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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Q1 - $221m loss on of revenue $1.08bn. Shipments: 1.86m 3DS, 710k Wii, 540k DS

Wow, it seems that VGChartz is totally off with nintendo DS software sales!!! (763M at VGchartz VS 908.79M at Nintendoreport...)

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Turkish said:
Argh_College said:
Turkish said:
3DS Japanese sales came close to worldwide 360 sales.

Wich just proves the monster that 3DS is and will be even more when Nintendo release those crazy versions.

PS3 numbers won't be far off 3DS numbers worldwide.

we will see in a few days

Bad Nintendo shipped numbers .

ethomaz said:
Bad Nintendo shipped numbers .

In what way? They seem to agree fairly nicely with VGChartz's numbers.

I know a loss is always bad, but for some reason this wasn't quite as much as I was expecting.

I hope they return to profitability soon.

Around the Network
Aielyn said:
ethomaz said:
Bad Nintendo shipped numbers .

In what way? They seem to agree fairly nicely with VGChartz's numbers.

700k for Wii? Terrible.
1.8m for 3DS? Bad.

Maybe the worst Q1 for Nintendo this generation.

Just that.

Anyway, on shelves (VGC based):

DS: 420k
3DS: 980k
Wii: 580k

pezus said:
Actually slightly better than I expected overall.

I expected 900k for Wii and 2.1m for 3DS.

I didnt see anyone say this but nintendo said in the report that as of today 25th july that they are no longer lossing money on the 3ds and that they are breaking even now so give it a month and they will be making money on it.

If i am understanding this, if the 3ds has sold 19m, and it does say sold, not shipped, then does this site have it undertracked by around a million, as these figures were through to the end of june?