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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

RolStoppable said:
Also, Day-talk sucks for two reasons:

1) It gives scum too much of an advantage. They can launch coordinated attacks on top of knowing each other already.

2) I had to talk to prof.

lol @ 2

yeah, I agree, daytalk really gives scum to much of an advantage...

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RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:

Rol, if you read my comments in the dead, you;ll know.

You did marvelous for most of the game. Even when you said I must be facepalming, I thought you were doing great.

Your problem was believing Hat was town. Our problem (as a team) was not commuting night one.

Yes, that was my problem. That and thinking that Stefl is town too. And, of course, the obvious thing I missed. Holding back my watcher result on Day 3 to then say that kantor didn't visit noctis. And maybe I gave up too early, but then again, if I didn't, I wouldn't have been able to avoid a lynch anymore, because I would have inevitably trapped myself in more and more lies to the point that even FF may have realized that something isn't right.

I disregarded most of your theories, because many of them were wrong. Like happyD's house must be all masons or siblings.

Ultimately, your greed on Day 1 with the houseclaims and our decision to gamble on Night 1 got the whole misery rolling.

That was happyd being foolish.

See, I don't know if the houseclaim would've laid me to rest. I'm sure somewhere in the mafia thread Hat says "let's kill prof for lulz". Had I not been so much in the spotlight, it's likely I may have even been less concerned with commuting, ie, I might've been killed regardless and without warning.

Anyway, I was right about a lot of things too, and I think you just started to disregard everything I said at some point to where you didn't believe me that Hat was scum. He was so slimy during your whole bulletproof thing. But anyways, it's not your fault. You decided to help town since cartel vic wasn't likely anymore, and you did all you could.

Nobody else in town really made an effort to do anything. Meanwhile, in the dead thread we knew basically everything and nobody would lynch scum.

Oh, and you can only expect roughly 60% of my theories to be right.

RolStoppable said:
Also, Day-talk sucks for two reasons:

1) It gives scum too much of an advantage. They can launch coordinated attacks on top of knowing each other already.

2) I had to talk to prof.

3) It makes it almost impossible to read through the quick topics post game.

I read through the mafia thread until I was lynched, but won't even bother with the rest, or with the mason one. If I didn't die so early there would be no way I was going to read through the dead thread either...

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Mafia had no advantage from talking to each other during the day, believe me.

Hey Radish thanks for the bodyguarding on night one noob.

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I really don't think we played that bad tbh. We just were obvious. If we had tried to not be obvious we would have lost some of us, and it's due to sheer numbers we have won this game.

I got some laughs from any mafia that thought the cartel would have the same safelist as them. Am I a trollmod now? "Here, town has no reason not to buy these names... but third-party will lynch/kill you on the spot!"

theprof00 said:
Hey Radish thanks for the bodyguarding on night one noob.

You were strongmanned, it would have made no difference. None.

Yeah, the fact that we still were 5 people so "late" into the game made us make some stupid stunts...

mantlepiecek said:

I really don't think we played that bad tbh. We just were obvious. If we had tried to not be obvious we would have lost some of us, and it's due to sheer numbers we have won this game.

I disagree, you guys could have been far less obvious and still had a perfect game. As hat(I think) put it, you played for a perfect win or to "fall like dominoes."