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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hideki Kamiya does not like PlayStation All Star Battle - Claims its a rip off that throws morals away.

The man is on fire:

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Woah Kamiya!!! lololol

RolStoppable said:
Xxain said:
@ Sal

my post vanished

Changed is a bad word, more like altered

did TMNT smash up take this much heat?

No, because there was nobody willing to defend it.

Yeah... it was pretty much....

"This game is a ripoff."

"Yep, but TMNT is cool, hopefully it doesn't suck".

"It has Raphael as a super hero from the newest movie."

"uh oh...."

Ripping off Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Smash-Up a new low for sony.


OMG kkkkkkkkkkkk go go go Kamiya!!!

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I do really like Hideki Kamiya, but I dont agree with this.

Raiden is owned by Konami FYI, so ultimately it would be their decision to include him in the game.

I think the game looks great, and I'm glad they finaly decided to do it.

I'm sure Nintendo have done things in the past to copy Sony, or vice versa. Its not copying persay, but they get ideas from each other, and they implement ideas differently. Its not a crime in my opinion.

And by the way, no one should say that Bayonetta is a rip off of Devil May Cry, because Hideki Kamiya and Shinji Mikami created Devil May Cry during their time at Capcom. So it was their idea to begin with and do with what they wish.

Kasz216 said:
RolStoppable said:
Xxain said:
@ Sal

my post vanished

Changed is a bad word, more like altered

did TMNT smash up take this much heat?

No, because there was nobody willing to defend it.

Yeah... it was pretty much....

"This game is a ripoff."

"Yep, but TMNT is cool, hopefully it doesn't suck".

"It has Raphael as a super hero from the newest movie."

"uh oh...."

And out of a cast of 16 characters, fucking 4 of them were Rabbids! 25% of the cast of this so-called "ultimate TMNT game" weren't even from the damn series!

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

A203D said:

I do really like Hideki Kamiya, but I dont agree with this.

Raiden is owned by Konami FYI, so ultimately it would be their decision to include him in the game.

I think the game looks great, and I'm glad they finaly decided to do it.

I'm sure Nintendo have done things in the past to copy Sony, or vice versa. Its not copying persay, but they get ideas from each other, and they implement ideas differently. Its not a crime in my opinion.

And by the way, no one should say that Bayonetta is a rip off of Devil May Cry, because Hideki Kamiya and Shinji Mikami created Devil May Cry during their time at Capcom. So it was their idea to begin with and do with what they wish.

Your right. There is nothing wrong with being inspired by idea and using while making it your own, but thats the problem borrowed ideas are rarely ever made to something different.

People needed Hideki Kamiya to tell them that PlayStation All-Stars was a rip-off? anyway:

Nsanity said:

People needed Hideki Kamiya to tell them that PlayStation All-Stars was a rip-off? anyway:

Skin deep.