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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Q1 - $221m loss on of revenue $1.08bn. Shipments: 1.86m 3DS, 710k Wii, 540k DS

So Nintendo stopped giving out GFK chartz? Whats the point of it if you only release these if your consoles is doing good.

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shanbcn said:
So Nintendo stopped giving out GFK chartz? Whats the point of it if you only release these if your consoles is doing good.

They use to do it several days after the results, so it's probable that they will give them next week. AFAIK they don't do all the trimesters, but they do it most of them.

Kynes said:
shanbcn said:
So Nintendo stopped giving out GFK chartz? Whats the point of it if you only release these if your consoles is doing good.

They use to do it several days after the results, so it's probable that they will give them next week. AFAIK they don't do all the trimesters, but they do it most of them.

So they dont usually release next day?

shanbcn said:
Kynes said:
shanbcn said:
So Nintendo stopped giving out GFK chartz? Whats the point of it if you only release these if your consoles is doing good.

They use to do it several days after the results, so it's probable that they will give them next week. AFAIK they don't do all the trimesters, but they do it most of them.

So they dont usually release next day?

They usually release them after a Q&A session Iwata has with investors, I'm not sure if it's always the next day or it could also be later, but not every quarter they do it.