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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gametrailers respond to PS3vs360 setting comparison

Since some of us are crazy enough to have made the whole PS3 vs 360 setting into a conspiracy theory, gametrailers ended up writing an editorial responding to it.

Stupid really but thats what happens when fanboys get rabid sometimes...

This is prolly the key part:

"I guess the issue here is that PlayStation 3 fans believe that setting the RGB to full and adjusting the white levels--something that most PS3 owners will never even know exists--is the only way to make these comparisons fair. But where do we draw the line? Then do we go into the Xbox 360 settings and start screwing with stuff until we think it looks better? Who exactly decides what "looks better" means? One person likes dark blacks, another may like more detail and a lighter display. There's no other solution to this problem other than to do what we did, which is leave the consoles on their default settings and create as scientific an environment as possible--meaning making sure all variables that can be controlled are made the same."


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Seems fair to me.

They absolutely did the right thing. Its not even a question for me.

PS - I am pretty sure this was posted already =P

To Each Man, Responsibility

hmm, and leo-j was getting his underwear in a knot over this.

It won't matter. Some people just won't listen and will continue to call them biased and say the comparison videos shouldn't even be made.

"Maybe the better question is why the PS3 requires an HDMI cable and setting tweaks when the 360 is good to go out of the box with either component or HDMI."

Good point that many seem to miss....

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"And no, we're not recording the PlayStation 3 footage in standard definition as some, again, have hilariously stated."

so 360 graphics are better right now?


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



i agree with GT. As long as they aren't playing a game on a standard tv and comparing it to the same game on another system being played on a hdtv or something unfair like that, then its ok.

darconi said:

"I guess the issue here is that PlayStation 3 fans believe that setting the RGB to full and adjusting the white levels--something that most PS3 owners will never even know exists--is the only way to make these comparisons fair. But where do we draw the line? Then do we go into the Xbox 360 settings and start screwing with stuff until we think it looks better? Who exactly decides what "looks better" means? One person likes dark blacks, another may like more detail and a lighter display. There's no other solution to this problem other than to do what we did, which is leave the consoles on their default settings and create as scientific an environment as possible--meaning making sure all variables that can be controlled are made the same."

I think most PS3 owners who care to check trailers of new games and compare ports know exactly how display settings should be set. The point is their portal isn't for average guys who buy only NFS and PES/Madden. Definitely settings should be optimized for both consoles. Just my two cents.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

Awww look everyone. It's sherlock99 and hes too shy to say anything...AGAIN
Its ok Sherlock! You can come in and say something! Theres no need to be frightend!

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

