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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:
Hey Radish thanks for the bodyguarding on night one noob.

You were strongmanned, it would have made no difference. None.

Except radish would have probably been dead as well, so well done radish.

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Linkzmax said:
I got some laughs from any mafia that thought the cartel would have the same safelist as them. Am I a trollmod now? "Here, town has no reason not to buy these names... but third-party will lynch/kill you on the spot!"

that would be me then :D I was the one who was all over the place, not claiming from the safelist...

so, who was on the safelists?

spurgeonryan said:
I feelnlike I killed Prof because I did not protect him night one.

Again, it would have meant nothing. prof died because mafia ultimately decided to strongman him instead of blocking him, and prof decided to chance it instead of commuting.

Linkzmax said:
mantlepiecek said:

I really don't think we played that bad tbh. We just were obvious. If we had tried to not be obvious we would have lost some of us, and it's due to sheer numbers we have won this game.

I disagree, you guys could have been far less obvious and still had a perfect game. As hat(I think) put it, you played for a perfect win or to "fall like dominoes."

Yeah and it paid off. It was very risky though. We thought we will lose on day 3, but Danne's lynch turned out to be a blessing.

mantlepiecek said:
Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:
Hey Radish thanks for the bodyguarding on night one noob.

You were strongmanned, it would have made no difference. None.

Except radish would have probably been dead as well, so well done radish.

Strongman bypasses protection, thus radish wouldn't have been successful and thus he would have remained alive as well as Kantor. radish could kill hat though theoretically.

Active Abilities: Each night you may target a player and attempt to protect them. If successful you will take the kill for them and take the killer down with you.

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Stefl1504 said:
Linkzmax said:
I got some laughs from any mafia that thought the cartel would have the same safelist as them. Am I a trollmod now? "Here, town has no reason not to buy these names... but third-party will lynch/kill you on the spot!"

that would be me then :D I was the one who was all over the place, not claiming from the safelist...

so, who was on the safelists?

Mafia: Safelist: Catelyn Stark, Benjen Stark, Rickon Stark, Margaery Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Maester Aemon, Robin Arryn, Theon Greyjoy, Viserys III Targaryen, Pyat Pree

Cartel: Arya Stark, Yara Greyjoy, Jeor Mormont, Tommen Baratheon

Linkzmax said:
mantlepiecek said:

Except radish would have probably been dead as well, so well done radish.

Strongman bypasses protection, thus radish wouldn't have been successful and thus he would have remained alive as well as Kantor. radish could kill hat though theoretically.

Active Abilities: Each night you may target a player and attempt to protect them. If successful you will take the kill for them and take the killer down with you.

Well according to the wiki the bodyguard can die if his target is targeted by a strongman.

I guess it depends upon the mod.

I knew once you referred to the game in which hat got you to dayvig me before I even said a word that day because the host started the day early without any notice given.... heh

Otherwise I had no clue, and NOBODY else would ever think of that either. But the flavor for your death was meant to cloud whether you died due to your role or because you were killed.(And it turned out to be both)

Which wiki? makes no mention of it.

In the case you're talking about does the bodyguard die along with the intended target?

Noctis killed you AND you died trying to protect hat.