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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

hatmoza said:

Even if he was town, I can understand baalz vote on me. But your vote mario is just your cheap attempt to come after me after all the shit I threw at you in this game.  That just adds to the reason why you stink of mafia. You Hosed probably five players since this day started. Let me answer your question with the same question. Why do you feel confident to vote me after I admitted defeat to baalz? Are you mistaking my confession that I have nothing to prove him to be scum with as a weakness? Do you you really think him voting me means anything at this point? Is this your opportunity to sneak in a vote?

I already expalined I was ready to vote for you when I made my initial list of people I was suspicious of. Do you think you were at the top for no reason at all? No, it is because I found you most suspicious and still find you the most suspicious. I'm not sneaking in a vote anywhere because I have nothing to hide.

What also bothers me is that I've given you so many more opportunities to be suspicious of me but you only gain the confidence to do so when someone has a vote on me. Where was this vote when I basically told you to stop with the list making? Was that not scummy enough for you? Instead you rolled over and obeyed like a tame dog.

I wanted to wait and see what Baalz had to say at first, but everything he said matches with what I thought he would. Thus, you are scum trying to get a lynch-proof townie killed by a vigilante, so you don't have to do it yourself. I don't obey anyone lol. I still want people to give me their suspect lists.

why is it that you just now laughed at HappyDolphin's vote when you are obviously well passed that post? Why is it so funny now? Because it adds comic relief to your scummy vote on me ? Or because the relevance matched so well  to hide your vote behind.

Honestly, he was lucky I even responded to his vote. He wants to put pressure on me so I ask him to ask me questions, but what does he do? Nothing. Instead you have to come in and ask all the questions for him. Are you helping out a fellow scum mate with this?

But it's only fair that I answer why I don't have my vote on baalz. My first reason being it's the start of the day. Secondly, and here's the big one, it didn't occur to me that it was likely a one shot unlynchable until Kantor mentioned it after my first post of day 2. Go read that post for yourself

So, you honestly thought he could have been an infinite lynch-proof scum before that? lol

I really thought it was an unlimited lynch proof until Kantor said x shot. I took the liberty of reading it in the wiki, and sure enough it was there as a common one shot. A little back ground check for something you strongly defend will tak you a long way mario. So eager for my blood. I got something to tell you. This town will not go down so easily.

Yes, I would love to have you lynched because I am sure you are scum.

Don't underestimate me. Just because I can't compete with baalz claim because I have no proof and very few to back me, does not mean I don't have the ability to back my points up with facts. What you and baalz claim to see as a weakness will easily be turned against you. Especially you mario. You think I wasn't waiting for the first piece of shit scum to jump all over me when I showed signs of weakness? You fell right into fuckville, and I'm the sheriff.

So, are you claiming to be the sheriff with that last part?

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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supermario128 said:
hatmoza said:
Mario. I appreciate your enthusiasm (or acting) for trying to make discussions by asking question but your timing is so fucking off for this right now. I think we should tackle potential leads revealed by the OP before opening new discussion of who suspects who. We did plenty of that day 1. This is not the time to dilute the current discussion that is going on.

For example, this is the time that people go back and find odd interactions with prof on day 1 and bring them forward. We have data. We need to analyze it more before making shitty lists again. For fuck sakes Baalz and Prof just made lists before day 1 ended. Go find correlations there and stop this act of yours.

The more discussion the better Hatz. We can look back at conversations day one AND continue to ask new questions. I think we can handle a bit of multi tasking.

I did a bit of analyzing. Mantle was the first one that caught my attention with his defense on Prof when he got two votes on him. He said Prof might have a powerful role which could help us, but why was he assuming so early on and why was he even defending someone over a joke vote. Prof wasn't even close to being lynched.

Also, I don't really care for their lists. I prefer to make my own.

Once again Mario, after I have explained this three times to three different people.

vote : supermario128   

You are constantly trying to twist my words; I wasn't doubting you that much but with this act you have given yourself away. I NEVER said Prof might have a powerful role which could help us. I said he could have abilities and hence wouldn't be a burden on the town like you thought.

" Vote: Prof
Like Rol said, he is a hindrance to the town. Just look at last game for all the proof you need. Plus, he thinks he can never be lynched in this game. We need to show him he can be. Also because he is bound to be mafia at some point and I think he is this game. "

This was my post. I want everybody to look at your lies.

mantlepiecek said:

I NEVER said Prof might have a powerful role which could help us. I said he could have abilities and hence wouldn't be a burden on the town like you thought.

Abilities = power role.

No abilities = vanilla townie.

Try harder Mantle.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

supermario128 said:
mantlepiecek said:

I NEVER said Prof might have a powerful role which could help us. I said he could have abilities and hence wouldn't be a burden on the town like you thought.

Abilities = power role.

No abilities = vanilla townie.

Try harder Mantle.

There is a huge difference between powerful role and just power role.

You are now just trying to backtrack on your initial statements.

