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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What features do you expect from a full-priced game these days?

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What features do you expect from a full-priced game these days?

Short, quality single-player. 0 0%
Short, replayable single-player. 2 9.09%
Lengthy single-player. 13 59.09%
Extra single-player features. 1 4.55%
Some multi-player functionality. 0 0%
Some online functionality. 0 0%
Full online functionality. 2 9.09%
Other. 4 18.18%
Kresnik said:
twesterm said:

Personally, provide me with 6-ish hours of enjoying, preferably at least 8, and I'm happy.  I don't care if it's good multiplayer, a long single player campaign, or a short single player game played through multiple times, as long as I'm getting about that out of the game I'm generally happy.

See, I do understand that because it seems to be the model games are taking at the moment - loads of 8 or so hour single-player games sell millions of copies each year at full price

But an 8 hour game with no replayability is going to be completed in two, possibly three sittings for me.  If I had the money I'm sure I could justify it better, but for that price it would have be giving me at least a fortnight worth of play.  

So generally I only buy RPG's/games I'm buying for the multi-player at full price (unless my hype levels are really high for it) and otherwise I wait for the inevitable £20 a few months later sale.

I'd agree with Kowenicki too, a bolted-on MP isn't going to be a selling point at all, I'd treat such as game as a single-player experience that I may have a go at the online with.

It all comes down to playstyle and time.  An eight hour game takes me a long time to complete because I 1) play in small chunks and 2) take a few hours longer than normal play time because I explore *everything*.

You can't find one model that pleases everybody.  What's worth $60 to me obviously isn't to you.

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I always hope/aim to get more hours out of a game than each £1 (about $1.60) I spent purchasing it. The only game recently that failed to meet that was Super Mario 3D Land, which I've clocked about 18 hours in iirc, but purchased for about £25.

For example: some of the other games I've purchased in the last 12 months.:

Xenoblade Chronicles - £35 bought, 102 hours played
Mario Kart 7 - £30 bought, 54 hours played
Zelda: Skyward Sword - £45 bought (Wii Remote + bundle), 51 hours played
Tales of the Abyss 3D - £38 bought, 46 hours played
SMT: Devil Survivor - £20 bought, so far 18 hours played (but I'm nowhere near the end)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - £22 bought, 35 hours played

I want the game to be fun fist of all (otherwise I get bored of it before I finish it), then it has to be long enough or replayable.
In the end if I buy a game full-price and I get bored of it in less than 20h I'll consider it a bad purchase; if it lasts 20 to 30h an ok purchase; more than 30h a worthy purchase.
Of course for a lower price I'm more condescending for longevity.

Value has become skewed for me. I now tend to spend more time playing games on iOS/Android devices than on Wii/360. I love my Wii collection but I have my smartphone everywhere I go and keep finding great games for it - for free.

So if I'm going to shell out $60 for a game now, I want at least 50 hours of gameplay out of it. My old limit was (based on Wii's user data) 10hrs and 10 plays on avg for a game, but now that I get that amount of play for free regularly, it's really hard to justify paying big bucks for it on a console (especially since I have to be home and generally have a large period of spare time to play it).

I've gotten 400hr out of Brawl, well over 50 out of games like the original Mario Bros (VC), Wii Sports, Demon Crush (VC), Endless Ocean (1&2) and others, so it doesn't have to be a spawling, graphic intensive RPG. It just has to be addictive fun.

Being able to play with others (Just Dance, party, Lego games) would also help justify the price.


Kresnik said:
Nevermore said:

Oh, my bad. I read the first paragraph and given the poll figured how the rest would go. ;)

On a sidenote, I also bought Portal 2 full price and even though I love the game, I feel kinda cheated. Especially because I didn't even play the coop, just the single player.

It seems you have pretty much the same mentality as me regarding pricing.   I'd be okay with an 18-ish hour campaign but anything less and I do feel kinda cheated, yeah - even with something as thrilling as Portal 2.  I liked the comparison to other forms of entertainment thing you did in your other post :)

Great to know that there's more people that follow that mentality. So far I count three :D

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If you have a MP mode, in this day and age it better have an online(looking at you NSMBWii) and it better work(looking at you Brawl). Vice versa as well. There are exceptions for me, like a game that is really SP focused, like Uncharted, but even then I really ejoy the MP. And i dont know what jackass thought it was a good idea to have a game that has ONLY an online mode and charge you full price (looking at you MAG)

Gamerace said:
Value has become skewed for me. 

That's a very good way to put it, it's kind of the way I feel about things as well.  Thanks for the post, agreed with most of what you said!