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Forums - General Discussion - Quitting College - Have to pay ?

If you're quitting before your degree ends, why?

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In Australia the government pays for your university (if you cant pay upfront) called HECS and is a loan.

Then when you get a job you pay it back at like 6-8% a year when you earn over a certain amount of money.

In the meantime the loan goes up and down with CPI.



You'll pay your entire life

Not if you're in Romania where there's no such thing as a student loan. I'm finishing up my master's degree next year and I'm not paying a dime to anyone. If anything, my college has been paying me for 5 years now. State education + Scholarship + Student sales = I love still being in college.

Otherwise, if we don't know where the OP is from, we could assume that the college demands pay because they are now going to suffer for an unoccupied spot which is not bringing them any money (if the college education is paid for). As such, it's only natural for the institution to demand payment for that spot, regardless of the time of the year.

I very much agree with your point of view

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TiagoCosta said:
Já vi que és de Portugal, sim tens de pagar, se não ficas em dívida não tenho a certeza das consequências dependendo da universidade deixam.te pagar em prestações. É melhor informares.te nos serviços académicos de onde estás a estudar. Mas tens de pagar.

Aliás deu uma notícia na tv não há muito tempo sobre isso mesmo.


Obrigadão tiago! Epa ai os bacanos pensam que tou a falar do Secundário ? Eu tou a falar da Universidade isso não se diz nos USA "College" ?

For everyone else i already finished the High School 2 years ago im talking of University or College i dont know how you guys call it, i´ve been there for 1 year but i really tired of it i just want to work and have my own money, my own house etc.

But anyway i already have the answer so thread can be locked.

Thanks everyone anyway.

Soleron said:
If you're quitting before your degree ends, why?

Yeah i shouldnt pay anything because i wont study there anymore.