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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

hatmoza said:
So let me get this straight, please do correct me if I missed anything. I simply breezed over the last 300 posts.

So it turns out Rol saw only two people at Prof's last night, one claimed doctor and the other claimed motivator... and we want to lynch the doctor? Sorry if I'm the odd ball here but I'd MUCH rather lynch the so-called motivator than risk losing a doctor. I think Kantor has more to worry 'bout from scum or possible third factions than us hanging him by the neck. Plus, if mario does flip motivator and he was telling the truth we can lynch Kantor tomorrow anyway. I'm sorry but right now I'm more comfortable lynching mario. My vote is still on him. Plus,

I assure everyone that me wanting to lynch mario has nothing to do with proving to myself that my suspicion of him was right all along.

Of course you are more comfortable lynching me. You have been suspicious of me since page one. The feeling is mutual though. I can't wait to see you flip scum so that I can see I was right all along.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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Kantor said:


-supermario128, of course

-Korppi and Noctis for lurking

-Spurge for being so roundabout and difficult (lesser suspicion)

-Pezus for relentlessly pursuing me this entire game (even before spurge did, back on Day One). I don't see why he would roleclaim miller, though, so this is more an annoyance than a suspicion.

People I am sure are town: RolStoppable (watcher), Radish (Brienne) and... that's about it, really.

No one should suspect Pezus. Also, you can add Baalz to you "town" list and myself. Btw, this list seems totally fake to me.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Kantor said:

The only reason I began to think I was an insane doctor was that spurgeon had already half-claimed doctor, and we couldn't have two fully powered ones.

It is entirely possible that I killed prof, but I wasn't intending to kill prof. If you are town, then I did kill him, and I was correct about being an insane doctor. If you are Mafia Strongman, I could still be an insane doctor, but I also have the possibility of being a normal doctor.

Notice how I was willing to accept the possibility that you were not mafia, whereas you were absolutely sure I was scum. Mario, there is only one way to be sure of somebody's alignment in this game, and that is if you are mafia yourself.

You have been acting shifty since this game began, and the moment Rol lets up on you to involve me in the investigation, you jump at the opportunity to push the blame somewhere else.

Vote: supermario128

A very convenient story. The only thing I am sure about is that you killed Prof. You are mafia on a separate team from his own and wanted to get rid of the biggest threat because he could see your true identity. I am not pushing the blame somewhere else, I am pushing it on you because I trust Rol's role claim. If you and I were the only ones to visit Prof last night then you killed him and I don't believe your insane doctor claim at all.


mantlepiecek said:

Cosidering spurge is a restricted doctor, I have having a hard time believing that there is an unlimited vigilante on the townies side.

On the "townies side", eh? Don't you mean "our side"? More proof you are scum.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Another thing to consider. If I am lynched all you will find out is that I was telling the truth about my role and character. You won't know any more about Kantor than you did the previous day. If Kantor is lynched we will see if he is either scum or an insane doctor, and if either are true it proves I am town. If he flips scum we can look back at previous conversations and have good leads going into the next day and it means we have one less scum member to worry about.

Lynching me won't bring anything good to the town, but lynching Kantor will give us a lot of answers. Also, I am opposed to lynching someone just for lurking. They could have important roles and their death won't bring us any leads because they never really talked to anyone. When was the last time Koroppi even posted? Maybe we can get him mod killed?

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

We have our leads and you guys are willing to lynch an uncertainty? 

It's really funny. Why are you guys so afraid of? 


Rol you have your leads. One them could be lying and you guys are willing to let go a potential scum because of what exactly? You are willing to risk letting a scum go? TBH if you are town you are giving the scum a huge favor in here. You are giving a potential scum to live  another day and here I thought you were a great player. It's just turn out you are still newb in this game.

I promised to re-read the two guys and I think doing so will be bad idea now it would be a complete waste of  MY time because our claim watcher doesn't have any confidence on his  power now. He watch two guys and prof died and now he wants to wait another day for more information. What are you gonna do watch mario or Kantor? 

