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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Q1 - $221m loss on of revenue $1.08bn. Shipments: 1.86m 3DS, 710k Wii, 540k DS

pezus said:

Why have people wanted that? It looks very large and not very portable. Probably appeals more to the smaller hardcore Nintendo crowd than to the casual crowd. I could see a Lite with a better battery doing much better honestly.

The 3DS is practically the size of the Lite. You want one smaller? More people wanted a bigger one that was more comfortable in the hand. That's what the XL is for.

XL has better battery life. XL is thin enough to fit in your pocket. I'm pretty sure it's also smaller (length-wise) than the PSVita.

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kowenicki said:

is it THAT much bigger than a Vita?  The XL screen could be a bit of a no-no though, a lot bigger but a pretty poor resolution isnt it?

(I hate that they don't increase the resolution but whatever. xD At least they added that extra layer of glare resistant glass.)

kowenicki said:

is it THAT much bigger than a Vita?  The XL screen could be a bit of a no-no though, a lot bigger but a pretty poor resolution isnt it?

I already read a few complaints that the XL's screen emphasied the jaggies more in certain games (Kid Icarus was brought up I think).

pezus said:

I don't really know how it is compared to the Vita, but then again how is the Vita selling?

Edit: And yeah, the resolution is still the same. It was low before, and will be horrible now.

The games looked great before. What are you talking about, boiii?! =P

pezus said:

The resolution, obviously. It was low before, there is no way to deny it, in comparison to the competitor, mobile phones and other portable devices.

And? The games looked great before.

Do you have a 3DS, Pezus? Or have you actually played one? (And of course Cell Phone resoultion is higher. That's one of the things cell phone makers are striving for.)

After you answer we should probably get back on topic.

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pezus said:
Tagged. So what do we expect from Wii? 500k shipped or less? I expect them to miss their 3DS prediction by quite a bit for the next year. I don't see the XL having such a dramatic effect. Mario will help but not enough.

you are underestimating the 3DS XL a lot. Not only will it sell well, it also makes the 3ds small version a better apeal because its 40 bucks cheaper

pezus said:


I still don't see a reason for why XL will make people who were holding out want to jump on it. 

I already told you why. That's the reason why. It's a perfect reason for many people. They want something that was bigger and more comfortable than the first. They can't go smaller, like they did with the Lite, because the small one was the first one to debut. (The original 3DS is what I'm talking about.)

I don't know why you don't understand this.

Pezus is right in that games will now look worse than before, because the larger the screen the larger the resolution needed.
Of course it's possible that 3DS already has resolution enough for the larger screen.

mantlepiecek said:
Pezus is right in that games will now look worse than before, because the larger the screen the larger the resolution needed.
Of course it's possible that 3DS already has resolution enough for the larger screen.

I don't think it does.

But I wasn't disagreeing with him that they'll look worse, I was disagreeing with him when he said they'll look "awful."

DSi XL looked worse than the DSi but it didn't look anywhere near awful.

The level of success the 3DS has been enjoying comes at a cost to Nintendo's bottom line because they are loosing money on each unit sold. If they also price the Wii U in a way that they would be loosing money per unit sold, then they would have to sell a heck of a lot of software to make up that difference and show any profits.