the Microsoft that's been (mostly) kicking Sony and Nintendo's asses up and down the block for the better part of a decade."

I have some problems with the credibility of the linked article.  Seriously, what does that even mean?

Lol yeah. That article is definitely impartial.