PS: Rol is stupid that is all. It's like stupid detective where all the evidence is right in front of him and  still can't see it. 




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Mario[L-6] - happy, hat, mantle, Kantor, Baalz
Noctis[L-7] - radish, Final-Fan, Rol
Kantor[L-8] - Mario, pezusRolradishFinal-Fan 
korppi[L-8] - happy
spurge[L-8] - Stefl
hat - Baalz, Mario
insom - spurge
Baalz - happy
happy - Mario


With 16 players alive, 9 votes are needed for a majority lynch.

14 hours remain. Day ends Monday 5PM EDT(9PM UTC)

hatmoza said:
Ok, I'm probably not going to be online for the deadline but I would rather lynch the obvious killer from the two who were watched, mario, and put an end to Rol's lead today rather than postpone when we are likely to have a new lead or two tomorrow. I mean, do we really want to go back to discussing who the possible scum between the two are if they both survive through the night? I really want to put an end to this question mark by tomorrow, not go over it again.

Just put your vote on mario guys, it will mean a lot to my pride when he's lynched and flipped scum. Motivator my ass.

Totally, Totally  fucking agree with this. If we lynch one of them. Their flips will tell us a lot of information especially if lynch the right guy.

It's really silly and frustrating  that you guys are letting this huge chance go and opt to wait for another day. We have our leads what's more to look for? The evidence is right under your faces. Rol watch Prof and the  2 guys confirmed they visited prof and prof died.

Wow! this is so damn frustrating! The level of stupidity in here is soo beyond unimaginable. 

supermario128 said:
mantlepiecek said:

I want to know why you targeted prof on night 1. I remember that you said you thought prof was scum on day 1 and that I was in his team. So why did you try to use your ability on him when you though of him as scum?

Please go back an re-read the thread then. You will find the answer you are looking for. Also lol at this second part because you are mixing up day 2 with day 1. I said I thought you were scum after you defended him on day 1.

No, you said prof was scum as well.


You said you suspected me to be on his team.


So tell me. Why are you changing your initial statements so much? I have read it and I don't believe that you are saying the truth. You say you thought prof was innocent? But you also said that you thought prof was guilty. So what is it?

supermario128 said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Mario: I found his claim too convenient. Motivator is the safest claim because in all the games I played I haven't encountered a motivator yet. The chances of someone counter-claiming is very slim but he could also be telling the truth so IDK.

You also said that you tried to motivate yourself are you pulling being stupid or confuse card in here?

Kantor: Claiming Doc. While I found mario too convenient. I find kantor's claim to be too risky. Why would I even claim doc if someone died? but he could also be lying of course.

I also sees his claim post a well taught out post. It's that the right term for it? But Kantor is smart as far as I can remember and this is the first time I played with him and I really don't know his playing style so IDK.

My claim was convenient because it is the truth. I don't care how "safe" you say it is, the fact that I will be able to prove it will be what matters. Yes, I am telling the truth Noctis.

Also, please go back and re-read the thread because it seems you did a terrible job at it. I already explained this twice.

The fact that he claimed he could be an insane doctor right away is what rubs me the wrong way. He didn't just say he was the doctor because someone else could have proven he was lying. He was careful to claim insane doctor to explain the kill without looking like scum. It was the perfect claim and you all have fell for it. Also, if he was an insane doctor then he isn't even worth keeping around. He could protect people he is trying to kill and kill people he is trying to protect. Just trust me on this one, I am 99% sure he is scum.

Wait what? This just seems like a scum trying to get rid of a potential doctor/vigilante.

supermario128 said:
mantlepiecek said:

Cosidering spurge is a restricted doctor, I have having a hard time believing that there is an unlimited vigilante on the townies side.

On the "townies side", eh? Don't you mean "our side"? More proof you are scum.

Now I am just LOLing at this logic. We were talking about possiblities of roles for town and the reason I put it like that was because I think townies having an unrestricted vigilante must be rare. A third party unrestricted vigilante makes more sense.

But it's funny to see you trying to find stuff desperately that isn't there.

It's getting much clearer for me now.