Honestly the more I think back at this whole baalz thing... maybe I am overreacting a tad. I just can't bypass this feeling! I reread his whole miller claim show at least 3 times now.

That's it, I'm writing it off as unsolvable because I think I'm going to go mad trying to persuade myself he did all that as scum. I'm never going to forgive myself if you turn out scum though.

That said. We have flips, and we have confirmed at least one scum faction with prof. Tomorrow I'm going to make use of the new information and start fresh because I literally have a migraine.

My vote stays on mario because regardless of my moment of madness, I still think he's shady wiith the way he's been acting

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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mantlepiecek said:

There is a huge difference between powerful role and just power role.

You are now just trying to backtrack on your initial statements.

pow·er·ful  (pour-fl)adj.
Having or capable of exerting power.

He has a powerful role = he has a role which has power.
I don't see anything wrong with what I said.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

I'm confused about the Baalz thing. During Day 1, I voted for him because it baffled me that he would just give up and let himself be lynched if he was pro town. I did not realize at the time that he was unlynchable, and he said so in a later post (which I didn't see until after Spurge's hammer vote).

Right now, I am more inclined to believe Baalz because the plan would draw tons of attention to himself, without him having been under any pressure. I don't think that he had been very suspicious up until the point where he claimed miller, and to say that he was trying to give himself an excuse if a cop scanned him seems farfetched to me. If he was scum, I see no reason for him to try to make such a claim on day 1 right as activity was slowing down, which would ensure that he was the center of attention.

General feelings about hatmoza and happyd from their support of a scum Baalz? Hatmoza's argument doesn't bother me too much; even the part where he hasn't pushed for a lynch of Baalz today. Not many people believe his argument, and to continue to push for a Baalz lynch would be pointless at this time. As for the argument itself, I can at least see where he's coming from. But as for now, I am inclined to agree with Baalz' reasoning. The part that does bother me is his claim that baalz is changing his argument. I haven't noticed any of that, so please point that out to me if I'm missing any contradictions.

Happyd's argument bothers me a bit more because not all of his points make sense to me; Baalz causing night, not knowing about another miller and therefore wondering how Baalz would attract votes, not planning on being lynched vs not caring; Those don't contradict each other if he is unlynchable, from my understanding. Happyd later said that to say you don't care about being lynched implies that you don't care about the night starting. To me, that said that Baalz wasn't worried about people voting for him because he knew he couldn't be lynched, not that he wanted night to start sooner.

Posts that bother me:

Post 1. This vote was the second to last on Baalz (Final-Fan's vote), after Baalz had told people to stop voting for him to keep discussion going and explained why he claimed at all. Of course, it's not too hard to imagine people not believing him after that. It just feels odd to me.

Post 2. The hammer vote on Baalz. I'm already suspicious of Spurge, so this didn't help matters. My problem with this is more that he did it while people are talking than that he cast the hammer vote.

Post 3. Spurge defending his vote on Baalz. This one just rubbed me the wrong way. Casting the hammer vote is different than casting another vote; especially in a game like this where there is no twilight. That immediately ends the day, and there isn't supposed to be any more discussion until the next day starts. Again, he hammered Baalz while discussion was going on, and that bothers me.

insomniac17 said:

General feelings about hatmoza and happyd from their support of a scum Baalz? Hatmoza's argument doesn't bother me too much; even the part where he hasn't pushed for a lynch of Baalz today. Not many people believe his argument, and to continue to push for a Baalz lynch would be pointless at this time. As for the argument itself, I can at least see where he's coming from. But as for now, I am inclined to agree with Baalz' reasoning. The part that does bother me is his claim that baalz is changing his argument. I haven't noticed any of that, so please point that out to me if I'm missing any contradictions.

I was referring to the post where he said he claimed miller without any idea there was a real miller. Before that (end of day one), It was implied (or at least I was under the impression) he  planned this whole thing. And if you look back at my posts, that was my biggest gripe - I couldn't believe he planned this out. He would have to know so much for it to run the way it did.

I'm slowly starting to realize that was not all a big genius  town plot to begin with, because he's admitting it had flaws and it wasn't completely fool proof. It was just a dumb fucking luck, and I'm finally coming around.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

supermario128 said:
mantlepiecek said:

There is a huge difference between powerful role and just power role.

You are now just trying to backtrack on your initial statements.

pow·er·ful  (pour-fl)adj.
Having or capable of exerting power.

He has a powerful role = he has a role which has power.
I don't see anything wrong with what I said


I am simply amazed at your ridiculous post.


Power Role

A power role is any role that is not Vanilla. This does not imply that the role is actually powerful, or even helpful - just different from the ubiquitous Vanilla Townie.

These roles are further divided into Active Roles and Passive Roles.


Directly copied from the wiki.

And mario continues to behave scummy... I'm taking some aspirin, and taking a long sleep tonight. I can't remember the last time I had such a huge headache from a mafia game.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson