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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Q1 - $221m loss on of revenue $1.08bn. Shipments: 1.86m 3DS, 710k Wii, 540k DS

ethomaz said:
Aielyn said:
ethomaz said:
Bad Nintendo shipped numbers .

In what way? They seem to agree fairly nicely with VGChartz's numbers.

700k for Wii? Terrible.
1.8m for 3DS? Bad.

Maybe the worst Q1 for Nintendo this generation.

Just that.

Just wait till Vita to see what bad actually means

Around the Network
keironuk said:
I didnt see anyone say this but nintendo said in the report that as of today 25th july that they are no longer lossing money on the 3ds and that they are breaking even now so give it a month and they will be making money on it.

Yes as of today the 3ds is no longer sold at a loss according to nintendo.

acdcste said:
If i am understanding this, if the 3ds has sold 19m, and it does say sold, not shipped, then does this site have it undertracked by around a million, as these figures were through to the end of june?

In a company report, sold=sold to their customers=sold to retailers. If you read a PR report, then it can mean sold to customers, but in financial data it's always sold to distribution channel.

is Nintendo is d000med already been said...

kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:
pezus said:
Actually slightly better than I expected overall.

I expected 900k for Wii and 2.1m for 3DS.

what? frankly thats a load of nonsense.

this is just a chance for you to have a go and its a pretty weak attempt actually.

900k would have been ludicrous given the VGC numbers.  it would have meant about 120 plus days of supply.

Look my predition in your own thread.

Around the Network

Obviously not great news, but I thought it was gonna be worse than that, and from today the 3DS will not be sold at a loss so the next Quarter should be a lot better!

Nintendo and PC gamer

WOW 3DS sells much more than DS in the same period. Amazing!!!

Not the figures I was hoping for. Bring on the 2nd quarter results.

Aielyn said:
Farsala said:
Not sure if there is a better way of doing this but...
Global totals week ending march 03 12
3DS 15.3m
Wii 94.9m
DS 150.9m
Global total week ending Jun 30 12
3DS 18.0m
Wii 96.0m
DS 151.6m
3DS 2.7m
Wii 1.1m
DS 0.7m

So undershipping or overtracking? When does Nintendo release europe and its other numbers?

Quarter starts at the end of march, not the start of march.

Global totals week ending march 31 12
 3DS 16.05m
 Wii 95.2m
 DS 151.05m

 3DS 1.95m
 Wii 0.8m
 DS 0.55m

Sounds pretty spot-on, to me.

Doh I am so dumb...

Sucks to be Nintendo.

It's going to take them awhile to turn the ship around. The 3DS may be profitable soon or even now, but losses on the WiiU are going to negate what the 3DS does.

I imagine it'll be the 2013-14 calendar year before Nintendo starts posting concurrent quarters of profits. Hope they can keep their cash reserves at some level before its all over.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.