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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

Mantle i dont think you undetstand.
Im trying to tell you that claiming when you did is ehat saved your life. Not the claim itself.
mafia like to claim miller because its a smart way to get out pf a guilty scan.

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Mantle your inexperience actually makes me feel better about the defending.
If what i gather is right, you broight up a role because in your head i did so poorly as town last game that being a townie in its own merit is not a good enoigh reason to stay a quick lynch.
lol roasted!

theprof00 said:
Mantle i dont think you undetstand.
Im trying to tell you that claiming when you did is ehat saved your life. Not the claim itself.
mafia like to claim miller because its a smart way to get out pf a guilty scan.

I was planning on role-claiming on day 2 itself.

And why do you care, your intention was to destroy the town anyway.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
RolStoppable said:
nen-suer said:

Nen, three people consider the possibility that you are scum in this round. What do you have to say in your defense?

Ok huge HoS on Rol. Never expected this from you. Nen is not in the game.  Are you scum huting or are you, you know want a mislynch??


Also huge HoS on those suspects Nen. 

Oh the irony in this post!

Signature goes here!

You were addressing trucls just then, correct?
Thats who tyk is?

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theprof00 said:
Im marching in the pride parade for the mext few hoirs so dont expect any invilvement.
Meanwhile everyone have fun and KEEP POSTING.

I want pictures!

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
Wonktonodi said:
Prof and insomniac are obviscum. Spurge has kindle so probable cant read is pm yet. Non pm reading is a non tell. While rol is probably town and hat is seeming town but we wont know until we see how he goes crazy.

I really don't know what to make of this first post. It can't be serious since Wonk had so few posts to analyze people but yet if it's a joke it's a very poorly delivered one.

I got my laugh making it and that's all I cared about. Although the fact you are the first to even quote it give's me another laugh :)

theprof00 said:
Mantle your inexperience actually makes me feel better about the defending.
If what i gather is right, you broight up a role because in your head i did so poorly as town last game that being a townie in its own merit is not a good enoigh reason to stay a quick lynch.
lol roasted!

You make no sense, prof.

I would have "defended" you even if you didn't have any abilities, as long as you were town. I still don't know if you are town, and I said that to Mario because he thought that you being a townie was a burden on the town.

hatmoza said:
DanneSandin said:
I'm checking in now and reading through the thread... I still don't get all the accusations being thrown around after 3 posts, but up untill the last game there were a whole lot I didn't understand, period ^^

And I don't really get why ppl appease Mario and his request; if he had some lie detector role he wouldn't go out and spell it out THIS early in the game. Unless he wants to draw the mafias attention to him... some form of body guard role? Bullet proof? But I'll humour him:

I am pro town.

Happy now Mario? =)

And here we have another player posting just briefly after he's mentioned as someone who didn't post yet.

Spurge's accusation is that he claimed he didn't read his PM. You honestly don't have to read passed 10-15 posts to figure that out. Why? Why is that a hard accusation to 'get'? Let me tell you, it's a common tell for scum to not care to analyze and read deeper into posts because they simply don't care. And why should they? They aren't scum hunting. Now, do you understand my  reasons for being suspicious of you? Point both reason out for me.

That said, I do agree that mario is acting beyond dumb. Still, I already said that earlier, and you sir are now parroting. Add to the that the level of discomfort you show in your post towards mario's actions. You sound frustrated that you have to say "I am pro-town". Now to be fair, one could probably  argue I displayed the same level of discomfort in my post for mario. But Ill counter that 1) I don't care and 2) I was actually pissed off that he might screw us over with attracting too many actions on him tonight that are better off spread around the town.


HoS Danne

The fact that I showed up after being called out is pure coincedents! It was saturday (or friday - cant remember since I´ve had these days off) and I had just gotten up from bed...

Are you talking to me in your second row? if so heres a very good example of you reading too much things into what ppl say: I wasnt talking about spurge alone, I was talking about this whole "lets get a lynch" going! Now, as Ive read more of whats happend I realize that the goal of voting  on ppl is neccesary to get them lynch, but to press them of opinions, to get attention on them and to try to make them slip up.

I show as much discomfort as quite a few others did, AND I voiced my opinion on the matter about the fact that (was it) prof who wanted ppl to claim sex. Just as much, but you didnt point that thing out...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

hatmoza said:
Wonktonodi said:
Weekends can be bad for me with keeping up. I was busy with my siblings coming into town. and a cousins wedding. I have tried to keep up wth my phone but have not een able to even say that I was busy. Tomorrow I wil l

ok never mind. That's not mason talk, just family affairs.

Regardless of their circumstances, because I'm selfish like that, I want to hear from:






Sorry I havent been on here for the whole day! Me and my gfs been cleaning and setting up my new computer - just to find out that my wifi usb adaptor has gone missing, so I have no internet on my computer. I dont like to post from my phone cuz its a pain in the ass to quote from, and it hs a way of shutting down when Im typing - the whole browser actually shuts down, and what Ive been writing is lost.

Happy with that answer?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.